Locate lidar data from another geospatial data portal
Model wetland presence using lidar DTMs and DTM metrics using Random Forest
Compare outputs to the national wetland inventory
Wetlands Data from the National Wetland Inventory
Lidar and topography Data from Open Topography and Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys
R Studio
ArcGIS Pro
What you will turn in:
In this lab we are going to be expanding on modeling with lidar. In particular we’re going to attempt to model wetlands across a landscape covered by our lidar data. This kind of modeling will use
Input data from the National Wetland Inventory
Terrain metrics and lidar intensity as covariate predictors for wetland presence
A Random Forest algorithm for the prediction.
This might be a big leap from linear regression but we’ll step through this lab exercise and think of things more conceptually.
For this lab we are also heading north outside of Washington and into Southeast Alaska which is home to the Tongass Rainforest.
The Tongass Rainforest and Tongass National Forest is the largest U.S. National Forest and worlds largest temperate rainforest at 17 million acres. The overall climate is perhumid or basically the wettest with nearly 200in per year on average and mean annual temperature between 39-54oF. With this climate, the forest is dominated by Sitka Spruce, Western Hemlock, and some Yellow Cedar. It is also home to brown bears, black bears, wolves, deer, and salmon. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tongass_National_Forest)
The Tongass has been since time immemorial and still is home to Tlingit and Haida indigenous people who have been stewards of the land until Russian, European, and American settlement. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tlingit)
As you may have guessed, this climate leads to the formation of many wetlands and peatlands. These wetlands and peatlands are especially critical to conserve because they store a lot of carbon and keep it from entering the atmosphere https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-9326/aaed52
Scenario: There is a small city-owned ski area in Juneau, Alaska that is looking to expand some of their skiing terrain and add a new ski lift. This is actually happening
But, the ski area sits on land that is covered by wetlands and peatlands due to the soggy and cool climate of the Tongass Rainforest
The city wants to limit the disturbance of wetlands but when consulting National Wetland Inventory (NWI) maps of the area, there are many that appear to be missing or poorly mapped.
Furthermore, many of the wetlands are forested and cannot be seen with aerial imagery, posing a challenge for the city to identify them.
The city is asking you, a lidar mapping consultant, if you can help them with a better map of wetlands in the area.
The ski area was more or less recently mapped with lidar in 2013 and could provide the necessary detail to map these wetlands. You will need to download and analyze the data and use the NWI as reference to build a new wetland map.
This should be sort of familiar by now, but gathering data is sometimes the most difficult part of the job. Thankfully as a start the Alaska Department of Natural Resources Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys maintains a data portal similar to the Washington Lidar Portal.
QUESTION 1: Check out some of the other data available in this database. Name 3 other lidar projects/acquisitions in Southeast Alaska
Turn off all the data to see better and navigate to Juneau, Alaska.
Turn on the Juneau 2013 Boundary and/or DTM Hillshade. These are visualization tools to get data. We’re looking for this small block within the total acquisition.
Zoom in a bit and use the box tool in the upper right to delineate the area to download data from. Then select the Juneau 2013 All Points (laz point cloud files), DTM, and Metadata
It’s sort of a big file with 714Mbs but half of that is the DTM. To speed up time downloading we can remove the DTM as well. I am hoping Madrona is OK with this…
Once the files are downloaded and extracted from the .zip folders, you can check out the metadata.
QUESTION 2: What was the point density of the first returns in P1 pts/m2 compared to ground returns in P1 pts/m2?
QUESTION 3: In Table 8, what is the classification number for Ground Points, Water, and Ice?
Also look in the laz folder, there are a lot of .laz files!
So the data did come with a lidar derived DTM but we’re going to go through and create our own with a slightly lower resolution to save space.
Remember we can use R and the lidR
package to generate
Let’s open up RStudio and load our libraries
library(terra) #for rasters and spatrasters
library(sf) #needed for readLAScatalog
We can now use the readLAScatalog
function to “read” our
data. Note, this is the efficient way to read data
since it does not do so completely. We can also set the chunk size
setting the opt_chunk_size
to something smaller than our
tile size and opt_output_files
to write files out of R and
process things more efficiently
Check out ?readLAScatalog
again and the
for details. https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/lidR/vignettes/lidR-LAScatalog-engine.html
QUESTION 4: Read the above lidR LAScatalog-engine link. What are the roles of the catalog engine? Copy/Paste is fine but list one of the roles that is the most confusing for you
ctg <- readLAScatalog("Lab 7/Lab72023/data/dds4/juneau_2013_usgs/point_cloud_data/")
#check the units for meters
plot(ctg, mapview = T)
We’re also going to do some filtering to get rid small tiles with less than 2,111,716 points. This leaves us with some nice squares to work with and lessens the data processing strain
ctg <- ctg[ctg$Number.of.point.records > 2111716]
plot(ctg, mapview = T)
I’m going to grab the shapefile of the lidar catalog footprint here
rgdal::writeOGR(as.spatial(ctg), "data/","las_footprint", driver="ESRI Shapefile")
plot(vect("data/las_footprint.shp"), type = "polygons")
Here we’re going to set our LAScatalog
options for
this is the size of the chunks that
are processed sequentially. Smaller chunks can be more efficient. But I
tried this and for some reason it didn’t like it on my computer
: this is the selection of attributes. I
chose z
for height, i
for intensity, and
for classification to lessen some of the processing but
there are more:
gpstime, a
- scan angle, n
- number of
returns, r
- return number, c
classification, s
- synthetic flag, k
keypoint flag, w
- withheld flag, o
- overlap
flag (format 6+), u
- user data, p
- point
source ID, e
- edge of flight line flag, d
direction of scan flagopt_laz_compression
: This sets the file output to
which is the compressed version of
this shows our progress in the
All of this is set for our processing of our catalog file
opt_chunk_size(ctg) <- 0 #the chunk size. 0 means the entire tile.
opt_select(ctg) <- "zic"
opt_output_files(ctg) <- opt_output_files(ctg) <- "Lab 7/Lab72023/data/dds4/juneau_2013_usgs/point_cloud_data/written_chunks/{ORIGINALFILENAME}_dtm"
opt_laz_compression(ctg) <- TRUE #we want output as laz vs las
opt_progress(ctg) <- TRUE
optional: I just wanted to overwrite the files I made from these functions
ctg@output_options$drivers$SpatRaster$param$overwrite <- TRUE
Let’s create our DTM. This will take a while! So I would encourage you to write the file to your lab folder and save it in a safe place once it’s done. Then you should never have to do this again.
dtm <- rasterize_terrain(ctg, 5, tin(), pkg = "terra")
writeRaster(dtm, "Lab 7/Lab72023/newlidardtm.tif", overwrite = T)
When it finishes you should have something like this!
dtm <- rast("Lab 7/Lab72023/newlidardtm.tif")
We can also grab the intensity values while we’re at itn but we need to specify the function to get mean Intensity. This also could take a while so write out and save for easy future use.
m <- ~list(avgI = mean(Intensity))
intensity_raster <- pixel_metrics(ctg, m, res = 5)
writeRaster(intensity_raster, filename = "Lab 7/Lab72023/intensity_raster.tif")
et voila!
intensity_raster <- rast("Lab 7/Lab72023/intensity_raster.tif")
plot(intensity_raster, main = "Lidar Intensity")
“QUESTION 5: Take a screenshot of
your DTM but with a different color scheme. You and do this with the
function and setting col =
c('red', "blue', 'purple')
or some other
Now that we have our DTM we’re going to calculate some metrics that refer to topography. The reason we focus on topography is so that we can see beneath the canopy at what is going on on the ground.
Check out this collaborator paper on hidden wetlands: https://egusphere.copernicus.org/preprints/2022/egusphere-2022-665/
QUESTION 6: From the paper what is the tool used to identify wetlands called? Name one of the terrain variables used in the model. Hint: look at one of the figures
To create metrics we need some additional help from GIS interfacing
packages. One of those is whitebox
from Whitebox Geospatial
Inc. They have a great manual for a bunch of tools related to terrain
and a complete list of tools in R specifically are listed here:
Download and install whitebox
whitebox::install_whitebox() #NEED TO DO AND MAKE SURE IT WORKS
Check out the lidar tools
## [1] "All 50 Tools containing keywords:"
## [2] "AsciiToLas: Converts one or more ASCII files containing LiDAR points into LAS files."
## [3] "ClassifyBuildingsInLidar: Reclassifies a LiDAR points that lie within vector building footprints."
## [4] "ClassifyOverlapPoints: Classifies or filters LAS points in regions of overlapping flight lines."
## [5] "ClipLidarToPolygon: Clips a LiDAR point cloud to a vector polygon or polygons."
## [6] "ErasePolygonFromLidar: Erases (cuts out) a vector polygon or polygons from a LiDAR point cloud."
## [7] "FilterLidarClasses: Removes points in a LAS file with certain specified class values."
## [8] "FilterLidarScanAngles: Removes points in a LAS file with scan angles greater than a threshold."
## [9] "FindFlightlineEdgePoints: Identifies points along a flightline's edge in a LAS file."
## [10] "FlightlineOverlap: Reads a LiDAR (LAS) point file and outputs a raster containing the number of overlapping flight-lines in each grid cell."
## [11] "HeightAboveGround: Normalizes a LiDAR point cloud, providing the height above the nearest ground-classified point."
## [12] "LasToAscii: Converts one or more LAS files into ASCII text files."
## [13] "LasToMultipointShapefile: Converts one or more LAS files into MultipointZ vector Shapefiles. When the input parameter is not specified, the tool grids all LAS files contained within the working directory."
## [14] "LasToShapefile: Converts one or more LAS files into a vector Shapefile of POINT ShapeType."
## [15] "LasToZlidar: Converts one or more LAS files into the zlidar compressed LiDAR data format."
## [16] "LidarBlockMaximum: Creates a block-maximum raster from an input LAS file. When the input/output parameters are not specified, the tool grids all LAS files contained within the working directory."
## [17] "LidarBlockMinimum: Creates a block-minimum raster from an input LAS file. When the input/output parameters are not specified, the tool grids all LAS files contained within the working directory."
## [18] "LidarClassifySubset: Classifies the values in one LiDAR point cloud that correspond with points in a subset cloud."
## [19] "LidarColourize: Adds the red-green-blue colour fields of a LiDAR (LAS) file based on an input image."
## [20] "LidarDigitalSurfaceModel: Creates a top-surface digital surface model (DSM) from a LiDAR point cloud."
## [21] "LidarElevationSlice: Outputs all of the points within a LiDAR (LAS) point file that lie between a specified elevation range."
## [22] "LidarGroundPointFilter: Identifies ground points within LiDAR dataset using a slope-based method."
## [23] "LidarHexBinning: Hex-bins a set of LiDAR points."
## [24] "LidarHillshade: Calculates a hillshade value for points within a LAS file and stores these data in the RGB field."
## [25] "LidarHistogram: Creates a histogram of LiDAR data."
## [26] "LidarIdwInterpolation: Interpolates LAS files using an inverse-distance weighted (IDW) scheme. When the input/output parameters are not specified, the tool interpolates all LAS files contained within the working directory."
## [27] "LidarInfo: Prints information about a LiDAR (LAS) dataset, including header, point return frequency, and classification data and information about the variable length records (VLRs) and geokeys."
## [28] "LidarJoin: Joins multiple LiDAR (LAS) files into a single LAS file."
## [29] "LidarKappaIndex: Performs a kappa index of agreement (KIA) analysis on the classifications of two LAS files."
## [30] "LidarNearestNeighbourGridding: Grids LiDAR files using nearest-neighbour scheme. When the input/output parameters are not specified, the tool grids all LAS files contained within the working directory."
## [31] "LidarPointDensity: Calculates the spatial pattern of point density for a LiDAR data set. When the input/output parameters are not specified, the tool grids all LAS files contained within the working directory."
## [32] "LidarPointStats: Creates several rasters summarizing the distribution of LAS point data. When the input/output parameters are not specified, the tool works on all LAS files contained within the working directory."
## [33] "LidarRansacPlanes: Performs a RANSAC analysis to identify points within a LiDAR point cloud that belong to linear planes."
## [34] "LidarRbfInterpolation: Interpolates LAS files using a radial basis function (RBF) scheme. When the input/output parameters are not specified, the tool interpolates all LAS files contained within the working directory."
## [35] "LidarRemoveDuplicates: Removes duplicate points from a LiDAR data set."
## [36] "LidarRemoveOutliers: Removes outliers (high and low points) in a LiDAR point cloud."
## [37] "LidarRooftopAnalysis: Identifies roof segments in a LiDAR point cloud."
## [38] "LidarSegmentation: Segments a LiDAR point cloud based on differences in the orientation of fitted planar surfaces and point proximity."
## [39] "LidarSegmentationBasedFilter: Identifies ground points within LiDAR point clouds using a segmentation based approach."
## [40] "LidarTINGridding: Creates a raster grid based on a Delaunay triangular irregular network (TIN) fitted to LiDAR points."
## [41] "LidarThin: Thins a LiDAR point cloud, reducing point density."
## [42] "LidarThinHighDensity: Thins points from high density areas within a LiDAR point cloud."
## [43] "LidarTile: Tiles a LiDAR LAS file into multiple LAS files."
## [44] "LidarTileFootprint: Creates a vector polygon of the convex hull of a LiDAR point cloud. When the input/output parameters are not specified, the tool works with all LAS files contained within the working directory."
## [45] "LidarTophatTransform: Performs a white top-hat transform on a Lidar dataset; as an estimate of height above ground, this is useful for modelling the vegetation canopy."
## [46] "NormalVectors: Calculates normal vectors for points within a LAS file and stores these data (XYZ vector components) in the RGB field."
## [47] "SelectTilesByPolygon: Copies LiDAR tiles overlapping with a polygon into an output directory."
## [48] "ZlidarToLas: Converts one or more zlidar files into the LAS data format."
## [49] "LidarShift: Shifts the x,y,z coordinates of a LiDAR file."
## [50] "IndividualTreeDetection: Identifies points in a LiDAR point cloud that are associated with the tops of individual trees."
## [51] "NormalizeLidar: Normalizes a LiDAR point cloud."
Or tool parameters
## [1] "{\"parameters\": [{\"name\":\"Input DEM File\",\"flags\":[\"-i\",\"--dem\"],\"description\":\"Input raster DEM file.\",\"parameter_type\":{\"ExistingFile\":\"Raster\"},\"default_value\":null,\"optional\":false},{\"name\":\"Output File\",\"flags\":[\"-o\",\"--output\"],\"description\":\"Output raster file.\",\"parameter_type\":{\"NewFile\":\"Raster\"},\"default_value\":null,\"optional\":false},{\"name\":\"Z Conversion Factor\",\"flags\":[\"--zfactor\"],\"description\":\"Optional multiplier for when the vertical and horizontal units are not the same.\",\"parameter_type\":\"Float\",\"default_value\":null,\"optional\":true},{\"name\":\"Units\",\"flags\":[\"--units\"],\"description\":\"Units of output raster; options include 'degrees', 'radians', 'percent'\",\"parameter_type\":{\"OptionList\":[\"degrees\",\"radians\",\"percent\"]},\"default_value\":\"degrees\",\"optional\":true}]}"
One thing that is a bit weird with whitebox
is that the
functions require a file path but not a variable. So
the file path in quotes should go to the file and the output should also
be a filepath with a file name.
Here’s an example using the wbt_mean_curvature
dem = "Lab 7/Lab72023/newlidardtm.tif", #file path not variable
output = "Lab 7/Lab72023/mean_curv.tif")
Now we can open the mean_curv.tif
using the
function from the terra
package and plot
plot(rast("Lab 7/Lab72023/mean_curv.tif"))
You are now going to build many terrain derivatives from your new
that correspond to potential wetlands. We’re kind of
going to follow a couple sources that have done something similar:
We can use a few of the important variables from these sources for our wetland mapping particularly: slope, curvature, topographic wetness index, and topographic position index
“QUESTION 7: From the whitebox tools manual find Wetness Index under the Geomorphometric Section and find its equation. Notice it takes 2 paramters”As” and “Slope”. What is the As? https://www.whiteboxgeo.com/manual/wbt_book/intro.html
dem = "Lab 7/Lab72023/newlidardtm.tif",
output = "Lab 7/Lab72023/slope.tif"
dem = "Lab 7/Lab72023/newlidardtm.tif",
output = "Lab 7/Lab72023/totalcurve.tif"
dem = "Lab 7/Lab72023/newlidardtm.tif",
output = "Lab 7/Lab72023/rTPI.tif",
filterx = 5, filtery = 5
dem = "Lab 7/Lab72023/newlidardtm.tif",
output = "Lab 7/Lab72023/DEV.tif",
filterx = 11, filtery = 11
In order to get topographic wetness index
or just
wetness index
in whitebox we need to calculate
specific contributing area (SCA) or in
: flow accumulation
which needs a
hydrologically condition DTM where there are flow paths down the entire
area. Usually this means we fill depressions in a DTM but we can use a
breach depressions method that is a lower impact. This is described
dem = "Lab 7/Lab72023/newlidardtm.tif",
output = "Lab 7/Lab72023/newlidardtm_breach.tif",
dist = 10
input = "Lab 7/Lab72023/newlidardtm_breach.tif",
output = "Lab 7/Lab72023/d_inf_sca.tif",
log = F
plot(log(rast("Lab 7/Lab72023/d_inf_sca.tif")), main = "Log Transformed SCA/FlowAccumulation")
Now let’s calculate topographic wetness index
sca = "Lab 7/Lab72023/d_inf_sca.tif",
slope = "Lab 7/Lab72023/slope.tif",
output = "Lab 7/Lab72023/TWI.tif"
plot(rast("Lab 7/Lab72023/TWI.tif"), main = "Topographic Wetness Index")
Now we have a bunch of metrics calculated from our lidar DTM. In the paper examples there were many more metrics being used but for this lab we will use just a few. Next, we need to set up a wetland prediction analysis.
Random Forest is probably something you’ve heard about but if not, this will be a short overview of it, but not comprehensive. There are many resources to check out for this but here are a couple:
Think of your data randomly split up and walking on a trail in the woods then making certain decisions at trail forks. Those decisions on which way to go for at each trail fork will end up at certain locations. In this case the locations are classifications.
Basically we start with a dataset that has our lidar attributes and known classifications. We call this dataset training data. We build additional small sets of data by randomly sampling our training data in a process called bagging. Each “bag” is then run through a decision/classification tree whose branches are split based on randomly selected variables from our dataset. The result of each decision/classification tree is a classification and the final part of the Random Forest is taking a majority vote from all trees on what is the best classification.
This is a super simplified explanation so take it with a grain of salt. But Random Forest is used in many remote sensing and lidar applications so getting introduced to it is really important. For this lab we essentially want to use our lidar data in a classification scheme and Random Forest is one of the best tools
Let’s start with loading the libraries we need:
We also need some training data that tells us where known wetland locations are. We are fortunate that in the U.S. we have a great start with the National Wetland Inventory that can provide us with training data.
Check out the National Wetland Inventory Wetland Mapper and find our study area near Juneau Alaska
QUESTION 8: If we look at some of the NWI wetlands in our area, what is the most common habitat classification type? Also find one wetland and provide the classification code then describe it. It should look like PEM1/SS1B. Hint: click on the description tab in the popup window
QUESTION 9: Take a screenshot of the NWI mapper with an area that might be a wetland but is not covered by an NWI polygon. Why do you think that is area is a wetland? i.e. describe visual cues. No wrong answers really I just want to look at the data
So this is great to have the NWI but how do we get training data from this? Well, it’s a bit complicated. You can do this by:
Downloading the data from the NWI in polygon format
Clipping the polygons to the study area
Generating a stratified sample of points within the polygons and outside of the polygons
Labeling points within NWI wetlands as “wetlands” and points outside of the NWI as “uplands”
Exporting the points for extracting lidar metrics.
Because this is a Lidar class, we are going to ask out “coworker” to provide this data for us. Luckily this coworker has done this before an has created a beautiful training dataset that we should be thankful for. They even took care of some errors with the NWI and fixed points that were wrong 😎
But one of the things you should be aware of is how to get data from different sources, one of which is spreadsheets in .csv form which we have done a bit before. But below this code below:
Opens a .csv file that contains our NWI wetland/upland points
csv spreadsheets don’t have a projection and this one was made in
a different projection. So we need to import it using
and specifying the crs that our “coworker” made
the training data in.
We need to then project our data into the crs that we use which
is "EPSG:26908"
NWI_training_csv <- read.csv("Lab 7/Lab72023/NWI/AK_douglas_wetlands_pts_studyarea_att.csv")
NWI_training_pts <- terra::vect(NWI_training_csv, geom = c("X", "Y"), crs="EPSG:3338")
NWI_training_pts_prj <- terra::project(NWI_training_pts, "EPSG:26908")
Now we’re going to bring in the NWI wetlands, the las footprint, the dtm, and the training points, put them all in the same projection and map them
NWI_wetlands <- terra::vect("Lab 7/Lab72023/NWI/AK_douglas_wetlands_studyarea.gpkg") # import wetland polygons
## Warning: [vect] Reading layer: AK_douglas_wetlands_studyarea
## Other layers: wetlands
NWI_wetlands_prj <- terra::project(NWI_wetlands, "EPSG:26908") # reproject the wetlands into our las projectedion
las_footprint <- terra::vect("Lab 7/Lab72023/data/las_footprint.shp") # import the las footprint polygons
NWI_wetlands_mask <- terra::mask(NWI_wetlands_prj, las_footprint) # mask or clip the polygons to the las footprint
plot(dtm) # plot the dtm
plot(NWI_wetlands_mask, type = "polygons", add = T) # add the wetland polygons
plot(NWI_training_pts_prj, "class", col = c("red", "blue"), cex = 0.5, type= "classes", add = T) # add the NWI training points
Now we have our training dataset and we can extract the lidar metrics.
First we need to build a raster stack, basically layer all our lidar
metrics on top of one another. To make this easy to read we can import
all of our whitebox
metrics into R as variables
Don’t forget we can also add in our lidar intensity too!
slope <- rast("Lab 7/Lab72023/slope.tif")
tot_curve <- rast("Lab 7/Lab72023/totalcurve.tif")
mean_curve <- rast("Lab 7/Lab72023/mean_curv.tif")
topo_position <- rast("Lab 7/Lab72023/rTPI.tif")
sca_flowacc <- rast("Lab 7/Lab72023/d_inf_sca.tif") # let's log transform this one because it big - see below
dev <- rast("Lab 7/Lab72023/DEV.tif")
twi <- rast("Lab 7/Lab72023/TWI.tif")
stack <- c(slope, (tot_curve), mean_curve, topo_position, log(sca_flowacc),dev, twi, intensity_raster)
Ok we’re stacked and ready to extract these metrics using our wetland upland point data
pts_extract <- terra::extract(stack, NWI_training_pts_prj, method = "bilinear", bind = T)
pts_extract <- as.data.frame(pts_extract)
#remove any rows that contain NA
pts_extract <- pts_extract[complete.cases(pts_extract),]
#Just some extra styling code for the table
kable(pts_extract, "html") %>% kable_styling("striped") %>% scroll_box(width = "100%", height = "200px")
fid | ATTRIBUTE | class | slope | totalcurve | mean_curv | rTPI | d_inf_sca | DEV | TWI | avgI | |
1 | 3 | PEM1/SS1B | WET | 15.4285233 | 0.0001010 | -0.0038604 | -0.0878110 | 4.830799 | -0.1266186 | 6.124140 | 72.96473 |
2 | 4 | PEM1/SS1B | WET | 11.2360603 | 0.0000368 | -0.0023864 | -0.0344370 | 6.304861 | -0.1063135 | 7.921163 | 74.04179 |
3 | 5 | PEM1/SS1B | WET | 10.1945076 | 0.0001078 | -0.0053226 | -0.1470817 | 5.373756 | -0.1277044 | 7.103285 | 74.13510 |
4 | 6 | PEM1/SS1B | WET | 13.0368540 | 0.0000162 | 0.0006735 | 0.0245300 | 5.559433 | 0.0230528 | 7.023629 | 73.69513 |
5 | 7 | PEM1/SS1B | WET | 13.4254692 | 0.0001046 | -0.0060223 | -0.1308736 | 6.877510 | -0.3121900 | 8.314783 | 75.05712 |
6 | 11 | PEM1/SS1B | WET | 2.7016722 | 0.0000373 | 0.0004811 | 0.2348728 | 2.851914 | 0.1668981 | 5.986958 | 70.95591 |
7 | 12 | PEM1/SS1B | WET | 9.6953927 | 0.0000232 | 0.0022076 | 0.0907692 | 2.371331 | 0.1715326 | 4.138388 | 84.83896 |
8 | 13 | PEM1/SS1B | WET | 3.5444229 | 0.0000335 | -0.0019773 | -0.2410819 | 7.769579 | -0.2457803 | 10.556160 | 73.99895 |
9 | 14 | PEM1/SS1B | WET | 9.5572531 | 0.0000180 | -0.0017024 | -0.0394770 | 5.740816 | -0.0350202 | 7.522515 | 80.60236 |
10 | 15 | PEM1/SS1B | WET | 8.8394357 | 0.0000453 | 0.0024900 | 0.1224361 | 2.363076 | 0.0828913 | 4.224226 | 90.32671 |
11 | 42 | PEM1/SS1B | WET | 10.8374436 | 0.0000238 | -0.0003153 | 0.0507437 | 2.474046 | -0.1550018 | 4.127300 | 81.56779 |
12 | 43 | PEM1/SS1B | WET | 9.3390033 | 0.0000928 | 0.0035220 | 0.2415147 | 1.738159 | 0.1800290 | 3.547434 | 67.46588 |
13 | 44 | PEM1/SS1B | WET | 7.7806188 | 0.0001057 | -0.0000210 | -0.1704832 | 6.611493 | -0.3110811 | 8.611083 | 63.63974 |
14 | 45 | PEM1/SS1B | WET | 13.4614022 | 0.0001008 | 0.0046435 | 0.1209067 | 2.648347 | 0.1018279 | 4.078565 | 72.18480 |
15 | 46 | PEM1/SS1B | WET | 13.6824135 | 0.0001000 | -0.0057998 | -0.1803905 | 4.553503 | -0.2281663 | 5.973629 | 68.49661 |
16 | 47 | PEM1/SS1B | WET | 2.7603216 | 0.0001059 | -0.0050522 | -0.1723250 | 2.054248 | -0.2229692 | 5.170403 | 44.22005 |
17 | 48 | PEM1/SS1B | WET | 6.9011995 | 0.0000178 | -0.0011642 | -0.1763267 | 4.795780 | -0.2584912 | 6.914841 | 47.58430 |
18 | 49 | PEM1/SS1B | WET | 3.7344752 | 0.0000283 | 0.0012632 | 0.1948638 | 2.226896 | -0.2079087 | 5.215448 | 61.42358 |
19 | 50 | PEM1/SS1B | WET | 0.8826381 | 0.0000447 | 0.0019380 | 0.9262514 | 1.779569 | 0.2034058 | 5.973160 | 69.21864 |
20 | 51 | PEM1/SS1B | WET | 4.2135979 | 0.0000754 | -0.0031155 | -0.0410034 | 1.808993 | -0.4188579 | 4.430646 | 32.26825 |
21 | 52 | PUBH | WET | 3.9502881 | 0.0000548 | -0.0033824 | -0.3069497 | 5.325379 | -1.0824736 | 8.005301 | 51.19912 |
22 | 53 | PUBH | WET | 3.3879424 | 0.0000149 | 0.0021984 | 0.3173064 | 2.121654 | 0.2992874 | 4.970189 | 68.79109 |
23 | 54 | PUBH | WET | 13.2452200 | 0.0001379 | 0.0058497 | 0.1411914 | 2.268607 | 0.1937242 | 3.718556 | 77.95384 |
24 | 55 | PUBH | WET | 5.9512670 | 0.0001884 | -0.0050537 | -0.1314860 | 2.855228 | -0.4269709 | 5.126030 | 23.14726 |
25 | 56 | PUBH | WET | 7.5862593 | 0.0000040 | -0.0005791 | -0.0140974 | 5.260795 | -0.0136595 | 7.276823 | 85.66704 |
26 | 59 | PEM1/SS1B | WET | 31.1214443 | 0.0001409 | -0.0030473 | -0.0592352 | 4.933095 | -0.1666624 | 5.438029 | 56.35942 |
27 | 60 | PEM1/SS1B | WET | 12.4495134 | 0.0000142 | -0.0002375 | -0.0060809 | 3.995636 | -0.0731629 | 5.506391 | 77.37840 |
28 | 61 | PEM1/SS1B | WET | 14.7229596 | 0.0000497 | 0.0034415 | 0.0417739 | 5.569179 | 0.0920136 | 6.906483 | 73.35294 |
29 | 62 | PEM1/SS1B | WET | 11.1718687 | 0.0000189 | -0.0000663 | -0.0376204 | 6.142448 | -0.0146729 | 7.765783 | 72.52229 |
30 | 63 | PEM1/SS1B | WET | 13.5655622 | 0.0000139 | 0.0003193 | 0.0048318 | 5.697654 | 0.0684637 | 7.119763 | 74.93178 |
31 | 64 | PEM1/SS1B | WET | 7.1425060 | 0.0005090 | 0.0076892 | 0.2347859 | 1.667682 | 0.4548066 | 3.772235 | 68.34502 |
32 | 65 | PEM1/SS1B | WET | 9.0746677 | 0.0006529 | 0.0155030 | 0.3343531 | 1.913196 | 0.4786112 | 3.775604 | 67.19323 |
33 | 66 | PEM1/SS1B | WET | 11.7088638 | 0.0003348 | 0.0060168 | 0.1830825 | 1.876894 | 0.4375458 | 3.473521 | 64.99521 |
34 | 67 | PEM1/SS1B | WET | 8.8282648 | 0.0001487 | 0.0027625 | 0.1208068 | 1.877304 | 0.2874718 | 3.746055 | 53.09577 |
35 | 68 | PEM1/SS1B | WET | 12.7046074 | 0.0002401 | 0.0070608 | 0.2483179 | 1.808019 | 0.3830897 | 3.305501 | 60.61104 |
36 | 99 | PEM1/SS1B | WET | 5.9364860 | 0.0000028 | -0.0000117 | 0.0050809 | 3.821047 | 0.0951343 | 6.084939 | 73.87518 |
37 | 100 | PEM1/SS1B | WET | 10.4458194 | 0.0000460 | -0.0019873 | 0.0026609 | 2.960744 | -0.0382593 | 4.653162 | 118.00105 |
38 | 101 | PEM1/SS1B | WET | 8.0253306 | 0.0000298 | 0.0021957 | 0.0557252 | 2.330124 | 0.1860635 | 4.290536 | 111.71656 |
39 | 102 | PEM1/SS1B | WET | 2.2172640 | 0.0000120 | -0.0004798 | -0.0680278 | 5.360872 | -0.2906564 | 8.614608 | 76.45492 |
40 | 103 | PEM1/SS1B | WET | 13.6514553 | 0.0001423 | -0.0039587 | -0.0533104 | 4.848237 | -0.2581925 | 6.268394 | 65.07863 |
41 | 104 | PEM1/SS1B | WET | 10.9403598 | 0.0029375 | 0.0298188 | 0.8486951 | 1.609438 | 0.8261487 | 3.433015 | 101.24076 |
42 | 105 | PEM1/SS1B | WET | 2.1639817 | 0.0001475 | -0.0020553 | -0.1879058 | 2.987384 | 0.1790857 | 6.371991 | 73.51407 |
43 | 106 | PEM1/SS1B | WET | 1.8686422 | 0.0003775 | 0.0043253 | 0.0628965 | 2.022558 | 0.3534795 | 5.751120 | 73.12829 |
44 | 107 | PEM1/SS1B | WET | 3.4972841 | 0.0000510 | -0.0010231 | -0.0308122 | 2.848519 | -0.0466904 | 5.660249 | 74.64726 |
45 | 108 | PEM1/SS1B | WET | 7.1612642 | 0.0002327 | 0.0005386 | -0.1571605 | 4.694536 | 0.4056329 | 6.774995 | 70.76350 |
46 | 109 | PEM1/SS1B | WET | 11.4063182 | 0.0001375 | 0.0052485 | 0.1083904 | 2.265378 | 0.1705660 | 3.866481 | 62.80339 |
47 | 110 | PEM1/SS1B | WET | 10.7386333 | 0.0000239 | 0.0022519 | 0.0105465 | 4.101019 | -0.0386185 | 5.766064 | 62.11465 |
48 | 111 | PEM1/SS1B | WET | 11.1135114 | 0.0000190 | 0.0024037 | 0.0319058 | 3.702813 | 0.0154280 | 5.330467 | 62.07716 |
49 | 112 | PEM1/SS1B | WET | 10.0260970 | 0.0000601 | 0.0029756 | 0.1356278 | 3.548427 | 0.1663873 | 5.284074 | 64.56728 |
50 | 113 | PEM1/SS1B | WET | 11.8424981 | 0.0000064 | 0.0005920 | -0.0043106 | 3.623471 | 0.0884627 | 5.185736 | 64.97349 |
51 | 117 | PEM1/SS1B | WET | 13.3488548 | 0.0000015 | -0.0004141 | -0.0025808 | 7.660271 | -0.1080257 | 9.098822 | 79.07182 |
52 | 118 | PEM1/SS1B | WET | 29.1704449 | 0.0001742 | 0.0060724 | 0.0516372 | 3.565798 | 0.1818119 | 4.148950 | 62.79825 |
53 | 119 | PEM1/SS1B | WET | 12.2080123 | 0.0000088 | 0.0005683 | -0.0041936 | 6.772998 | -0.1250187 | 8.304661 | 78.69912 |
54 | 120 | PEM1/SS1B | WET | 16.5975452 | 0.0000593 | -0.0038793 | 0.0013962 | 5.733582 | -0.1891820 | 6.944580 | 76.62791 |
55 | 121 | PEM1/SS1B | WET | 28.6959122 | 0.0002712 | -0.0042429 | -0.0271489 | 5.715586 | -0.1607887 | 6.319107 | 66.70105 |
56 | 123 | PEM1/SS1B | WET | 13.7265060 | 0.0000238 | 0.0014990 | 0.0140011 | 4.329833 | 0.0152760 | 5.739640 | 75.79083 |
57 | 124 | PEM1/SS1B | WET | 13.3068871 | 0.0000154 | -0.0003303 | -0.0057108 | 4.423271 | 0.0301811 | 5.865416 | 74.27521 |
58 | 125 | PEM1/SS1B | WET | 14.8088052 | 0.0000468 | 0.0008985 | -0.0037670 | 3.858332 | -0.0113112 | 5.189872 | 69.48388 |
59 | 126 | PEM1/SS1B | WET | 13.5352114 | 0.0000252 | -0.0001170 | 0.0293428 | 4.273354 | -0.0004917 | 5.697969 | 79.88100 |
60 | 127 | PEM1/SS1B | WET | 14.2370963 | 0.0000646 | 0.0013345 | -0.0209382 | 4.134574 | 0.0972333 | 5.508603 | 65.22009 |
61 | 133 | PEM1/SS1B | WET | 14.7423903 | 0.0001253 | -0.0002098 | -0.0094111 | 5.717943 | -0.0799564 | 7.053687 | 69.15041 |
62 | 134 | PEM1/SS1B | WET | 17.7680994 | 0.0000357 | 0.0013208 | 0.0311448 | 3.314832 | -0.0634797 | 4.454708 | 73.92441 |
63 | 135 | PEM1/SS1B | WET | 15.3499414 | 0.0001181 | 0.0049436 | 0.0684036 | 3.877798 | 0.1557503 | 5.174002 | 80.97631 |
64 | 136 | PEM1/SS1B | WET | 12.6640089 | 0.0000084 | 0.0005207 | 0.0539479 | 4.414975 | 0.0650455 | 5.908009 | 84.53380 |
65 | 137 | PEM1/SS1B | WET | 15.6047399 | 0.0000560 | -0.0036909 | -0.0544061 | 4.621735 | -0.1220191 | 5.897317 | 70.06134 |
66 | 141 | PEM1/SS4B | WET | 1.9499296 | 0.0000269 | 0.0027615 | 0.1948946 | 1.637570 | 0.1486959 | 5.021673 | 81.43428 |
67 | 142 | PEM1/SS4B | WET | 4.4020981 | 0.0000170 | 0.0008422 | -0.0097817 | 3.944294 | 0.2467222 | 6.510980 | 68.64893 |
68 | 143 | PEM1/SS4B | WET | 11.6156413 | 0.0001749 | 0.0077951 | 0.1294650 | 6.548004 | 0.1142938 | 8.134710 | 65.89048 |
69 | 144 | PEM1/SS4B | WET | 1.9405426 | 0.0000419 | -0.0003617 | 0.1213667 | 1.632043 | -0.2626821 | 5.064011 | 72.63384 |
70 | 145 | PEM1/SS4B | WET | 4.0985987 | 0.0000852 | -0.0044728 | -0.1434701 | 3.766047 | -0.2050135 | 6.414016 | 77.96420 |
71 | 164 | PEM1/SS4B | WET | 1.6307762 | 0.0000304 | 0.0001868 | -0.3202621 | 6.533524 | -0.1049596 | 10.420049 | 71.47164 |
72 | 165 | PEM1/SS4B | WET | 6.4476057 | 0.0006659 | 0.0066493 | 0.2270114 | 2.435318 | 0.5239108 | 4.651359 | 42.91229 |
73 | 166 | PEM1/SS4B | WET | 11.0850553 | 0.0000131 | 0.0006675 | -0.0392945 | 3.435703 | 0.0070512 | 5.067369 | 105.89962 |
74 | 167 | PEM1/SS4B | WET | 9.3070783 | 0.0002035 | -0.0061115 | -0.1047028 | 4.038583 | -0.4344874 | 5.851274 | 42.93755 |
75 | 168 | PEM1/SS4B | WET | 7.4048719 | 0.0000143 | 0.0020006 | 0.0846019 | 3.231662 | 0.1197024 | 5.280225 | 79.49529 |
76 | 176 | PEM1/SS4B | WET | 7.7429367 | 0.0000456 | 0.0006179 | 0.0165127 | 3.004655 | 0.0372113 | 5.004955 | 69.76954 |
77 | 177 | PEM1/SS4B | WET | 7.8144789 | 0.0000323 | -0.0014951 | -0.0304502 | 5.676705 | -0.1121641 | 7.663042 | 37.54826 |
78 | 178 | PEM1/SS4B | WET | 7.8642110 | 0.0000106 | -0.0001509 | 0.0367615 | 2.540755 | 0.0196582 | 4.522758 | 48.47089 |
79 | 179 | PEM1/SS4B | WET | 8.1463381 | 0.0000370 | -0.0014159 | 0.0827146 | 1.984709 | 0.0860863 | 3.935816 | 87.09481 |
80 | 180 | PEM1/SS4B | WET | 9.7090143 | 0.0000869 | 0.0013946 | -0.0002406 | 2.789772 | 0.1006120 | 4.560559 | 52.87144 |
81 | 203 | PEM1B | WET | 19.9886126 | 0.0000872 | 0.0041387 | 0.0545633 | 3.808048 | 0.1415345 | 4.819559 | 70.60768 |
82 | 204 | PEM1B | WET | 3.4324394 | 0.0000564 | -0.0023977 | -0.0959719 | 7.795427 | -0.0661819 | 10.611748 | 69.60236 |
83 | 205 | PEM1B | WET | 6.4020410 | 0.0000835 | 0.0011143 | 0.0257019 | 3.637822 | -0.0511487 | 5.836949 | 80.98850 |
84 | 206 | PEM1B | WET | 21.2347891 | 0.0000683 | -0.0028272 | -0.0285689 | 4.713898 | -0.2406159 | 5.659505 | 72.63076 |
85 | 207 | PEM1B | WET | 7.8934982 | 0.0000600 | 0.0039702 | 0.1404274 | 4.642349 | 0.1749118 | 6.640787 | 70.17915 |
86 | 219 | PEM1B | WET | 14.8919272 | 0.0003778 | -0.0110196 | -0.2579566 | 5.756725 | -0.4384903 | 7.109786 | 69.93726 |
87 | 220 | PEM1B | WET | 12.9318992 | 0.0002023 | -0.0062042 | -0.1643294 | 5.762283 | -0.2768553 | 7.237354 | 79.38264 |
88 | 221 | PEM1B | WET | 8.1622631 | 0.0000247 | 0.0026807 | 0.0037980 | 5.868004 | 0.1476794 | 7.810015 | 64.08674 |
89 | 222 | PEM1B | WET | 7.4272340 | 0.0001831 | -0.0013544 | -0.1650470 | 2.512256 | 0.2043898 | 4.598336 | 74.55512 |
90 | 223 | PEM1B | WET | 5.0366682 | 0.0000450 | 0.0014783 | 0.1267500 | 5.002167 | -0.1247652 | 7.460975 | 77.88508 |
91 | 235 | PEM1B | WET | 9.0655422 | 0.0000668 | 0.0044799 | 0.1033226 | 3.184151 | 0.3768644 | 5.024716 | 71.26437 |
92 | 236 | PEM1B | WET | 0.0966983 | 0.0000000 | 0.0001299 | 0.1591504 | 1.940618 | 0.4142855 | 8.330541 | 56.39075 |
93 | 237 | PEM1B | WET | 7.3797616 | 0.0000827 | 0.0010535 | 0.0910557 | 2.358878 | 0.0861865 | 4.414650 | 75.92640 |
94 | 238 | PEM1B | WET | 2.8529625 | 0.0000034 | 0.0004449 | 0.0570517 | 2.372274 | 0.4100490 | 5.373684 | 77.17806 |
95 | 239 | PEM1B | WET | 4.3605895 | 0.0000220 | 0.0020525 | 0.0582360 | 3.604820 | 0.2735235 | 6.181176 | 74.65243 |
96 | 245 | PEM1B | WET | 9.3240114 | 0.0000051 | 0.0011289 | -0.1495019 | 3.322404 | -0.1348756 | 5.129339 | 68.72113 |
97 | 246 | PEM1B | WET | 8.6673800 | 0.0000832 | -0.0053453 | -0.1680519 | 3.746393 | -0.1380814 | 5.641377 | 61.64610 |
98 | 247 | PEM1B | WET | 9.4003133 | 0.0000880 | -0.0040063 | -0.0476947 | 3.066770 | -0.2192498 | 4.866020 | 55.91070 |
99 | 248 | PEM1B | WET | 8.6923821 | 0.0000868 | 0.0019515 | 0.0087132 | 2.611859 | -0.0655358 | 4.493884 | 47.13327 |
100 | 249 | PEM1B | WET | 3.9930724 | 0.0000174 | -0.0009458 | -0.1006306 | 6.282910 | -0.0768360 | 8.975253 | 41.94822 |
101 | 251 | PEM1B | WET | 8.4444884 | 0.0000349 | 0.0020234 | 0.1468342 | 2.085056 | 0.1495488 | 3.992950 | 55.56453 |
102 | 252 | PEM1B | WET | 9.8978001 | 0.0002121 | 0.0087662 | 0.5492008 | 2.151330 | 0.6177034 | 3.907698 | 38.16983 |
103 | 253 | PEM1B | WET | 3.8281423 | 0.0001133 | -0.0010055 | -0.1566792 | 5.076017 | -0.0052511 | 7.841519 | 34.11610 |
104 | 254 | PEM1B | WET | 2.6919371 | 0.0000445 | 0.0023385 | 0.0305064 | 6.214105 | 0.0588881 | 9.286320 | 57.84997 |
105 | 255 | PEM1B | WET | 5.4685783 | 0.0000204 | 0.0006766 | 0.0422791 | 5.401719 | -0.1462312 | 7.772224 | 11.87712 |
106 | 256 | PEM1B | WET | 15.3723237 | 0.0001207 | 0.0037097 | 0.1871047 | 1.984400 | 0.1799207 | 3.279091 | 80.33611 |
107 | 257 | PEM1B | WET | 10.1066615 | 0.0002598 | 0.0059985 | 0.0851597 | 5.164393 | 0.2089469 | 6.896696 | 35.59748 |
108 | 258 | PEM1B | WET | 12.5894770 | 0.0003535 | 0.0084313 | 0.4852393 | 3.492568 | 0.5755259 | 5.079778 | 41.13625 |
109 | 259 | PEM1B | WET | 6.0532764 | 0.0001784 | -0.0070163 | -0.2382195 | 3.683243 | -0.5695206 | 5.994820 | 111.52618 |
110 | 260 | PEM1B | WET | 8.4192708 | 0.0002020 | -0.0006476 | -0.0463253 | 3.252650 | 0.1396315 | 5.185502 | 21.77407 |
111 | 261 | PEM1B | WET | 16.4198696 | 0.0000544 | 0.0030899 | 0.0412626 | 3.168431 | 0.0588538 | 4.392728 | 86.25028 |
112 | 262 | PEM1B | WET | 9.4117961 | 0.0014237 | -0.0194454 | -0.8722977 | 3.963459 | -1.0527076 | 6.106656 | 65.19433 |
113 | 263 | PEM1B | WET | 1.1743341 | 0.0008806 | -0.0180295 | -0.7046832 | 6.699295 | -0.8144501 | 10.819430 | 69.66031 |
114 | 264 | PEM1B | WET | 14.7057380 | 0.0004240 | -0.0094705 | -0.2419435 | 5.951278 | -0.5319925 | 7.317804 | 71.44786 |
115 | 265 | PEM1B | WET | 12.2736165 | 0.0008273 | 0.0049082 | 0.3695282 | 1.609438 | 1.0325249 | 3.159491 | 78.28107 |
116 | 267 | PEM1B | WET | 2.9368660 | 0.0000726 | -0.0039893 | -0.4016458 | 3.121554 | 0.0598329 | 6.152415 | 80.79988 |
117 | 268 | PEM1B | WET | 3.0455656 | 0.0000388 | 0.0001951 | -0.0795868 | 3.442232 | 0.1720116 | 6.408650 | 76.01599 |
118 | 269 | PEM1B | WET | 16.6968852 | 0.0003200 | 0.0063764 | 0.1062392 | 3.051261 | 0.3142761 | 4.271281 | 54.26737 |
119 | 270 | PEM1B | WET | 11.2113903 | 0.0000632 | -0.0018886 | -0.0985413 | 4.779117 | -0.1771734 | 6.398016 | 64.80353 |
120 | 271 | PEM1B | WET | 12.6095905 | 0.0000018 | -0.0002815 | 0.0105652 | 5.700297 | -0.0581490 | 7.198441 | 71.39243 |
121 | 272 | PEM1B | WET | 3.5685251 | 0.0000546 | 0.0031590 | 0.4166505 | 1.803114 | 0.7244107 | 4.583109 | 84.91057 |
122 | 273 | PEM1B | WET | 4.3357904 | 0.0005582 | -0.0002515 | -0.0511776 | 2.744830 | 0.0488949 | 5.503418 | 71.11641 |
123 | 274 | PEM1B | WET | 1.7859243 | 0.0000731 | 0.0038359 | 0.2770846 | 1.637591 | 0.6014039 | 5.361981 | 65.44800 |
124 | 275 | PEM1B | WET | 1.9202969 | 0.0000522 | 0.0004183 | 0.1060381 | 2.313359 | 0.0788698 | 5.713351 | 70.33659 |
125 | 276 | PEM1B | WET | 3.2124344 | 0.0000394 | -0.0032155 | -0.1029353 | 3.561966 | -0.8592746 | 6.500422 | 77.38828 |
126 | 278 | PEM1B | WET | 18.6311009 | 0.0002159 | -0.0073181 | -0.0981326 | 6.874697 | -0.2193890 | 7.963756 | 67.02411 |
127 | 279 | PEM1B | WET | 22.6508272 | 0.0006816 | -0.0093709 | -0.1103445 | 6.018870 | -0.1938638 | 6.894462 | 52.04211 |
128 | 280 | PEM1B | WET | 14.4358954 | 0.0000224 | 0.0004223 | 0.0136545 | 3.945940 | -0.0217760 | 5.303166 | 75.18380 |
129 | 281 | PEM1B | WET | 22.9452370 | 0.0005621 | -0.0122778 | -0.1316631 | 5.699676 | -0.3921785 | 6.560691 | 69.76237 |
130 | 282 | PEM1B | WET | 22.3723826 | 0.0006305 | -0.0127583 | -0.2351674 | 4.931269 | -0.4254700 | 5.824944 | 56.05372 |
131 | 296 | PEM1B | WET | 4.5383699 | 0.0000068 | 0.0001234 | -0.0377635 | 2.792066 | 0.0418813 | 5.326779 | 58.37490 |
132 | 297 | PEM1B | WET | 0.8633994 | 0.0000120 | -0.0007829 | -0.3492278 | 4.002475 | 0.0724275 | 8.530938 | 58.79899 |
133 | 300 | PEM1B | WET | 9.6768456 | 0.0000355 | 0.0021226 | 0.0710447 | 3.276880 | -0.0355298 | 5.046758 | 84.38342 |
134 | 301 | PEM1B | WET | 15.8140836 | 0.0001379 | 0.0060091 | 0.1619183 | 3.160762 | 0.3310565 | 4.425875 | 85.89872 |
135 | 302 | PEM1B | WET | 12.3591955 | 0.0000308 | -0.0027567 | -0.0744780 | 4.382738 | -0.1884090 | 5.902764 | 57.97769 |
136 | 303 | PEM1B | WET | 6.2778230 | 0.0000235 | 0.0010346 | 0.0400108 | 4.960426 | 0.0304724 | 7.168858 | 84.25110 |
137 | 304 | PEM1B | WET | 17.4272946 | 0.0001726 | -0.0057947 | -0.0919609 | 3.942860 | -0.2259732 | 5.104906 | 42.38535 |
138 | 306 | PEM1B | WET | 9.1596157 | 0.0002320 | 0.0018620 | -0.3558743 | 2.987630 | 0.0425056 | 4.887686 | 66.96174 |
139 | 307 | PEM1B | WET | 4.4428411 | 0.0000474 | 0.0029938 | 0.2580564 | 3.446530 | 0.4093315 | 6.029033 | 61.92599 |
140 | 308 | PEM1B | WET | 15.7359982 | 0.0001284 | -0.0053487 | -0.1208234 | 6.893809 | -0.3114266 | 8.165690 | 68.09792 |
141 | 309 | PEM1B | WET | 3.5005912 | 0.0000376 | -0.0035140 | -0.1932876 | 3.010729 | -0.1665194 | 5.810333 | 66.12273 |
142 | 310 | PEM1B | WET | 3.3192677 | 0.0000024 | -0.0007137 | -0.0353210 | 4.436924 | -0.0648230 | 7.286336 | 65.02792 |
143 | 316 | PEM1F | WET | 2.1553507 | 0.0000072 | -0.0003088 | -0.0146712 | 1.699034 | 0.3783938 | 4.988155 | 51.00723 |
144 | 317 | PEM1F | WET | 3.1608266 | 0.0001058 | 0.0022985 | 0.1571500 | 2.357051 | 0.6279496 | 5.277160 | 58.53384 |
145 | 318 | PEM1F | WET | 3.6689787 | 0.0000181 | -0.0011806 | -0.0397990 | 2.907433 | -0.1071062 | 5.687166 | 36.88445 |
146 | 319 | PEM1F | WET | 4.1519502 | 0.0000963 | -0.0030154 | -0.3700406 | 3.326963 | -0.4453078 | 5.993961 | 38.16423 |
147 | 320 | PEM1F | WET | 0.1279381 | 0.0000000 | -0.0001000 | -0.5072736 | 3.140818 | -0.8804298 | 9.247788 | 55.21976 |
148 | 344 | PFO4/EM1B | WET | 1.0018434 | 0.0000170 | -0.0007650 | 0.0579315 | 1.609438 | 0.1624235 | 5.673115 | 90.90421 |
149 | 346 | PFO4/EM1B | WET | 8.1417921 | 0.0000303 | -0.0000463 | -0.0027413 | 3.434499 | -0.0848372 | 5.379394 | 86.21484 |
150 | 353 | PFO4A | WET | 22.6701998 | 0.0013001 | -0.0167424 | -0.5583701 | 6.123171 | -0.7008089 | 7.012939 | 42.67944 |
151 | 354 | PFO4A | WET | 1.5127774 | 0.0000113 | -0.0007635 | -0.3517769 | 2.972467 | -0.2823676 | 6.649198 | 30.34791 |
152 | 355 | PFO4A | WET | 7.4437860 | 0.0008719 | -0.0127430 | -0.2993240 | 2.387492 | -0.5431197 | 4.663597 | 67.07518 |
153 | 356 | PFO4A | WET | 2.1794471 | 0.0000235 | -0.0022071 | -0.4230693 | 3.144073 | -0.5411000 | 6.429734 | 31.30891 |
154 | 357 | PFO4A | WET | 2.3605340 | 0.0000114 | 0.0008044 | 0.0652817 | 1.817080 | 0.2807929 | 5.030043 | 31.64187 |
155 | 387 | PSS1/EM1A | WET | 4.3694196 | 0.0000228 | 0.0030321 | 0.1395715 | 8.816212 | 0.0609757 | 11.389011 | 69.90208 |
156 | 388 | PSS1/EM1A | WET | 3.9143852 | 0.0000115 | 0.0016447 | 0.1286329 | 2.638092 | 0.2194031 | 5.326025 | 103.97805 |
157 | 389 | PSS1/EM1A | WET | 3.4191994 | 0.0000018 | -0.0002759 | -0.0289863 | 3.536317 | -0.0629340 | 6.354241 | 69.26847 |
158 | 390 | PSS1/EM1A | WET | 4.7174108 | 0.0000019 | 0.0005179 | 0.0831351 | 2.553316 | 0.0856084 | 5.048167 | 77.28357 |
159 | 391 | PSS1/EM1A | WET | 4.4582056 | 0.0000222 | -0.0018208 | -0.0442225 | 4.353220 | -0.3091261 | 6.905819 | 78.61685 |
160 | 393 | PSS1C | WET | 1.4829315 | 0.0000523 | 0.0029175 | 0.0927006 | 8.379578 | 0.0090905 | 12.090939 | 71.92680 |
161 | 394 | PSS1C | WET | 5.8652806 | 0.0001994 | -0.0045938 | -0.3224535 | 8.123527 | -1.0789593 | 10.477797 | 57.58499 |
162 | 395 | PSS1C | WET | 6.0997759 | 0.0000564 | -0.0026373 | -0.0085150 | 2.275943 | -0.5124282 | 4.517496 | 61.61575 |
163 | 396 | PSS1C | WET | 9.4680891 | 0.0002204 | -0.0056209 | -0.3242363 | 5.336090 | -0.7885025 | 7.127541 | 69.87168 |
164 | 397 | PSS1C | WET | 2.3833904 | 0.0000305 | 0.0017275 | 0.0887825 | 2.726402 | -0.0004238 | 5.934734 | 99.77488 |
165 | 398 | PUBH | WET | 3.4980341 | 0.0000397 | 0.0030031 | 0.4863809 | 1.609438 | 0.3824549 | 4.469725 | 58.20656 |
166 | 399 | PUBH | WET | 11.5124119 | 0.0000999 | -0.0053245 | -0.0907712 | 3.565142 | -0.4455864 | 5.156530 | 73.90394 |
167 | 400 | PUBH | WET | 0.9985954 | 0.0000683 | 0.0057851 | 0.3032865 | 1.609438 | 1.3973911 | 5.670735 | 76.49144 |
168 | 401 | PUBH | WET | 2.8660065 | 0.0000165 | -0.0022885 | -0.2132429 | 8.830673 | -0.6885241 | 11.828138 | 79.29595 |
169 | 402 | PUBH | WET | 3.2017004 | 0.0003149 | 0.0096101 | 0.6370276 | 1.609438 | 0.8443615 | 4.512695 | 72.77826 |
170 | 431 | PUBH | WET | 0.5929725 | 0.0000008 | 0.0000334 | 0.3319307 | 1.628968 | -0.3426140 | 6.412908 | 65.29253 |
171 | 432 | PUBH | WET | 1.4312240 | 0.0000117 | -0.0018050 | -0.1234599 | 1.609438 | -0.5813408 | 5.373439 | 48.03404 |
172 | 433 | PUBH | WET | 0.1588023 | 0.0000002 | 0.0002317 | 0.6695845 | 1.809864 | 1.0832334 | 7.794400 | 51.03313 |
173 | 434 | PUBH | WET | 0.4932064 | 0.0000133 | -0.0018079 | -0.5498335 | 3.188116 | -0.5695456 | 8.042110 | 61.57288 |
174 | 435 | PUBH | WET | 0.0992618 | 0.0000001 | 0.0000368 | 0.2770513 | 1.778411 | 0.5024212 | 8.175065 | 58.27140 |
175 | 436 | PUBH | WET | 1.9725871 | 0.0001471 | 0.0037604 | 0.3691849 | 1.609438 | 0.4613745 | 5.048221 | 84.56753 |
176 | 437 | PUBH | WET | 7.1648020 | 0.0003105 | 0.0040241 | 0.3733876 | 2.022291 | 0.4486589 | 4.120998 | 82.58011 |
177 | 438 | PUBH | WET | 4.8371035 | 0.0001933 | 0.0007838 | 0.0359050 | 2.356138 | 0.2256043 | 4.925098 | 82.86331 |
178 | 439 | PUBH | WET | 1.5684505 | 0.0000936 | 0.0024205 | -0.0874156 | 2.851184 | 0.4690109 | 6.491926 | 80.71192 |
179 | 440 | PUBH | WET | 3.8500027 | 0.0000833 | 0.0046490 | 0.2232215 | 2.254771 | 0.6089403 | 4.957716 | 85.05133 |
180 | 441 | PUBH | WET | 3.0313971 | 0.0001142 | 0.0040314 | 0.0923314 | 3.285468 | 0.5094942 | 6.387445 | 78.55855 |
181 | 442 | PUBH | WET | 2.4246090 | 0.0001514 | 0.0064167 | 0.6486047 | 1.613618 | 0.9592223 | 4.871423 | 87.11616 |
182 | 443 | PUBH | WET | 3.2747097 | 0.0000960 | 0.0029214 | 0.1590025 | 1.938693 | 0.6668840 | 4.841033 | 84.19339 |
183 | 444 | PUBH | WET | 6.0728244 | 0.0001510 | 0.0042190 | -0.0785718 | 2.800501 | 0.5369052 | 5.053759 | 87.02109 |
184 | 445 | PUBH | WET | 3.7631937 | 0.0000941 | 0.0037070 | 0.2549603 | 1.725151 | 0.6924136 | 4.463210 | 84.11482 |
185 | 446 | PUBH | WET | 6.3761059 | 0.0000284 | -0.0026984 | -0.0429514 | 5.775023 | -0.4232849 | 7.966798 | 73.92739 |
186 | 447 | PUBH | WET | 3.1455602 | 0.0000630 | 0.0010278 | -0.1653742 | 3.380664 | -0.1721526 | 6.322246 | 75.25334 |
187 | 448 | PUBH | WET | 1.3597452 | 0.0002879 | 0.0070308 | 0.5271640 | 2.199186 | 0.5336004 | 6.095040 | 74.06523 |
188 | 449 | PUBH | WET | 5.5934927 | 0.0000378 | -0.0028787 | -0.1160534 | 5.526162 | -0.3368757 | 7.853091 | 73.08475 |
189 | 450 | PUBH | WET | 3.9692372 | 0.0001252 | 0.0052928 | 0.2305266 | 2.702976 | 0.2539802 | 5.384599 | 72.75542 |
191 | 461 | PUBH | WET | 11.2073427 | 0.0000268 | -0.0010948 | -0.0206319 | 3.985019 | -0.1825179 | 5.605976 | 74.17469 |
192 | 462 | PUBH | WET | 9.3783293 | 0.0000390 | 0.0024991 | 0.1405635 | 3.830061 | 0.1309879 | 5.632240 | 58.52411 |
193 | 464 | PUBHh | WET | 1.6127640 | 0.0000569 | -0.0023099 | -0.1170051 | 6.135636 | -0.8093153 | 9.707328 | 76.75071 |
194 | 465 | PUBHh | WET | 2.2391388 | 0.0000484 | -0.0013464 | -0.4489321 | 9.904008 | -0.6836603 | 13.326765 | 55.06494 |
195 | 466 | PUBHh | WET | 3.0771927 | 0.0000158 | -0.0012619 | -0.4870895 | 8.081968 | -1.0787175 | 11.040651 | 56.26266 |
196 | 467 | PUBHh | WET | 5.5446374 | 0.0000351 | 0.0018675 | 0.2457571 | 1.674408 | 0.1937429 | 4.015251 | 46.50542 |
197 | 468 | PUBHh | WET | 3.0081846 | 0.0000325 | 0.0023423 | 0.1077187 | 2.116304 | 0.3212752 | 5.080367 | 98.13735 |
198 | 469 | R5UBH | WET | 9.2737009 | 0.0001987 | -0.0052944 | -0.4136306 | 3.389059 | -1.0317522 | 5.205361 | 70.37926 |
199 | 470 | R5UBH | WET | 6.5846592 | 0.0000889 | 0.0001200 | -0.0282962 | 4.207862 | 0.0493617 | 6.374291 | 77.64505 |
200 | 471 | R5UBH | WET | 11.5741935 | 0.0000410 | 0.0016689 | -0.0285383 | 3.326307 | -0.1883832 | 4.921368 | 58.04093 |
201 | 472 | R5UBH | WET | 3.6460148 | 0.0000479 | 0.0030992 | 0.3036489 | 2.351706 | 0.3455709 | 5.164536 | 65.95431 |
202 | 473 | R5UBH | WET | 4.8226872 | 0.0001335 | 0.0071880 | 0.0863876 | 2.233653 | -0.0478438 | 4.712826 | 61.04574 |
203 | 476 | R5UBH | WET | 14.2370955 | 0.0001373 | 0.0058082 | 0.3699786 | 1.940811 | 0.3392656 | 3.316594 | 73.57074 |
204 | 477 | R5UBH | WET | 29.2552560 | 0.0012551 | -0.0142314 | -0.0936731 | 5.953382 | -0.4449614 | 6.535693 | 66.86481 |
205 | 478 | R5UBH | WET | 27.4878239 | 0.0001063 | -0.0018714 | -0.0514980 | 3.729924 | -0.0935976 | 4.384761 | 57.63911 |
206 | 479 | R5UBH | WET | 17.9047468 | 0.0005047 | -0.0103391 | -0.1488703 | 7.338013 | -0.3777138 | 8.469609 | 70.02490 |
207 | 480 | R5UBH | WET | 39.0181731 | 0.0022187 | -0.0100423 | -0.0300640 | 5.491846 | -0.1490168 | 5.703442 | 63.74002 |
208 | 481 | R5UBH | WET | 19.4576597 | 0.0000034 | -0.0006014 | -0.0038895 | 6.359337 | -0.0706661 | 7.399825 | 64.28365 |
209 | 482 | R5UBH | WET | 4.8660953 | 0.0000291 | 0.0021541 | 0.0468652 | 6.710417 | 0.0805253 | 9.174448 | 67.74059 |
210 | 483 | R5UBH | WET | 19.2826224 | 0.0000000 | -0.0000001 | -0.0000011 | 6.165098 | -0.0001165 | 7.215336 | 65.97964 |
211 | 484 | R5UBH | WET | 2.1092719 | 0.0000916 | 0.0053768 | 0.3001681 | 1.675231 | 0.8911579 | 5.003766 | 69.09592 |
212 | 485 | R5UBH | WET | 2.4348421 | 0.0001698 | 0.0057496 | 0.2758711 | 2.821307 | 0.7020778 | 5.983859 | 68.26994 |
213 | 487 | R5UBH | WET | 14.8239515 | 0.0017371 | -0.0213305 | -0.2950430 | 7.623032 | -0.6890297 | 8.968229 | 47.27982 |
214 | 488 | R5UBH | WET | 3.1291161 | 0.0000054 | 0.0005472 | 0.0666236 | 2.790709 | -0.1731019 | 5.699038 | 72.20048 |
215 | 489 | R5UBH | WET | 16.7629507 | 0.0001050 | 0.0024863 | -0.0066026 | 4.133553 | 0.1193549 | 5.334017 | 69.58273 |
216 | 490 | R5UBH | WET | 21.7839754 | 0.0010744 | -0.0143775 | -0.0624032 | 3.135540 | -0.3715669 | 4.061724 | 63.13014 |
217 | 491 | R5UBH | WET | 13.0289174 | 0.0031694 | -0.0239366 | -0.4651908 | 9.015248 | -1.0768682 | 10.572231 | 71.72072 |
218 | 492 | R5UBH | WET | 9.0753711 | 0.0000301 | 0.0009832 | 0.0165556 | 5.228860 | -0.1024930 | 7.063318 | 64.72971 |
219 | 493 | R5UBH | WET | 4.7938145 | 0.0000237 | -0.0020307 | -0.0913815 | 5.637468 | -0.2182064 | 8.116960 | 68.74389 |
220 | 494 | R5UBH | WET | 43.4192170 | 0.0040648 | -0.0074158 | 0.0080639 | 2.328349 | -0.2825111 | 2.383750 | 63.94115 |
221 | 495 | R5UBH | WET | 42.8755071 | 0.0107824 | -0.0349281 | -0.4412019 | 7.483578 | -0.8274726 | 7.562102 | 52.49395 |
222 | 496 | R5UBH | WET | 18.8513773 | 0.0002404 | -0.0071981 | -0.0669164 | 4.585952 | -0.1726115 | 5.668403 | 68.51574 |
223 | 497 | R5UBH | WET | 8.4621018 | 0.0000564 | -0.0013844 | -0.0654742 | 2.844357 | -0.1514779 | 4.751704 | 75.01025 |
224 | 498 | R5UBH | WET | 4.3556681 | 0.0000828 | -0.0060295 | -0.3906843 | 4.447100 | -0.5411942 | 7.043464 | 70.80980 |
225 | 499 | R5UBH | WET | 4.6644071 | 0.0000226 | -0.0007163 | -0.1873199 | 4.263277 | -0.0325440 | 6.771633 | 94.42172 |
226 | 500 | R5UBH | WET | 2.1739607 | 0.0000143 | 0.0025350 | 0.4492453 | 1.772270 | 0.5833210 | 5.068151 | 101.43902 |
227 | 501 | R5UBH | WET | 3.8132527 | 0.0000103 | 0.0004932 | 0.0667484 | 2.392314 | -0.1232622 | 5.102323 | 68.04968 |
228 | 502 | R5UBH | WET | 8.0618975 | 0.0030456 | 0.0280245 | 0.6097716 | 1.634040 | 0.8777795 | 3.594328 | 72.78441 |
229 | 503 | R5UBH | WET | 2.9496700 | 0.0000626 | 0.0014420 | 0.0751894 | 2.104300 | 0.1901627 | 5.086880 | 75.04648 |
230 | 504 | R5UBH | WET | 15.1643677 | 0.0018204 | 0.0194398 | 0.3593572 | 3.046766 | 0.4193117 | 4.417586 | 49.59393 |
231 | 505 | R5UBH | WET | 9.1200773 | 0.0002270 | -0.0045975 | -0.2112743 | 4.829923 | -0.3367044 | 6.680173 | 48.18782 |
232 | 506 | R5UBH | WET | 1.0644929 | 0.0000153 | 0.0016794 | 0.0683916 | 3.241003 | 0.0309104 | 7.566343 | 50.20384 |
233 | 507 | R5UBH | WET | 8.8864800 | 0.0000480 | -0.0015552 | 0.0934293 | 8.104033 | -0.0577888 | 9.961887 | 19.73191 |
234 | 508 | R5UBH | WET | 1.1064426 | 0.0000194 | -0.0016907 | -0.1254436 | 10.785936 | -0.1242469 | 14.883076 | 23.85031 |
235 | 509 | R5UBH | WET | 4.1424430 | 0.0000428 | -0.0023332 | -0.1556701 | 2.272321 | -0.4719432 | 4.946342 | 27.04344 |
236 | 510 | R5UBH | WET | 2.4169625 | 0.0000139 | 0.0015627 | 0.2062676 | 2.055070 | 0.6270862 | 5.226238 | 33.89932 |
237 | 511 | R5UBH | WET | 3.3962730 | 0.0000171 | 0.0012118 | 0.1571492 | 1.761043 | 0.1778372 | 4.657968 | 40.29441 |
238 | 515 | R5UBH | WET | 36.0477974 | 0.0117248 | 0.0337777 | 0.3375341 | 1.722189 | 0.5031934 | 2.066275 | 50.43238 |
239 | 516 | R5UBH | WET | 1.1115473 | 0.0000000 | 0.0000101 | 0.0065980 | 1.992889 | -0.0947072 | 5.935247 | 84.90334 |
240 | 517 | R5UBH | WET | 2.4674619 | 0.0000050 | -0.0001267 | -0.1216294 | 7.698414 | 0.0194199 | 10.892348 | 76.97537 |
241 | 518 | R5UBH | WET | 15.8098282 | 0.0001682 | -0.0080901 | -0.0831838 | 6.718572 | -0.2576718 | 7.981431 | 35.21267 |
242 | 519 | R5UBH | WET | 0.8957116 | 0.0000009 | 0.0003658 | 0.1579026 | 3.782326 | -0.1935558 | 7.958247 | 77.30127 |
243 | 523 | PEM1/SS1B | WET | 10.5626934 | 0.0000273 | 0.0022371 | 0.0874472 | 4.758116 | -0.0342299 | 6.442750 | 76.68350 |
244 | 524 | PEM1/SS1B | WET | 0.5020092 | 0.0000838 | 0.0043107 | 0.2884792 | 1.611986 | 0.3716485 | 6.361931 | 79.86158 |
245 | 525 | PEM1/SS1B | WET | 15.5795024 | 0.0003464 | -0.0095593 | -0.1354377 | 5.431791 | -0.3157355 | 6.711671 | 73.89401 |
246 | 526 | PEM1/SS1B | WET | 22.8227038 | 0.0029454 | -0.0149516 | -0.3059407 | 2.504778 | -0.4184965 | 3.391722 | 65.16089 |
247 | 527 | PEM1/SS1B | WET | 25.5574435 | 0.0022210 | -0.0134985 | -0.3356222 | 2.623191 | -0.3859611 | 3.370199 | 59.83073 |
248 | 529 | PUBH | WET | 7.1682555 | 0.0000021 | 0.0007214 | 0.0113732 | 5.275680 | 0.0288818 | 7.349029 | 79.11103 |
249 | 530 | PUBH | WET | 3.0732686 | 0.0000400 | 0.0027627 | 0.1272350 | 1.883009 | 0.3148854 | 4.810692 | 75.46205 |
250 | 531 | PUBH | WET | 5.1828268 | 0.0003003 | 0.0102925 | 0.4233119 | 1.679194 | 0.5377595 | 4.105531 | 70.90962 |
251 | 532 | PUBH | WET | 10.8198734 | 0.0001043 | 0.0002581 | 0.1455499 | 2.205639 | 0.2337355 | 3.863908 | 74.84503 |
252 | 533 | PUBH | WET | 0.1107607 | 0.0000001 | -0.0001021 | -0.4933634 | 5.141705 | -1.2943971 | 11.584501 | 52.96134 |
253 | 581 | UPL | 11.6772613 | 0.0006788 | 0.0128462 | 0.3322856 | 1.785865 | 0.3512937 | 3.405596 | 74.44172 | |
254 | 583 | UPL | 24.6224628 | 0.0000486 | 0.0021365 | 0.0072650 | 4.251664 | -0.0051381 | 5.031919 | 61.80213 | |
255 | 584 | UPL | 34.1214170 | 0.0006684 | 0.0052130 | 0.0740242 | 3.598414 | 0.1265853 | 3.989137 | 92.17240 | |
256 | 585 | UPL | 43.4826705 | 0.0006779 | -0.0055970 | -0.0089512 | 4.514391 | -0.0229544 | 4.567416 | 73.61159 | |
257 | 588 | UPL | 19.8856508 | 0.0003520 | 0.0043558 | 0.0768211 | 5.039642 | 0.2212286 | 6.062333 | 54.65747 | |
258 | 589 | UPL | 18.3495049 | 0.0001153 | -0.0045978 | -0.0678705 | 6.121826 | -0.1929223 | 7.226549 | 64.08415 | |
259 | 590 | UPL | 16.4155173 | 0.0000459 | -0.0008810 | 0.0108375 | 3.540992 | -0.0320682 | 4.763922 | 76.73033 | |
260 | 591 | UPL | 22.3914103 | 0.0000849 | 0.0037993 | 0.0932378 | 4.495722 | 0.1658160 | 5.386957 | 64.43179 | |
261 | 592 | UPL | 15.7900240 | 0.0001603 | -0.0032166 | -0.0435143 | 5.206341 | -0.1195851 | 6.470307 | 66.54338 | |
262 | 593 | UPL | 32.8158517 | 0.0003685 | -0.0006795 | -0.0081073 | 5.023652 | -0.0716719 | 5.463033 | 54.71797 | |
263 | 594 | UPL | 11.7597838 | 0.0000177 | -0.0020408 | 0.0014624 | 6.846293 | -0.0406748 | 8.415912 | 95.22846 | |
264 | 599 | UPL | 14.6175798 | 0.0000655 | 0.0037978 | 0.0918376 | 3.600781 | 0.1093061 | 4.945821 | 41.11244 | |
265 | 600 | WET | 7.0817672 | 0.0000097 | 0.0016910 | 0.0734007 | 2.838904 | 0.2643654 | 4.924582 | 84.44973 | |
266 | 602 | UPL | 22.8860509 | 0.0000449 | 0.0016708 | 0.0819601 | 6.466297 | 0.0111259 | 7.330588 | 76.72894 | |
267 | 604 | UPL | 33.8400953 | 0.0000725 | -0.0008086 | -0.0109282 | 4.755913 | -0.0154024 | 5.155734 | 65.87482 | |
268 | 606 | UPL | 20.3753583 | 0.0001078 | 0.0010622 | -0.0395959 | 4.668357 | 0.2168496 | 5.659300 | 64.65747 | |
269 | 607 | UPL | 32.5734026 | 0.0006302 | -0.0013562 | -0.0336796 | 3.656254 | -0.0422081 | 4.105823 | 76.96892 | |
270 | 609 | UPL | 18.8590270 | 0.0007368 | -0.0111751 | -0.3026099 | 6.253625 | -0.5221462 | 7.341675 | 34.70699 | |
271 | 610 | UPL | 18.0042303 | 0.0000876 | 0.0041349 | 0.0556647 | 3.956273 | 0.0881518 | 5.080572 | 65.38360 | |
272 | 614 | UPL | 32.5600297 | 0.0001074 | 0.0008233 | 0.0451791 | 3.915402 | 0.0528997 | 4.364056 | 68.78624 | |
273 | 615 | UPL | 24.8078653 | 0.0003343 | -0.0056327 | -0.0159626 | 4.585165 | -0.1163308 | 5.357924 | 63.86369 | |
274 | 616 | UPL | 17.2751523 | 0.0002924 | 0.0078637 | 0.1641448 | 3.637993 | 0.2631476 | 4.806658 | 75.46551 | |
275 | 617 | UPL | 26.4931740 | 0.0000538 | -0.0028607 | -0.0363430 | 4.339165 | -0.0305114 | 5.036029 | 54.60672 | |
276 | 618 | UPL | 40.9759795 | 0.0002049 | 0.0044328 | -0.0014617 | 4.053224 | 0.0180304 | 4.194230 | 29.00590 | |
277 | 619 | UPL | 22.7234132 | 0.0007392 | 0.0099819 | 0.1870266 | 2.101231 | 0.3964352 | 2.981405 | 51.88791 | |
278 | 620 | UPL | 43.1198140 | 0.0003976 | -0.0027309 | -0.0403573 | 3.716970 | -0.0406877 | 3.782872 | 65.46403 | |
279 | 622 | UPL | 18.8090548 | 0.0000321 | -0.0005814 | -0.0006287 | 6.953480 | -0.1500719 | 8.030599 | 72.98933 | |
280 | 623 | UPL | 45.9534812 | 0.0079867 | 0.0194730 | 0.1055706 | 2.928199 | 0.0515428 | 2.894091 | 67.97245 | |
281 | 625 | UPL | 14.3414317 | 0.0002780 | -0.0013712 | -0.1081735 | 5.471842 | 0.0827561 | 6.860710 | 70.05727 | |
282 | 626 | UPL | 16.0257538 | 0.0001010 | 0.0053653 | 0.0656368 | 5.029348 | 0.0422224 | 6.277172 | 44.92358 | |
283 | 628 | UPL | 18.6248941 | 0.0004941 | -0.0107295 | -0.2418061 | 7.301125 | -0.2037595 | 8.390407 | 50.46781 | |
284 | 629 | UPL | 31.2158401 | 0.0003287 | 0.0043017 | 0.0297874 | 3.135530 | 0.1143488 | 3.636556 | 62.02950 | |
285 | 632 | UPL | 51.3762162 | 0.0051991 | 0.0222658 | 0.1007758 | 3.530209 | 0.3395310 | 3.302214 | 59.26660 | |
286 | 634 | UPL | 40.2095597 | 0.0002093 | -0.0049643 | -0.0523041 | 6.629251 | -0.2315579 | 6.797375 | 47.87062 | |
287 | 636 | UPL | 13.2744693 | 0.0003803 | -0.0069967 | -0.0817622 | 4.213936 | -0.1716702 | 5.662563 | 79.59344 | |
288 | 637 | UPL | 34.0610593 | 0.0004649 | 0.0058423 | 0.0536694 | 2.892891 | 0.1159270 | 3.284393 | 41.11919 | |
289 | 638 | UPL | 38.9836174 | 0.0024274 | 0.0092209 | 0.3489295 | 2.203076 | 0.3077719 | 2.417711 | 50.19971 | |
290 | 639 | UPL | 25.6402648 | 0.0005925 | -0.0094315 | -0.1246589 | 4.567913 | -0.2609837 | 5.307330 | 52.63908 | |
291 | 642 | UPL | 31.5060629 | 0.0005521 | -0.0016090 | -0.0597874 | 4.658696 | -0.0821452 | 5.152047 | 66.27742 | |
292 | 643 | UPL | 32.1820546 | 0.0000087 | -0.0003188 | 0.0003289 | 5.716862 | -0.0125682 | 6.180057 | 60.07319 | |
293 | 644 | UPL | 22.1142496 | 0.0001862 | 0.0006627 | -0.0241836 | 4.758720 | 0.1596145 | 5.660069 | 47.48775 | |
294 | 646 | UPL | 19.8465074 | 0.0006905 | -0.0067368 | -0.1342956 | 4.032552 | 0.0833715 | 5.065304 | 65.59365 | |
295 | 647 | UPL | 33.9153888 | 0.0025501 | -0.0103228 | -0.1228468 | 7.882774 | -0.3818371 | 8.283700 | 26.83430 | |
296 | 648 | UPL | 16.7999972 | 0.0002251 | 0.0064370 | 0.1021391 | 2.525822 | 0.2629518 | 3.723510 | 35.16051 | |
297 | 649 | UPL | 11.0138022 | 0.0001472 | 0.0057918 | 0.1326942 | 3.108185 | 0.3405423 | 4.748447 | 67.96462 | |
298 | 650 | UPL | 16.9753384 | 0.0000484 | -0.0003971 | -0.0054455 | 4.627965 | -0.1099262 | 5.815342 | 69.10701 | |
299 | 651 | UPL | 24.8186931 | 0.0020908 | -0.0173810 | -0.1707786 | 5.925683 | -0.4081219 | 6.699946 | 60.64527 | |
300 | 652 | UPL | 16.0403505 | 0.0000934 | -0.0030134 | -0.0547947 | 4.360301 | -0.1797800 | 5.609217 | 71.38925 | |
301 | 653 | UPL | 25.4323587 | 0.0000326 | 0.0000427 | 0.0226291 | 4.916507 | -0.0281387 | 5.660010 | 60.07424 | |
302 | 655 | UPL | 40.1380730 | 0.0006997 | -0.0012073 | 0.0357109 | 4.545190 | 0.0245144 | 4.715889 | 60.78768 | |
303 | 656 | UPL | 29.4270108 | 0.0009307 | 0.0145154 | 0.1730753 | 3.295955 | 0.2754287 | 3.882397 | 61.25903 | |
304 | 657 | UPL | 25.6125845 | 0.0062381 | -0.0350623 | -0.3759685 | 5.899908 | -0.5843680 | 6.640357 | 66.22837 | |
305 | 658 | UPL | 10.9180051 | 0.0000340 | 0.0023056 | 0.0516139 | 3.299078 | 0.0974152 | 4.945183 | 56.61226 | |
306 | 659 | UPL | 32.0384529 | 0.0000705 | -0.0031504 | -0.0261266 | 4.691397 | -0.0719923 | 5.160164 | 65.11891 | |
307 | 662 | UPL | 30.4246519 | 0.0000078 | -0.0009022 | -0.0034820 | 3.986889 | -0.0426979 | 4.519158 | 62.81596 | |
308 | 663 | UPL | 20.1391177 | 0.0002469 | -0.0010236 | -0.0434307 | 5.902012 | -0.0014217 | 6.910449 | 56.04788 | |
309 | 664 | UPL | 11.6660243 | 0.0005468 | -0.0100999 | -0.2678320 | 5.327252 | -0.3740978 | 6.932283 | 81.29639 | |
310 | 665 | UPL | 23.9059115 | 0.0042698 | -0.0246862 | -0.3197563 | 5.488192 | -0.4315978 | 6.321706 | 50.09646 | |
311 | 666 | UPL | 14.4567042 | 0.0000487 | -0.0040834 | -0.0357363 | 6.680908 | -0.2079488 | 8.039619 | 64.20308 | |
312 | 667 | UPL | 16.3927393 | 0.0001917 | 0.0055580 | 0.1636121 | 2.274484 | -0.1699209 | 3.499587 | 60.53202 | |
313 | 670 | UPL | 54.2641287 | 0.0015425 | 0.0096041 | 0.1277212 | 3.136411 | 0.1856387 | 2.807067 | 57.93114 | |
314 | 671 | UPL | 28.3083181 | 0.0001484 | 0.0002224 | 0.0153108 | 4.449457 | -0.0392837 | 5.069688 | 63.30301 | |
315 | 674 | UPL | 34.8618229 | 0.0005555 | 0.0049185 | 0.0738632 | 3.221742 | 0.1219272 | 3.590636 | 54.25950 | |
316 | 676 | UPL | 16.1183747 | 0.0001823 | -0.0083067 | -0.1603094 | 4.920356 | -0.3066359 | 6.165687 | 35.81247 | |
317 | 677 | UPL | 24.0097803 | 0.0003263 | -0.0076686 | -0.0890597 | 7.463553 | -0.1933849 | 8.273325 | 64.35403 | |
318 | 678 | UPL | 20.8015990 | 0.0001743 | 0.0029301 | 0.2163205 | 4.633412 | 0.0715654 | 5.604340 | 61.51499 | |
319 | 679 | UPL | 36.7217848 | 0.0001226 | -0.0026093 | -0.0193622 | 5.123035 | -0.1008533 | 5.416136 | 61.44398 | |
320 | 680 | UPL | 18.2988283 | 0.0016943 | -0.0017641 | -0.1724379 | 2.884684 | 0.2353243 | 3.994898 | 68.03873 | |
321 | 682 | UPL | 16.5755775 | 0.0007079 | 0.0004307 | 0.0058619 | 2.540680 | -0.0889872 | 3.762333 | 81.84209 | |
322 | 683 | UPL | 20.3691573 | 0.0001671 | -0.0056737 | -0.0657161 | 5.851591 | -0.1952571 | 6.843403 | 68.48179 | |
323 | 684 | UPL | 20.0932308 | 0.0000910 | 0.0019372 | -0.0106446 | 3.796545 | 0.0413802 | 4.802820 | 50.81802 | |
324 | 686 | UPL | 24.5533574 | 0.0002759 | 0.0059944 | 0.0590747 | 4.687987 | 0.0935473 | 5.471841 | 76.55029 | |
325 | 687 | UPL | 37.2567366 | 0.0002594 | 0.0008153 | -0.0212950 | 3.438186 | -0.0071342 | 3.712009 | 48.78256 | |
326 | 689 | UPL | 23.2765567 | 0.0001004 | 0.0040937 | 0.0638185 | 4.383998 | 0.1344137 | 5.228005 | 38.13326 | |
327 | 690 | UPL | 23.8186801 | 0.0000668 | 0.0018573 | 0.0366416 | 5.583384 | 0.0508383 | 6.401523 | 43.42426 | |
328 | 691 | UPL | 26.7359809 | 0.0000999 | 0.0033280 | 0.0377059 | 4.089777 | 0.0918008 | 4.776013 | 63.49437 | |
329 | 692 | UPL | 31.7734377 | 0.0013183 | -0.0161159 | -0.0981566 | 5.696242 | -0.2558583 | 6.176369 | 56.71946 | |
330 | 693 | UPL | 5.8871875 | 0.0001013 | -0.0047233 | -0.3615008 | 3.736546 | -0.4267063 | 6.047250 | 85.24312 | |
331 | 694 | UPL | 31.2587383 | 0.0002612 | 0.0068848 | 0.0743548 | 2.267403 | 0.4878811 | 2.767001 | 68.17169 | |
332 | 696 | UPL | 4.9118825 | 0.0001797 | 0.0063718 | 0.2410356 | 2.216407 | 0.4875212 | 4.676727 | 71.90261 | |
333 | 697 | UPL | 45.7966767 | 0.0111391 | -0.0344854 | -0.2176345 | 5.276336 | -0.4080509 | 5.248495 | 39.05519 | |
334 | 698 | UPL | 24.4221328 | 0.0002417 | 0.0014168 | 0.0123166 | 5.646541 | 0.0354837 | 6.437212 | 57.02149 | |
335 | 701 | UPL | 44.8227956 | 0.0004112 | 0.0041592 | 0.0643243 | 4.079103 | 0.0055955 | 4.085380 | 60.90173 | |
336 | 702 | UPL | 13.9381109 | 0.0003037 | -0.0097496 | -0.2510456 | 5.702114 | -0.3651548 | 7.098872 | 57.10928 | |
337 | 705 | UPL | 23.1808040 | 0.0008907 | 0.0152101 | 0.4692728 | 1.665149 | 0.6440685 | 2.518295 | 35.75130 | |
338 | 707 | UPL | 44.1472903 | 0.0033994 | -0.0195114 | -0.1742002 | 4.809375 | -0.3759427 | 4.839173 | 41.51675 | |
339 | 709 | UPL | 21.5715698 | 0.0007663 | -0.0124160 | -0.1249443 | 7.209867 | -0.2892291 | 8.140123 | 49.62077 | |
340 | 711 | UPL | 20.0363912 | 0.0000481 | -0.0029973 | -0.1074925 | 5.924788 | -0.0464858 | 6.936457 | 63.60679 | |
341 | 712 | UPL | 6.0546437 | 0.0002961 | -0.0086994 | -0.2523764 | 5.796788 | -0.7563180 | 8.069916 | 46.88792 | |
342 | 713 | UPL | 47.5943895 | 0.0049715 | 0.0210355 | 0.1858548 | 2.075207 | 0.3364501 | 1.984183 | 29.24536 | |
343 | 714 | UPL | 14.9501259 | 0.0001116 | -0.0041733 | -0.1216529 | 4.403014 | -0.0124952 | 5.723964 | 61.68747 | |
344 | 715 | UPL | 24.9155117 | 0.0009534 | 0.0138335 | 0.1676427 | 3.013905 | 0.3271531 | 3.787481 | 51.05487 | |
345 | 719 | UPL | 26.4524749 | 0.0000024 | -0.0002387 | -0.0014453 | 3.925583 | -0.0437147 | 4.623680 | 54.01099 | |
346 | 720 | UPL | 23.5338557 | 0.0002648 | 0.0080076 | 0.0948833 | 2.610178 | 0.0898778 | 3.441453 | 51.93027 | |
347 | 723 | UPL | 12.7083229 | 0.0003195 | -0.0086294 | -0.1740441 | 3.983838 | -0.1933928 | 5.497281 | 84.20320 | |
348 | 725 | UPL | 32.8483594 | 0.0001287 | 0.0009157 | 0.0017759 | 3.802535 | -0.0108666 | 4.240104 | 66.75720 | |
349 | 726 | UPL | 11.1535391 | 0.0000858 | -0.0017572 | -0.0246558 | 3.472616 | -0.1084244 | 5.107736 | 61.95038 | |
350 | 728 | UPL | 40.9675195 | 0.0004494 | -0.0042351 | -0.0273074 | 3.537760 | 0.1064576 | 3.679968 | 63.50911 | |
351 | 729 | UPL | 20.2796794 | 0.0017674 | 0.0247371 | 0.4394948 | 1.850517 | 0.9545356 | 2.882083 | 62.17902 | |
352 | 732 | UPL | 24.6538865 | 0.0000319 | -0.0019703 | -0.0239480 | 5.055450 | -0.0812164 | 5.834352 | 51.14380 | |
353 | 733 | UPL | 20.3300538 | 0.0001511 | -0.0065888 | -0.1450693 | 5.151078 | -0.1280137 | 6.147484 | 49.34172 | |
354 | 736 | UPL | 16.7493986 | 0.0000413 | 0.0031252 | -0.0594832 | 4.767513 | 0.0269731 | 5.969432 | 52.43880 | |
355 | 737 | UPL | 29.8289910 | 0.0012975 | -0.0101411 | -0.2008047 | 7.721084 | -0.2126388 | 8.281471 | 50.84634 | |
356 | 738 | UPL | 32.2201082 | 0.0009672 | -0.0056582 | -0.0592510 | 5.103548 | -0.1126704 | 5.567096 | 69.96988 | |
357 | 739 | UPL | 42.1705791 | 0.0001450 | 0.0045993 | 0.0394851 | 3.689172 | 0.0370354 | 3.788103 | 53.41489 | |
358 | 740 | UPL | 40.0837761 | 0.0017361 | -0.0118758 | -0.0977609 | 3.571636 | -0.2354718 | 3.744858 | 52.21373 | |
359 | 741 | UPL | 36.4555445 | 0.0003177 | 0.0060982 | 0.0809983 | 2.516610 | 0.0093118 | 2.819411 | 24.56261 | |
360 | 742 | UPL | 15.1293431 | 0.0000187 | 0.0017577 | 0.0605286 | 2.960561 | 0.1325826 | 4.268543 | 73.74798 | |
361 | 743 | UPL | 31.0098934 | 0.0000045 | -0.0001087 | -0.0048852 | 4.022810 | 0.0210954 | 4.531839 | 66.33821 | |
362 | 744 | UPL | 27.3457137 | 0.0000548 | -0.0020023 | 0.0131085 | 3.884635 | -0.1436855 | 4.544098 | 49.24796 | |
363 | 746 | UPL | 35.4712844 | 0.0000632 | 0.0030210 | 0.0299773 | 4.695026 | 0.0448741 | 5.033951 | 38.65751 | |
364 | 748 | UPL | 27.5624411 | 0.0014562 | 0.0182746 | 0.2030336 | 4.638471 | 0.2570512 | 5.292263 | 64.38068 | |
365 | 749 | UPL | 34.6607378 | 0.0003358 | -0.0059154 | -0.0074647 | 4.875590 | -0.1285749 | 5.244873 | 46.28945 | |
366 | 753 | UPL | 51.6010481 | 0.0016585 | 0.0040364 | -0.0439945 | 5.029839 | 0.0208325 | 4.797091 | 55.47476 | |
367 | 754 | UPL | 17.7579859 | 0.0000014 | -0.0002742 | -0.0040485 | 7.092152 | -0.0848841 | 8.230787 | 65.19685 | |
368 | 755 | UPL | 2.7696502 | 0.0000419 | 0.0039956 | 0.1593024 | 3.746412 | 0.2506353 | 6.776853 | 27.59347 | |
369 | 756 | UPL | 19.8263746 | 0.0000256 | 0.0006913 | -0.0019484 | 3.908715 | 0.0529051 | 4.929891 | 68.71510 | |
370 | 758 | UPL | 8.3687897 | 0.0001191 | -0.0067633 | -0.1891304 | 3.588460 | -0.3292017 | 5.523491 | 45.24174 | |
371 | 760 | UPL | 28.8046403 | 0.0002545 | -0.0077502 | -0.0698381 | 5.783206 | -0.2666277 | 6.382109 | 56.42723 | |
372 | 761 | UPL | 35.0219063 | 0.0001471 | -0.0021389 | 0.0172191 | 5.566024 | -0.0666595 | 5.921636 | 66.46685 | |
373 | 762 | UPL | 11.7855297 | 0.0000514 | -0.0005022 | 0.0604943 | 2.449875 | 0.1893960 | 4.017774 | 57.26250 | |
374 | 763 | UPL | 34.5058370 | 0.0003005 | 0.0065405 | 0.0392476 | 4.079997 | 0.1491547 | 4.454930 | 57.42583 | |
375 | 764 | UPL | 3.5184494 | 0.0001345 | -0.0069525 | -0.3981479 | 4.178788 | -0.9598800 | 6.972259 | 31.73838 | |
376 | 765 | UPL | 18.7826227 | 0.0002769 | -0.0038387 | -0.0641353 | 3.281678 | -0.0936420 | 4.360232 | 68.39593 | |
377 | 766 | UPL | 18.4220925 | 0.0000643 | 0.0008982 | -0.0304910 | 5.375938 | -0.0473903 | 6.475818 | 51.57778 | |
378 | 767 | UPL | 8.3787804 | 0.0000124 | -0.0004096 | -0.0030927 | 3.984695 | -0.0223915 | 5.901434 | 60.48452 | |
379 | 768 | UPL | 50.5981633 | 0.0019537 | 0.0005937 | 0.0764949 | 2.714026 | 0.2248068 | 2.516585 | 70.82626 | |
380 | 769 | UPL | 37.0956864 | 0.0042179 | -0.0268578 | -0.1841649 | 7.166089 | -0.6612165 | 7.446457 | 29.61672 | |
381 | 770 | UPL | 25.9018641 | 0.0003681 | -0.0062574 | -0.0447350 | 4.827454 | -0.2559889 | 5.550084 | 39.67642 | |
382 | 771 | UPL | 15.1942134 | 0.0001014 | -0.0043616 | -0.0574834 | 5.348540 | -0.0718287 | 6.652322 | 43.86373 | |
383 | 774 | UPL | 22.9807263 | 0.0003993 | 0.0071898 | 0.0701238 | 3.767414 | 0.1893086 | 4.627844 | 60.57986 | |
384 | 775 | UPL | 18.2647393 | 0.0000289 | -0.0001206 | -0.0131026 | 4.182373 | 0.0978959 | 5.291928 | 57.99252 | |
385 | 776 | UPL | 43.6473433 | 0.0011683 | 0.0069135 | 0.1100324 | 4.410243 | 0.1172667 | 4.457836 | 34.13917 | |
386 | 777 | UPL | 9.9066431 | 0.0000166 | -0.0011758 | -0.0142492 | 5.699179 | -0.0333468 | 7.446508 | 66.96852 | |
387 | 778 | UPL | 23.7707061 | 0.0001112 | -0.0006814 | -0.0670944 | 5.142479 | -0.1445991 | 5.962599 | 46.16231 | |
388 | 780 | UPL | 37.3062742 | 0.0002981 | -0.0040940 | -0.1108116 | 5.583823 | -0.1619136 | 5.856107 | 64.98811 | |
389 | 781 | UPL | 33.8368552 | 0.0002505 | 0.0057163 | 0.1250350 | 2.675569 | 0.2053138 | 3.075841 | 56.79694 | |
390 | 785 | UPL | 28.0159747 | 0.0000825 | 0.0016603 | 0.0606605 | 3.618758 | 0.0830589 | 4.250885 | 41.03379 | |
391 | 787 | UPL | 39.8080579 | 0.0091317 | -0.0135475 | -0.3670068 | 3.121176 | -0.3640141 | 3.331551 | 37.37079 | |
392 | 789 | UPL | 17.2348655 | 0.0003020 | -0.0081881 | -0.0790169 | 6.531389 | -0.2513143 | 7.702214 | 68.82034 | |
393 | 790 | UPL | 28.8917729 | 0.0000959 | -0.0042193 | -0.0567500 | 4.866820 | -0.1573809 | 5.461465 | 45.50578 | |
394 | 791 | UPL | 38.5612367 | 0.0009351 | -0.0007338 | 0.0121317 | 3.364935 | -0.0683306 | 3.591952 | 73.68752 | |
395 | 792 | UPL | 24.9172073 | 0.0002587 | -0.0072512 | -0.0666010 | 4.075618 | -0.2452432 | 4.842531 | 55.79820 | |
396 | 793 | UPL | 41.6202147 | 0.0005404 | -0.0073913 | -0.1232275 | 4.972756 | -0.1656440 | 5.091082 | 50.39422 | |
397 | 794 | UPL | 35.0935406 | 0.0002873 | -0.0055209 | -0.0569498 | 4.378450 | -0.0848575 | 4.732523 | 62.96260 | |
398 | 796 | UPL | 35.5261681 | 0.0000940 | 0.0032987 | 0.0168246 | 4.357080 | 0.0967469 | 4.694015 | 47.65184 | |
399 | 797 | UPL | 34.6428032 | 0.0020428 | -0.0118764 | -0.1271561 | 4.179981 | -0.2317578 | 4.550482 | 73.13025 | |
400 | 799 | UPL | 12.1411815 | 0.0000963 | -0.0026237 | 0.0193056 | 5.178637 | -0.0203985 | 6.716029 | 64.47905 | |
401 | 800 | UPL | 9.8797468 | 0.0004815 | -0.0111177 | -0.2904946 | 8.770168 | -0.5072938 | 10.526725 | 68.64540 | |
402 | 802 | UPL | 24.6187941 | 0.0000501 | -0.0018367 | -0.0326433 | 5.925069 | -0.0882294 | 6.705453 | 48.61513 | |
403 | 803 | UPL | 39.6438670 | 0.0025983 | 0.0025146 | 0.0791574 | 3.569182 | 0.1245145 | 3.764889 | 77.85546 | |
404 | 804 | UPL | 26.8321789 | 0.0000984 | 0.0020499 | 0.0158700 | 4.485231 | 0.0453185 | 5.167870 | 48.38497 | |
405 | 806 | UPL | 17.3300214 | 0.0002488 | 0.0080628 | 0.1722952 | 3.782582 | 0.1563451 | 4.949208 | 40.95404 | |
406 | 807 | UPL | 22.5168559 | 0.0000309 | 0.0015417 | 0.0544486 | 4.191111 | 0.0031060 | 5.071764 | 54.69492 | |
407 | 808 | UPL | 9.4211543 | 0.0001136 | -0.0058794 | -0.2079419 | 2.931330 | -0.3698279 | 4.753470 | 76.55915 | |
408 | 809 | UPL | 22.0374648 | 0.0001036 | -0.0014604 | -0.1037149 | 3.922254 | -0.0706825 | 4.826714 | 43.88567 | |
409 | 811 | UPL | 15.9180685 | 0.0002874 | 0.0089256 | 0.2599998 | 1.636293 | 0.1828464 | 2.896934 | 39.68217 | |
410 | 812 | UPL | 29.6751288 | 0.0009519 | -0.0100379 | -0.0934148 | 5.240588 | -0.2427740 | 5.804743 | 64.29099 | |
411 | 813 | UPL | 18.5632332 | 0.0005200 | 0.0126470 | 0.1982301 | 2.352794 | 0.4155608 | 3.444252 | 71.76325 | |
412 | 814 | UPL | 26.5837003 | 0.0001184 | -0.0026921 | -0.0196128 | 4.176356 | -0.0916474 | 4.869075 | 67.65946 | |
413 | 816 | UPL | 16.8762203 | 0.0000382 | 0.0019447 | 0.0385241 | 3.938672 | 0.0489303 | 5.131530 | 61.09092 | |
414 | 817 | UPL | 11.1754764 | 0.0005440 | -0.0097706 | -0.3520234 | 6.179389 | -0.3309341 | 7.882852 | 25.44542 | |
415 | 818 | UPL | 30.7142779 | 0.0004455 | 0.0095688 | 0.1479723 | 3.097970 | 0.2622974 | 3.620775 | 60.44882 | |
416 | 819 | UPL | 22.0941684 | 0.0002297 | 0.0014746 | -0.0087153 | 6.433158 | -0.0416422 | 7.336659 | 46.24575 | |
417 | 820 | UPL | 27.5444826 | 0.0009882 | -0.0125950 | -0.0956672 | 3.617696 | -0.1352137 | 4.271922 | 50.48597 | |
418 | 822 | UPL | 40.4541918 | 0.0009491 | 0.0013586 | -0.0067228 | 4.279647 | -0.0799369 | 4.439286 | 48.00922 | |
419 | 823 | UPL | 15.4463284 | 0.0020039 | 0.0253551 | 0.4101488 | 1.612880 | 0.5979597 | 2.900148 | 39.60108 | |
420 | 828 | UPL | 35.2674270 | 0.0001737 | 0.0014629 | 0.0038571 | 3.424806 | 0.1007150 | 3.771294 | 57.84911 | |
421 | 829 | UPL | 27.6079568 | 0.0000435 | 0.0024978 | 0.0139774 | 3.218834 | 0.0871699 | 3.867224 | 54.40943 | |
422 | 830 | UPL | 15.4218648 | 0.0000805 | 0.0039581 | 0.0576159 | 5.121995 | 0.0900540 | 6.410254 | 42.22585 | |
423 | 832 | UPL | 16.6860157 | 0.0000779 | -0.0016963 | -0.0154228 | 4.630794 | -0.1270814 | 5.835952 | 66.31003 | |
424 | 837 | UPL | 12.2016609 | 0.0000706 | -0.0010363 | -0.0085972 | 4.400827 | -0.0026361 | 5.933255 | 84.01993 | |
425 | 841 | UPL | 25.1855165 | 0.0003781 | -0.0030856 | -0.0537836 | 4.141021 | -0.2146426 | 4.897963 | 44.49303 | |
426 | 844 | UPL | 37.9173455 | 0.0010570 | -0.0085592 | -0.0870556 | 5.983091 | -0.2044137 | 6.233258 | 19.02824 | |
427 | 845 | UPL | 31.3764125 | 0.0004644 | 0.0086863 | 0.1094434 | 2.534827 | 0.3275689 | 3.030727 | 61.70566 | |
428 | 846 | UPL | 13.3835798 | 0.0001146 | -0.0024486 | -0.0474418 | 5.401420 | -0.0267059 | 6.845855 | 77.34976 | |
429 | 848 | UPL | 17.1403844 | 0.0001728 | -0.0072408 | -0.1070243 | 6.957361 | -0.1948004 | 8.138995 | 46.80411 | |
430 | 849 | UPL | 14.8181816 | 0.0000890 | -0.0055672 | -0.0834404 | 6.029358 | -0.1928755 | 7.361931 | 69.69374 | |
431 | 851 | UPL | 31.7286757 | 0.0001044 | 0.0026037 | 0.0229074 | 5.458371 | -0.0259913 | 5.939176 | 44.55873 | |
432 | 853 | UPL | 26.3195183 | 0.0006451 | -0.0025360 | -0.1323762 | 4.563984 | 0.0145717 | 5.270603 | 46.35818 | |
433 | 854 | UPL | 17.9452528 | 0.0010595 | 0.0024740 | 0.1410525 | 2.985870 | 0.2310624 | 4.128288 | 57.77000 | |
434 | 858 | UPL | 36.5626317 | 0.0003065 | -0.0003112 | 0.0264971 | 2.951118 | 0.0018980 | 3.250525 | 57.59493 | |
435 | 859 | UPL | 26.1280293 | 0.0000876 | 0.0017371 | -0.0012783 | 3.321257 | -0.0282564 | 4.033911 | 67.16967 | |
436 | 863 | UPL | 16.4289639 | 0.0006403 | 0.0146451 | 0.2030974 | 2.859125 | 0.5134800 | 4.084510 | 51.48870 | |
437 | 864 | UPL | 6.7019480 | 0.0000383 | 0.0000211 | 0.0830713 | 3.018091 | -0.1149345 | 5.162300 | 46.28153 | |
438 | 865 | UPL | 8.6398775 | 0.0001668 | -0.0040274 | -0.1179596 | 3.285907 | -0.1864260 | 5.212356 | 40.33705 | |
439 | 868 | UPL | 18.5998230 | 0.0000508 | -0.0016337 | -0.0251424 | 4.344084 | 0.0076480 | 5.433535 | 34.00651 | |
440 | 869 | UPL | 17.8536288 | 0.0001405 | 0.0053743 | 0.1043176 | 2.203644 | 0.1239167 | 3.347062 | 44.73129 | |
441 | 870 | UPL | 30.5333598 | 0.0004074 | 0.0079122 | 0.1348833 | 2.888789 | 0.1721820 | 3.417298 | 60.07147 | |
442 | 871 | UPL | 45.5637308 | 0.0029556 | -0.0095488 | -0.0748283 | 5.152455 | -0.0329628 | 5.132775 | 74.76081 | |
443 | 872 | UPL | 20.9713003 | 0.0004684 | -0.0087308 | -0.0819190 | 5.862327 | -0.1241472 | 6.821872 | 72.60018 | |
444 | 874 | UPL | 55.9397622 | 0.0179267 | -0.0174085 | -0.4091203 | 4.049525 | -0.5858539 | 3.649075 | 55.77892 | |
445 | 875 | UPL | 25.9733427 | 0.0000601 | -0.0041360 | -0.0364103 | 7.591303 | -0.0835984 | 8.310606 | 39.61803 | |
446 | 877 | UPL | 28.5362559 | 0.0024494 | 0.0228724 | 0.2451981 | 2.088509 | 0.4507573 | 2.699313 | 63.84552 | |
447 | 878 | UPL | 29.6368253 | 0.0002002 | -0.0051594 | -0.0381794 | 3.781834 | -0.1174042 | 4.346670 | 56.19830 | |
448 | 879 | UPL | 36.7908400 | 0.0019583 | 0.0132147 | 0.0929045 | 2.410503 | 0.2910602 | 2.701441 | 28.30194 | |
449 | 881 | UPL | 33.7547206 | 0.0020089 | 0.0154036 | 0.2429708 | 4.328776 | 0.3909740 | 4.747434 | 62.59299 | |
450 | 882 | UPL | 25.9395735 | 0.0000431 | 0.0005786 | 0.0184455 | 4.381891 | -0.0036142 | 5.102785 | 56.22049 | |
451 | 884 | UPL | 32.7043691 | 0.0000433 | 0.0019364 | 0.0101335 | 3.241992 | 0.0458196 | 3.685056 | 67.84812 | |
452 | 885 | UPL | 37.1651137 | 0.0005197 | 0.0066676 | 0.0787472 | 4.308870 | 0.2179986 | 4.586316 | 67.97814 | |
453 | 887 | UPL | 22.4499733 | 0.0000289 | -0.0005902 | -0.0158737 | 4.521385 | -0.0173584 | 5.405672 | 42.83620 | |
454 | 888 | UPL | 35.6645325 | 0.0011166 | -0.0122462 | -0.0799911 | 5.165700 | -0.4739469 | 5.498083 | 47.92155 | |
455 | 889 | UPL | 18.3931124 | 0.0001588 | -0.0033200 | -0.1292380 | 4.960726 | -0.1257199 | 6.066368 | 53.89003 | |
456 | 891 | UPL | 30.1230139 | 0.0000703 | 0.0004225 | -0.0195967 | 4.219691 | 0.0733211 | 4.764270 | 63.42454 | |
457 | 893 | UPL | 51.7913310 | 0.0031853 | 0.0122535 | 0.1432913 | 3.593027 | 0.1742371 | 3.352536 | 46.69434 | |
458 | 894 | UPL | 21.5891135 | 0.0001576 | 0.0040782 | 0.0374270 | 2.731915 | 0.0423944 | 3.660006 | 31.58335 | |
459 | 896 | UPL | 35.3165932 | 0.0000256 | -0.0012746 | -0.0134152 | 4.184061 | -0.0176947 | 4.528768 | 58.90145 | |
460 | 897 | UPL | 28.8518665 | 0.0002580 | 0.0068108 | 0.0598934 | 3.427716 | 0.2037587 | 4.023933 | 53.15236 | |
461 | 899 | UPL | 25.8139988 | 0.0001556 | 0.0004405 | -0.0055579 | 4.906167 | 0.0656235 | 5.633344 | 61.66092 | |
462 | 901 | UPL | 35.7842589 | 0.0006080 | 0.0111242 | 0.1096033 | 3.877503 | 0.1739785 | 4.204949 | 63.57062 | |
463 | 902 | UPL | 44.4702852 | 0.0005665 | -0.0055460 | -0.1015774 | 4.346776 | -0.1187675 | 4.365260 | 52.36200 | |
464 | 904 | UPL | 8.7288183 | 0.0011195 | -0.0139777 | -0.4216759 | 7.578875 | -0.6995070 | 9.849196 | 36.58600 | |
465 | 906 | UPL | 42.8731998 | 0.0002989 | 0.0026206 | 0.0310893 | 4.251165 | 0.0187058 | 4.325710 | 61.46393 | |
466 | 908 | UPL | 33.7450619 | 0.0000527 | 0.0005488 | -0.0146716 | 4.454866 | -0.0199531 | 4.858451 | 61.50819 | |
467 | 909 | UPL | 19.9677228 | 0.0000632 | 0.0001499 | -0.0258934 | 3.463806 | 0.0786657 | 4.476310 | 64.55765 | |
468 | 910 | UPL | 23.5073726 | 0.0001265 | 0.0042198 | -0.0059083 | 3.360548 | 0.0367958 | 4.193268 | 58.60084 | |
469 | 911 | UPL | 33.0243971 | 0.0009223 | -0.0139728 | -0.1746563 | 4.218194 | -0.2492020 | 4.650550 | 47.54003 | |
470 | 912 | UPL | 25.0740410 | 0.0001722 | -0.0058972 | -0.0581185 | 7.610020 | -0.0803709 | 8.369729 | 51.58605 | |
471 | 914 | UPL | 58.6531388 | 0.0030783 | 0.0067959 | 0.1903153 | 2.717342 | 0.3538324 | 2.220627 | 56.87700 | |
472 | 915 | UPL | 10.4204701 | 0.0000489 | -0.0037058 | -0.1407336 | 4.024493 | -0.1203032 | 5.722078 | 59.37639 | |
473 | 916 | UPL | 39.5471460 | 0.0009883 | 0.0013844 | -0.0174811 | 5.325939 | 0.0836766 | 5.517545 | 39.68711 | |
474 | 917 | UPL | 27.0637502 | 0.0000000 | -0.0000081 | -0.0001117 | 5.305665 | 0.0051664 | 5.977192 | 63.70301 | |
475 | 918 | UPL | 46.9798271 | 0.0046638 | 0.0237724 | 0.1230167 | 2.212292 | 0.4522243 | 2.142241 | 75.27634 | |
476 | 920 | UPL | 21.4878863 | 0.0001149 | 0.0060129 | 0.0329606 | 3.353941 | 0.1374589 | 4.286781 | 42.21175 | |
477 | 921 | UPL | 27.3283340 | 0.0000287 | -0.0021422 | -0.0221580 | 4.542525 | -0.1453979 | 5.202731 | 72.57197 | |
478 | 922 | UPL | 14.9569760 | 0.0000443 | -0.0034692 | -0.0839258 | 6.619559 | -0.2249871 | 7.946640 | 69.59081 | |
479 | 923 | UPL | 21.6028176 | 0.0001390 | -0.0064287 | -0.0848490 | 5.912255 | -0.1880236 | 6.840482 | 46.62688 | |
480 | 924 | UPL | 16.0791346 | 0.0000784 | -0.0044237 | -0.1296580 | 3.577803 | -0.0711503 | 4.836083 | 42.35191 | |
481 | 925 | UPL | 38.1357351 | 0.0041023 | 0.0110072 | 0.0859168 | 2.266501 | 0.3868685 | 2.510473 | 67.74837 | |
482 | 929 | UPL | 42.8503931 | 0.0001449 | 0.0011999 | 0.0102655 | 3.576265 | -0.0361920 | 3.651422 | 54.27072 | |
483 | 930 | UPL | 34.9675454 | 0.0000791 | -0.0033295 | -0.0121953 | 4.165906 | -0.0900643 | 4.523544 | 62.15423 | |
484 | 932 | UPL | 39.6696093 | 0.0001697 | -0.0014278 | -0.0431576 | 3.758579 | 0.0159481 | 3.945765 | 58.47987 | |
485 | 933 | UPL | 33.3575076 | 0.0002093 | 0.0051339 | 0.0051119 | 4.456059 | 0.0690452 | 4.874469 | 46.14132 | |
486 | 934 | UPL | 25.4726886 | 0.0001477 | -0.0024201 | -0.0410704 | 4.309711 | -0.0522425 | 5.053840 | 38.49037 | |
487 | 938 | WET | 2.3003450 | 0.0000178 | -0.0006072 | -0.0283446 | 2.810449 | 0.3040790 | 6.027315 | 70.97816 | |
488 | 939 | UPL | 26.8166167 | 0.0004330 | 0.0040559 | 0.0236881 | 3.614398 | 0.1448169 | 4.298598 | 90.79218 | |
489 | 940 | UPL | 30.0467293 | 0.0004970 | -0.0103375 | -0.0977481 | 4.686259 | -0.0923914 | 5.235512 | 62.29997 | |
490 | 942 | UPL | 17.2970109 | 0.0001193 | 0.0005920 | -0.0263188 | 5.317487 | -0.0480845 | 6.485709 | 50.02290 | |
491 | 943 | UPL | 10.9435793 | 0.0000121 | 0.0012066 | 0.0170516 | 4.287187 | 0.0737391 | 5.930609 | 67.55728 | |
492 | 944 | UPL | 36.0624129 | 0.0001028 | 0.0000779 | -0.0072040 | 4.088724 | -0.0159374 | 4.405916 | 56.27621 | |
493 | 946 | UPL | 38.6120469 | 0.0023176 | -0.0215509 | -0.1825479 | 4.555854 | -0.4173037 | 4.780889 | 49.95957 | |
494 | 947 | UPL | 21.5758449 | 0.0000929 | -0.0020211 | -0.0228810 | 5.758029 | -0.0098801 | 6.685969 | 75.42447 | |
495 | 948 | UPL | 33.2844257 | 0.0014252 | -0.0079834 | -0.0917840 | 4.145654 | -0.1258252 | 4.569905 | 62.20424 | |
496 | 951 | UPL | 32.3367605 | 0.0003666 | -0.0084713 | -0.0713808 | 4.161854 | -0.1760853 | 4.620037 | 39.61953 | |
497 | 953 | UPL | 18.4081428 | 0.0000496 | -0.0031569 | -0.0426691 | 5.925639 | -0.1443195 | 7.025891 | 52.50760 | |
498 | 954 | UPL | 18.6501412 | 0.0005107 | -0.0060307 | -0.0927395 | 7.668713 | -0.0073571 | 8.756012 | 56.87337 | |
499 | 955 | UPL | 28.2726942 | 0.0000406 | -0.0025857 | -0.0175388 | 4.143194 | -0.0214006 | 4.763600 | 44.78071 | |
500 | 956 | UPL | 18.0779583 | 0.0001631 | -0.0045308 | -0.0803851 | 8.514749 | -0.2648003 | 9.636785 | 54.60104 | |
502 | 958 | UPL | 12.3262863 | 0.0002083 | 0.0061509 | 0.3826277 | 1.806221 | 0.1405290 | 3.334420 | 46.01606 | |
503 | 959 | UPL | 25.0517227 | 0.0004781 | -0.0098613 | -0.1293186 | 7.289515 | -0.1725689 | 8.050452 | 41.96133 | |
504 | 960 | UPL | 2.1185002 | 0.0000553 | -0.0033800 | -0.2389151 | 2.773650 | -0.4255921 | 6.110984 | 86.09883 | |
505 | 961 | UPL | 29.7278658 | 0.0000595 | -0.0020427 | -0.0079466 | 5.495277 | -0.0559282 | 6.056830 | 55.63226 | |
506 | 962 | UPL | 24.8385494 | 0.0002887 | 0.0096223 | 0.1014159 | 3.348887 | 0.1984121 | 4.122339 | 60.92061 | |
507 | 963 | UPL | 15.0068382 | 0.0001407 | 0.0046028 | 0.2515033 | 1.836102 | 0.1683811 | 3.164867 | 55.39922 | |
508 | 964 | UPL | 26.2338907 | 0.0002887 | -0.0024133 | 0.0257671 | 6.614785 | -0.0992268 | 7.324944 | 47.30550 | |
509 | 965 | UPL | 29.0273704 | 0.0001484 | -0.0057174 | -0.0599992 | 6.949248 | -0.1700611 | 7.538754 | 100.53424 | |
510 | 966 | UPL | 32.5351276 | 0.0003537 | -0.0084007 | -0.0670264 | 4.868441 | -0.1728523 | 5.318416 | 56.87132 | |
511 | 967 | UPL | 14.5734369 | 0.0000402 | -0.0005092 | 0.0203788 | 6.072819 | -0.0484633 | 7.420388 | 79.62517 | |
512 | 969 | UPL | 17.4334392 | 0.0001182 | -0.0052214 | -0.0794487 | 3.820461 | -0.0602473 | 4.989796 | 50.38097 | |
513 | 970 | UPL | 32.8335669 | 0.0000501 | 0.0002998 | -0.0064521 | 5.001011 | 0.0038026 | 5.439129 | 55.71019 | |
514 | 971 | UPL | 30.1226679 | 0.0002363 | 0.0031296 | 0.0232908 | 4.539617 | 0.0907698 | 5.084542 | 51.45345 | |
515 | 972 | UPL | 12.7527478 | 0.0001587 | 0.0031194 | 0.0763874 | 3.048436 | 0.1144550 | 4.538083 | 44.02117 | |
516 | 973 | UPL | 30.6912718 | 0.0000000 | -0.0000152 | -0.0003130 | 4.237042 | -0.0173616 | 4.758675 | 59.32227 | |
517 | 974 | UPL | 23.3119596 | 0.0001142 | -0.0012867 | -0.0350113 | 3.370258 | -0.1183798 | 4.215012 | 50.24306 | |
518 | 976 | UPL | 33.6784572 | 0.0018758 | -0.0178339 | -0.3491460 | 3.966382 | -0.5173501 | 4.372984 | 41.79805 | |
519 | 978 | UPL | 33.8881480 | 0.0005926 | 0.0108418 | 0.1068860 | 2.413803 | 0.2960311 | 2.812105 | 62.88721 | |
520 | 980 | UPL | 14.5633082 | 0.0001026 | -0.0063175 | -0.1191670 | 5.202880 | -0.1959024 | 6.556216 | 56.22082 | |
521 | 981 | UPL | 28.8684236 | 0.0005265 | -0.0044273 | -0.0045247 | 4.807377 | -0.1710121 | 5.404534 | 47.23608 | |
522 | 982 | UPL | 26.6745937 | 0.0004689 | 0.0066150 | 0.0638484 | 4.211037 | 0.2856805 | 4.899851 | 63.20652 | |
523 | 983 | UPL | 22.5277876 | 0.0000478 | 0.0016287 | 0.0114226 | 5.199355 | -0.0550533 | 6.079554 | 68.49846 | |
524 | 984 | UPL | 27.4363006 | 0.0004882 | 0.0072104 | 0.0992579 | 2.468774 | -0.0001859 | 3.126608 | 71.23412 | |
525 | 986 | UPL | 20.7582426 | 0.0004991 | -0.0038121 | -0.0379749 | 2.607512 | -0.0477306 | 3.580515 | 57.05567 | |
526 | 987 | UPL | 17.0296701 | 0.0001050 | -0.0051544 | -0.0795353 | 5.952939 | -0.2861941 | 7.137455 | 52.66050 | |
527 | 988 | UPL | 22.5379469 | 0.0000163 | -0.0002214 | 0.0031631 | 4.326595 | -0.0444194 | 5.206167 | 70.30623 | |
528 | 989 | UPL | 45.7022891 | 0.0002157 | 0.0024558 | 0.0728199 | 2.917424 | 0.2214988 | 2.892875 | 75.67044 | |
529 | 990 | UPL | 34.5210848 | 0.0012958 | -0.0038026 | -0.0068577 | 3.050735 | 0.0640404 | 3.425320 | 59.44569 | |
530 | 991 | UPL | 14.6798176 | 0.0000447 | 0.0007998 | 0.0208302 | 3.446614 | 0.0122826 | 4.787164 | 82.40481 | |
531 | 993 | UPL | 50.4870388 | 0.0004908 | -0.0048121 | -0.0030741 | 2.946702 | -0.0585919 | 2.753890 | 71.68054 | |
532 | 994 | UPL | 12.2944899 | 0.0005088 | 0.0118393 | 0.1726239 | 2.654599 | 0.1365375 | 4.181163 | 56.40040 | |
533 | 995 | UPL | 23.3736551 | 0.0001363 | -0.0051853 | -0.0569274 | 5.531488 | -0.1287493 | 6.370590 | 44.36733 | |
534 | 997 | UPL | 20.6806044 | 0.0003827 | -0.0045436 | -0.0911561 | 4.446878 | -0.2153623 | 5.423781 | 65.16702 | |
535 | 999 | UPL | 18.1161730 | 0.0000100 | 0.0008589 | -0.0305337 | 5.048628 | 0.0285617 | 6.165986 | 61.57717 | |
536 | 1000 | UPL | 17.9389210 | 0.0002468 | 0.0081213 | 0.0545202 | 3.180696 | 0.3472959 | 4.312542 | 60.48317 | |
537 | 1001 | UPL | 27.3455054 | 0.0002994 | 0.0073523 | 0.0579197 | 3.848503 | 0.0309020 | 4.508217 | 44.99615 | |
538 | 1002 | UPL | 25.9396158 | 0.0005813 | -0.0117337 | -0.1936408 | 5.191776 | -0.3767147 | 5.919287 | 69.96826 | |
539 | 1003 | UPL | 18.4902689 | 0.0012757 | 0.0157065 | 0.1584371 | 2.446429 | 0.2612130 | 3.545738 | 45.32217 | |
540 | 1004 | UPL | 32.1665209 | 0.0001074 | 0.0011648 | 0.0071173 | 3.412527 | -0.0035443 | 3.876654 | 52.26962 | |
541 | 1005 | UPL | 13.4351050 | 0.0000994 | 0.0050290 | 0.1220263 | 2.705801 | 0.1967481 | 4.138118 | 61.89322 | |
542 | 1006 | UPL | 24.9280359 | 0.0000951 | 0.0046268 | 0.0379804 | 3.956610 | 0.1581013 | 4.723385 | 49.54287 | |
543 | 1007 | UPL | 31.4070083 | 0.0000934 | -0.0018468 | -0.0406568 | 4.322341 | -0.0181308 | 4.817145 | 61.93785 | |
544 | 1008 | UPL | 22.1000907 | 0.0005533 | 0.0056865 | 0.0833859 | 6.596439 | 0.1211888 | 7.503474 | 49.99685 | |
545 | 1009 | UPL | 49.9531460 | 0.0005140 | -0.0006394 | -0.0377549 | 4.405894 | 0.0319183 | 4.231845 | 32.21017 | |
547 | 1011 | UPL | 11.0371464 | 0.0000568 | -0.0008515 | -0.0745874 | 3.786282 | -0.1566180 | 5.422364 | 35.51735 | |
548 | 1012 | UPL | 28.8459686 | 0.0001814 | -0.0033542 | -0.0091138 | 3.831072 | -0.1146887 | 4.427535 | 59.49186 | |
549 | 1014 | UPL | 31.5452376 | 0.0005938 | 0.0027272 | 0.0518245 | 2.839771 | 0.0667776 | 3.328762 | 63.64684 | |
550 | 1015 | UPL | 34.0162107 | 0.0036017 | 0.0226101 | 0.1921513 | 2.333098 | 0.2326700 | 2.726329 | 65.00746 | |
551 | 1016 | UPL | 22.0464854 | 0.0000739 | -0.0003642 | 0.0014780 | 5.225232 | -0.0380790 | 6.129431 | 67.00172 | |
552 | 1019 | UPL | 11.2892323 | 0.0007252 | -0.0138651 | -0.1784704 | 7.087426 | -0.3299831 | 8.713188 | 34.63729 | |
553 | 1020 | UPL | 34.4745039 | 0.0012369 | -0.0107738 | -0.1332029 | 7.952772 | -0.1178624 | 8.328910 | 47.28544 | |
554 | 1021 | UPL | 14.3414755 | 0.0000810 | -0.0054887 | -0.1369960 | 6.981221 | -0.1342081 | 8.351432 | 66.75017 | |
555 | 1022 | UPL | 23.6950856 | 0.0000217 | -0.0017064 | -0.0083421 | 4.427438 | -0.1129330 | 5.251019 | 77.57574 | |
556 | 1024 | UPL | 15.2469773 | 0.0000067 | 0.0010381 | 0.0175925 | 3.877233 | 0.0646420 | 5.177081 | 58.29667 | |
557 | 1026 | UPL | 14.5902191 | 0.0002765 | -0.0095211 | -0.1540021 | 6.435272 | -0.2446089 | 7.789750 | 71.95851 | |
558 | 1029 | UPL | 22.8482694 | 0.0000978 | 0.0009074 | 0.0330675 | 6.389400 | 0.0283547 | 7.256609 | 34.37480 | |
559 | 1030 | UPL | 32.4284890 | 0.0004542 | -0.0010826 | 0.0265662 | 3.957541 | 0.0241373 | 4.411267 | 61.52971 | |
560 | 1031 | UPL | 15.3179159 | 0.0000989 | 0.0003287 | 0.0311626 | 4.671710 | -0.0476930 | 5.970235 | 57.51848 | |
561 | 1032 | UPL | 22.7208435 | 0.0000291 | -0.0016040 | -0.0079357 | 4.228059 | -0.0115486 | 5.099881 | 37.86014 | |
562 | 1033 | UPL | 23.3317024 | 0.0003850 | 0.0092270 | 0.1480089 | 2.528956 | 0.3996658 | 3.372365 | 46.85671 | |
563 | 1034 | UPL | 31.6599494 | 0.0009559 | 0.0097844 | 0.0482545 | 2.971227 | 0.3281200 | 3.456539 | 62.54884 | |
564 | 1036 | UPL | 29.4652507 | 0.0002183 | 0.0056694 | 0.0767632 | 3.918349 | 0.1779806 | 4.490400 | 62.36087 | |
565 | 1038 | UPL | 26.3258045 | 0.0000546 | -0.0019094 | -0.0133420 | 5.662067 | 0.0111489 | 6.365893 | 90.89504 | |
566 | 1039 | UPL | 24.0926318 | 0.0000937 | 0.0017774 | -0.0415226 | 6.376731 | 0.1140868 | 7.186074 | 53.29085 | |
567 | 1041 | UPL | 25.7780002 | 0.0001054 | -0.0004490 | 0.0043554 | 6.052242 | 0.0310248 | 6.780160 | 66.44125 | |
568 | 1042 | UPL | 30.5706966 | 0.0003367 | 0.0052486 | 0.1232726 | 5.213567 | 0.1452032 | 5.741642 | 51.56131 | |
569 | 1043 | UPL | 43.8475034 | 0.0015239 | -0.0110135 | -0.0973728 | 5.894169 | -0.2307214 | 5.934696 | 65.61160 | |
570 | 1044 | UPL | 28.5839775 | 0.0000445 | -0.0002271 | -0.0183604 | 4.196902 | -0.0622740 | 4.804200 | 55.70666 | |
571 | 1045 | UPL | 31.4185387 | 0.0001601 | -0.0036586 | -0.0342077 | 3.502945 | -0.0981771 | 3.996022 | 58.57654 | |
572 | 1047 | UPL | 9.8442204 | 0.0000085 | 0.0005742 | 0.0090412 | 4.827530 | 0.0487748 | 6.580108 | 64.04039 | |
573 | 1050 | UPL | 21.5968249 | 0.0010284 | 0.0158256 | 0.2406850 | 3.926748 | 0.4914803 | 4.867640 | 45.35344 | |
574 | 1052 | UPL | 29.8810301 | 0.0000244 | -0.0015900 | 0.0036589 | 7.685087 | -0.0616893 | 8.239231 | 37.59465 | |
575 | 1053 | UPL | 18.5824955 | 0.0002040 | 0.0083627 | 0.1341196 | 3.106712 | 0.5587476 | 4.198546 | 67.02020 | |
576 | 1055 | UPL | 40.0283486 | 0.0001151 | 0.0032047 | 0.0202661 | 4.093433 | 0.0154411 | 4.267924 | 51.43933 | |
577 | 1057 | UPL | 31.5099487 | 0.0012900 | 0.0143335 | 0.1290468 | 2.902341 | 0.2715749 | 3.394197 | 53.71278 | |
578 | 1059 | UPL | 37.7722737 | 0.0001213 | 0.0033987 | 0.0668534 | 3.800689 | 0.2065869 | 4.055853 | 62.15176 | |
579 | 1060 | UPL | 23.9976139 | 0.0001390 | -0.0050744 | -0.0448115 | 5.462293 | -0.1439606 | 6.272312 | 42.65722 | |
580 | 1061 | UPL | 10.4220029 | 0.0005746 | -0.0081572 | -0.1327083 | 3.139138 | -0.0861151 | 4.835133 | 69.84684 | |
581 | 1063 | UPL | 25.6029165 | 0.0002518 | 0.0087641 | 0.0932234 | 6.640007 | 0.1493833 | 7.379453 | 64.46751 | |
582 | 1064 | UPL | 16.8820841 | 0.0000400 | 0.0019144 | 0.0009901 | 6.684465 | -0.0085080 | 7.877333 | 42.36479 | |
583 | 1068 | UPL | 13.2688937 | 0.0000142 | -0.0003994 | -0.0225043 | 3.781580 | -0.0122815 | 5.227351 | 51.79165 | |
584 | 1071 | UPL | 24.8481623 | 0.0003197 | -0.0083966 | -0.2112604 | 4.876885 | -0.2984898 | 5.650890 | 48.85103 | |
585 | 1072 | UPL | 9.4195046 | 0.0013354 | -0.0125617 | -0.3205367 | 2.734660 | -0.4687182 | 4.602724 | 58.58467 | |
586 | 1074 | UPL | 17.6740738 | 0.0000273 | 0.0008657 | 0.0179312 | 5.384370 | 0.0002125 | 6.529052 | 62.73501 | |
587 | 1075 | UPL | 7.6798729 | 0.0000398 | 0.0011230 | 0.0943091 | 2.629343 | 0.2235661 | 4.638446 | 61.52600 | |
588 | 1076 | UPL | 31.4723895 | 0.0002002 | -0.0061131 | -0.0523075 | 4.740050 | -0.1306885 | 5.230955 | 88.25693 | |
589 | 1077 | UPL | 47.9944494 | 0.0003892 | -0.0045440 | -0.0161652 | 3.859921 | -0.0647729 | 3.755134 | 75.31126 | |
590 | 1078 | UPL | 25.9887791 | 0.0001331 | -0.0020436 | -0.0174519 | 6.094957 | -0.2185044 | 6.815364 | 68.03629 | |
591 | 1079 | UPL | 13.5865875 | 0.0000745 | -0.0043986 | -0.0603643 | 7.092562 | -0.1667709 | 8.513124 | 58.13739 | |
592 | 1080 | UPL | 17.0495412 | 0.0000302 | 0.0011834 | 0.0759351 | 3.275388 | 0.1121596 | 4.458362 | 80.50760 | |
593 | 1082 | UPL | 28.1458110 | 0.0008351 | -0.0056125 | 0.0020696 | 5.225823 | -0.1174667 | 5.851897 | 66.36618 | |
594 | 1083 | UPL | 43.4246782 | 0.0012321 | -0.0107012 | -0.2224544 | 4.411495 | -0.2447816 | 4.466760 | 63.58169 | |
595 | 1084 | UPL | 21.4187383 | 0.0006272 | -0.0069149 | -0.0914155 | 7.613849 | -0.1559749 | 8.551816 | 72.81740 | |
596 | 1085 | UPL | 32.9032684 | 0.0002439 | -0.0049048 | -0.0734266 | 5.456711 | -0.0149053 | 5.892665 | 27.71500 | |
597 | 1086 | UPL | 17.8291425 | 0.0010341 | -0.0161993 | -0.3187924 | 3.808063 | -0.8686092 | 4.972223 | 49.49786 | |
598 | 1087 | UPL | 33.1752418 | 0.0005394 | -0.0076966 | -0.0993039 | 4.149641 | -0.0883559 | 4.574855 | 47.33923 | |
599 | 1088 | UPL | 14.3034383 | 0.0000698 | 0.0028504 | 0.0667220 | 3.224996 | 0.2466801 | 4.591877 | 43.65742 | |
600 | 1089 | UPL | 20.9689175 | 0.0000477 | 0.0013089 | 0.0553738 | 4.013450 | -0.0176910 | 4.974952 | 56.02180 | |
601 | 1091 | UPL | 38.2935101 | 0.0003611 | -0.0023991 | -0.0358753 | 3.557944 | -0.0573925 | 3.794777 | 49.42801 | |
602 | 1092 | UPL | 2.4739628 | 0.0000787 | -0.0035947 | -0.4461487 | 5.584321 | -0.5366917 | 8.835469 | 35.71932 | |
603 | 1095 | UPL | 23.5437811 | 0.0000677 | 0.0027948 | -0.0058050 | 4.523164 | 0.1324957 | 5.357180 | 61.04798 | |
604 | 1096 | UPL | 32.2704942 | 0.0003381 | 0.0081308 | 0.1874736 | 2.848745 | 0.1082471 | 3.309161 | 45.80932 | |
605 | 1097 | UPL | 39.3158826 | 0.0000720 | -0.0005295 | -0.0090338 | 4.974467 | -0.0488388 | 5.174216 | 36.19977 | |
606 | 1098 | UPL | 39.8547407 | 0.0004254 | -0.0075944 | -0.0788047 | 5.962766 | -0.1629517 | 6.143460 | 30.10805 | |
607 | 1100 | UPL | 64.9392430 | 0.0064393 | 0.0162063 | 0.1743704 | 3.116549 | 0.2413879 | 2.351765 | 59.44955 | |
608 | 1101 | UPL | 18.1778002 | 0.0001553 | 0.0021297 | 0.0336492 | 5.335636 | -0.0292739 | 6.449589 | 64.36283 | |
609 | 1102 | UPL | 21.1575444 | 0.0006754 | 0.0034171 | -0.0216363 | 2.713030 | 0.2697166 | 3.674724 | 61.41019 | |
610 | 1104 | UPL | 20.0284708 | 0.0001496 | -0.0003457 | 0.0157027 | 4.019227 | -0.1121131 | 5.033547 | 31.06428 | |
611 | 1105 | UPL | 35.4722745 | 0.0019379 | 0.0186435 | 0.1830171 | 2.012583 | 0.2331149 | 2.351601 | 45.72304 | |
612 | 1106 | UPL | 44.5106660 | 0.0008736 | 0.0072507 | 0.0762866 | 3.821025 | 0.1429736 | 3.838149 | 63.96226 | |
613 | 1108 | UPL | 43.6439161 | 0.0001534 | -0.0028757 | -0.0474357 | 3.919558 | 0.0025941 | 3.967097 | 60.67178 | |
614 | 1109 | UPL | 27.8977511 | 0.0003833 | 0.0096906 | 0.1028350 | 4.549853 | 0.2455636 | 5.187378 | 52.95070 | |
615 | 1110 | UPL | 26.7568487 | 0.0005808 | 0.0100407 | 0.1279141 | 3.700222 | 0.1357447 | 4.386310 | 36.59211 | |
616 | 1112 | UPL | 26.4777426 | 0.0001662 | -0.0021558 | -0.0219401 | 3.142254 | 0.0109754 | 3.842203 | 54.42602 | |
617 | 1113 | UPL | 37.2469370 | 0.0005615 | -0.0058436 | -0.0683850 | 6.940371 | -0.0893391 | 7.214535 | 54.56906 | |
618 | 1114 | UPL | 24.9348472 | 0.0001676 | 0.0029733 | 0.0685647 | 4.148212 | -0.0040768 | 4.915311 | 70.61870 | |
619 | 1115 | UPL | 2.9671699 | 0.0000084 | -0.0004634 | 0.2400015 | 1.678644 | 0.0160816 | 4.673616 | 67.80321 | |
620 | 1116 | UPL | 31.7484138 | 0.0001208 | -0.0019126 | -0.0299377 | 3.539965 | -0.0116087 | 4.020207 | 66.54765 | |
621 | 1117 | UPL | 14.8035973 | 0.0036276 | -0.0262699 | -0.4001343 | 7.266086 | -0.8540947 | 8.645610 | 72.92679 | |
622 | 1118 | UPL | 46.0929519 | 0.0001980 | -0.0012587 | -0.0130441 | 4.105498 | -0.0138526 | 4.067321 | 60.16260 | |
623 | 1119 | UPL | 9.1122676 | 0.0002137 | 0.0086209 | 0.1531745 | 2.395570 | 0.5018727 | 4.226816 | 66.34494 | |
624 | 1121 | UPL | 30.1967329 | 0.0005780 | -0.0071495 | -0.0852721 | 4.857155 | -0.3026427 | 5.398659 | 64.32149 | |
625 | 1122 | UPL | 9.4877576 | 0.0000533 | -0.0015871 | 0.0528050 | 2.897304 | -0.1236125 | 4.688323 | 76.92860 | |
626 | 1124 | UPL | 32.1076414 | 0.0001259 | -0.0017678 | 0.0036374 | 3.614210 | -0.0660958 | 4.080627 | 72.69374 | |
627 | 1125 | UPL | 46.3746513 | 0.0004649 | -0.0029483 | -0.0710198 | 4.580280 | -0.0866087 | 4.532262 | 40.91527 | |
628 | 1126 | UPL | 31.0702318 | 0.0000277 | 0.0008553 | -0.0080077 | 3.612300 | 0.0009669 | 4.118996 | 68.45772 | |
629 | 1127 | UPL | 46.4948356 | 0.0042693 | 0.0192929 | 0.2065212 | 2.140590 | 0.5408450 | 2.088240 | 52.99115 | |
630 | 1128 | UPL | 29.3412614 | 0.0001805 | -0.0034140 | -0.0305870 | 4.685511 | -0.0546489 | 5.262150 | 42.83368 | |
631 | 1129 | UPL | 22.9911291 | 0.0000476 | 0.0031843 | 0.0512237 | 3.242458 | 0.0694356 | 4.100033 | 77.28249 | |
632 | 1130 | UPL | 20.3471237 | 0.0000361 | 0.0007435 | 0.0198529 | 3.601891 | 0.0145084 | 4.594204 | 43.47335 | |
633 | 1131 | UPL | 23.6896668 | 0.0000273 | 0.0014895 | -0.0081002 | 4.188900 | 0.0629494 | 5.013120 | 65.49023 | |
634 | 1132 | UPL | 16.7311629 | 0.0002382 | 0.0073814 | 0.2440725 | 4.376373 | 0.3392322 | 5.589095 | 76.89922 | |
635 | 1133 | UPL | 43.7679585 | 0.0014077 | -0.0088191 | -0.0319233 | 3.359357 | -0.1629994 | 3.402414 | 68.22294 | |
636 | 1136 | UPL | 9.0782786 | 0.0000411 | -0.0029860 | -0.0383984 | 3.578455 | -0.1662114 | 5.413930 | 70.77818 | |
637 | 1137 | UPL | 36.4517054 | 0.0022701 | -0.0209090 | -0.2365854 | 5.031154 | -0.3524986 | 5.337910 | 56.62105 | |
638 | 1138 | UPL | 44.6392247 | 0.0049855 | 0.0264915 | 0.3740802 | 1.988624 | 0.5558010 | 2.002410 | 81.19725 | |
639 | 1139 | UPL | 19.6387377 | 0.0009293 | 0.0115513 | 0.1287413 | 2.265531 | 0.1577926 | 3.298415 | 69.43923 | |
640 | 1141 | UPL | 37.6631602 | 0.0003055 | -0.0043983 | -0.0606663 | 4.323421 | -0.0868594 | 4.582991 | 44.67833 | |
641 | 1142 | UPL | 32.0006496 | 0.0003135 | -0.0067850 | -0.0998670 | 3.565353 | -0.1182358 | 4.036487 | 49.15243 | |
642 | 1145 | UPL | 19.7989977 | 0.0000309 | -0.0010821 | 0.0217123 | 4.578635 | -0.0054787 | 5.600453 | 66.17433 | |
643 | 1147 | UPL | 37.1873506 | 0.0004255 | -0.0046996 | -0.0940634 | 3.801380 | -0.1516419 | 4.078637 | 63.17588 | |
644 | 1148 | UPL | 32.1407708 | 0.0005265 | -0.0027729 | -0.0654709 | 3.287280 | -0.1370993 | 3.754882 | 70.20147 | |
645 | 1149 | UPL | 24.7028751 | 0.0007604 | -0.0135270 | -0.1483280 | 4.670099 | -0.0533813 | 5.448483 | 54.59712 | |
646 | 1150 | UPL | 23.4799939 | 0.0001943 | -0.0059296 | -0.0508398 | 5.712666 | -0.2087865 | 6.550345 | 56.96334 | |
647 | 1151 | UPL | 42.8661608 | 0.0020586 | -0.0121512 | -0.0329692 | 4.429658 | -0.1093753 | 4.504309 | 49.70303 | |
648 | 1153 | UPL | 12.9411971 | 0.0000833 | -0.0032443 | -0.1692294 | 4.427007 | -0.2601569 | 5.898311 | 47.23226 | |
649 | 1154 | UPL | 13.3677773 | 0.0001423 | -0.0045547 | -0.0829213 | 5.828989 | -0.2558131 | 7.268212 | 64.42703 | |
650 | 1156 | UPL | 28.7370023 | 0.0001178 | 0.0037280 | 0.0301601 | 4.672829 | 0.0800045 | 5.273758 | 42.69235 | |
651 | 1157 | UPL | 20.8537095 | 0.0002730 | 0.0015842 | 0.0101140 | 3.685280 | 0.1573148 | 4.658314 | 52.91368 | |
652 | 1158 | UPL | 45.0905375 | 0.0008604 | 0.0005534 | -0.0143530 | 3.432411 | -0.0124123 | 3.429241 | 49.80496 | |
653 | 1159 | UPL | 26.0099454 | 0.0008663 | 0.0094332 | 0.0840627 | 2.760987 | 0.3123391 | 3.478984 | 69.89437 | |
654 | 1161 | UPL | 45.0804701 | 0.0000440 | 0.0009256 | 0.0167806 | 4.618517 | 0.0566038 | 4.615709 | 34.72084 | |
655 | 1162 | UPL | 35.1077644 | 0.0071106 | 0.0380370 | 0.4423725 | 1.773658 | 0.5508749 | 2.136047 | 74.98856 | |
656 | 1163 | UPL | 2.7611352 | 0.0000055 | 0.0001532 | -0.0409112 | 6.493193 | -0.0476626 | 9.525071 | 51.69039 | |
657 | 1164 | UPL | 18.7762850 | 0.0001133 | -0.0036338 | -0.0368972 | 3.585243 | -0.0526110 | 4.668755 | 70.38471 | |
658 | 1165 | UPL | 8.0388467 | 0.0000250 | 0.0012255 | 0.0546587 | 3.489215 | -0.1368250 | 5.447565 | 66.30085 | |
659 | 1166 | UPL | 29.0691397 | 0.0003427 | -0.0065031 | -0.1188402 | 4.571807 | -0.2134743 | 5.161801 | 61.08905 | |
660 | 1168 | UPL | 10.8179265 | 0.0000608 | -0.0052043 | -0.0231527 | 8.987043 | -0.2128789 | 10.642368 | 35.63286 | |
661 | 1171 | UPL | 9.6172377 | 0.0002480 | 0.0075446 | 0.3166283 | 2.565787 | 0.2308200 | 4.387607 | 53.56741 | |
662 | 1172 | UPL | 13.0258961 | 0.0000106 | -0.0013250 | -0.0274439 | 4.577498 | -0.1108998 | 6.041663 | 71.54881 | |
663 | 1173 | UPL | 48.2184274 | 0.0019116 | -0.0024805 | 0.0312456 | 4.296639 | 0.1265714 | 4.183794 | 46.76287 | |
664 | 1175 | UPL | 30.6119474 | 0.0000753 | -0.0033450 | -0.0228484 | 6.202801 | -0.0801914 | 6.727592 | 61.37441 | |
665 | 1176 | UPL | 37.4600549 | 0.0009726 | -0.0061758 | -0.0441134 | 3.854062 | -0.0782129 | 4.120447 | 48.14862 | |
666 | 1178 | UPL | 9.7205833 | 0.0000222 | 0.0026076 | 0.0626477 | 3.041689 | 0.1487836 | 4.806628 | 56.57505 | |
667 | 1179 | UPL | 8.4130971 | 0.0000389 | 0.0015827 | 0.0626739 | 4.520779 | 0.1808738 | 6.437748 | 30.02854 | |
668 | 1180 | UPL | 29.2522598 | 0.0002282 | -0.0019061 | -0.0289246 | 3.088755 | -0.0312393 | 3.668632 | 48.52389 | |
669 | 1181 | UPL | 11.1032275 | 0.0000446 | -0.0016108 | -0.0843379 | 3.440476 | -0.2244658 | 5.077250 | 53.31511 | |
670 | 1182 | UPL | 14.0980995 | 0.0001314 | 0.0064636 | 0.1247210 | 3.564496 | 0.0808822 | 4.950965 | 64.72900 | |
671 | 1183 | UPL | 19.0379132 | 0.0000163 | 0.0021160 | 0.0351814 | 3.594476 | 0.0969172 | 4.659575 | 59.16910 | |
672 | 1185 | UPL | 38.0041387 | 0.0012831 | 0.0143934 | 0.1721912 | 2.260183 | 0.2397525 | 2.507004 | 29.22778 | |
673 | 1186 | UPL | 21.4917527 | 0.0000675 | -0.0037712 | -0.0278350 | 5.854883 | -0.1305758 | 6.787516 | 51.84333 | |
674 | 1187 | UPL | 22.4833553 | 0.0000320 | -0.0026400 | -0.0217207 | 4.220725 | -0.1768478 | 5.103093 | 64.22941 | |
675 | 1188 | UPL | 27.4032091 | 0.0003137 | 0.0066576 | 0.0650036 | 2.741919 | 0.2541422 | 3.399191 | 60.49728 | |
676 | 1189 | UPL | 23.8040385 | 0.0000883 | 0.0039449 | 0.0465062 | 2.764559 | 0.1845518 | 3.583323 | 91.42914 | |
677 | 1190 | UPL | 51.6168590 | 0.0017559 | 0.0092566 | 0.0930240 | 2.869106 | 0.0463319 | 2.633958 | 60.90587 | |
678 | 1191 | UPL | 29.0420797 | 0.0005485 | -0.0091618 | -0.0863900 | 6.816101 | -0.2240494 | 7.404666 | 59.92812 | |
679 | 1192 | UPL | 23.4748972 | 0.0001053 | 0.0021714 | 0.1951030 | 1.736401 | 0.1483478 | 2.570755 | 54.06336 | |
680 | 1194 | WET | 6.3987934 | 0.0000795 | 0.0059547 | 0.2150042 | 2.117509 | 0.4317382 | 4.309919 | 76.11903 | |
681 | 1195 | UPL | 35.3121396 | 0.0000657 | -0.0024031 | -0.0350593 | 4.701381 | -0.0574919 | 5.046220 | 56.51925 | |
682 | 1196 | UPL | 10.9072901 | 0.0000282 | 0.0002779 | 0.0277612 | 3.701084 | 0.0560277 | 5.349120 | 68.19300 | |
683 | 1202 | UPL | 31.4366542 | 0.0002736 | 0.0016947 | 0.0136256 | 5.311203 | 0.0211988 | 5.804004 | 69.60403 | |
684 | 1203 | UPL | 15.0100539 | 0.0000048 | 0.0004345 | 0.0020502 | 5.652671 | 0.0264874 | 6.969899 | 78.07914 | |
685 | 1204 | UPL | 8.5031660 | 0.0000358 | 0.0015102 | 0.0641570 | 3.168023 | 0.1491755 | 5.069585 | 72.41079 | |
686 | 1205 | UPL | 34.3319049 | 0.0002561 | 0.0064793 | 0.0553294 | 4.294324 | 0.0828363 | 4.677022 | 60.79418 | |
687 | 1208 | UPL | 39.0999271 | 0.0035834 | -0.0222815 | -0.1860864 | 5.184783 | -0.2912782 | 5.393255 | 51.09053 | |
688 | 1209 | UPL | 31.5749705 | 0.0000746 | -0.0022087 | -0.0637907 | 4.454609 | -0.0901930 | 4.941916 | 57.42365 | |
689 | 1210 | UPL | 30.9635670 | 0.0027213 | 0.0161850 | 0.2629878 | 1.851312 | 0.3219375 | 2.364828 | 40.83955 | |
690 | 1211 | UPL | 33.3006193 | 0.0002201 | -0.0021661 | -0.0392988 | 4.412318 | -0.0951033 | 4.833636 | 57.21724 | |
691 | 1212 | UPL | 18.0668983 | 0.0015443 | 0.0197042 | 0.4021277 | 2.068218 | 0.6004010 | 3.195408 | 47.91987 | |
692 | 1213 | UPL | 18.0762828 | 0.0000607 | 0.0031565 | 0.0855279 | 3.034309 | 0.0381480 | 4.154307 | 24.90208 | |
693 | 1214 | UPL | 46.4395239 | 0.0048236 | 0.0191741 | 0.1192335 | 2.940227 | 0.1896232 | 2.889864 | 45.22272 | |
694 | 1215 | UPL | 37.2710042 | 0.0007832 | -0.0119690 | -0.1121811 | 4.729420 | -0.2621025 | 5.005430 | 63.18016 | |
695 | 1216 | UPL | 33.1260129 | 0.0001099 | 0.0027425 | 0.0205164 | 3.445787 | 0.0186463 | 3.872897 | 66.73528 | |
696 | 1218 | UPL | 44.1821653 | 0.0003386 | -0.0052227 | -0.0388560 | 3.693172 | -0.0291323 | 3.721731 | 47.69490 | |
697 | 1220 | UPL | 53.6344184 | 0.0072663 | -0.0124293 | -0.0566514 | 4.131875 | -0.2473829 | 3.825618 | 56.98475 | |
698 | 1221 | UPL | 20.7403787 | 0.0000278 | 0.0009428 | 0.0436815 | 5.173705 | 0.0394304 | 6.145311 | 58.92845 | |
700 | 1225 | UPL | 23.8738547 | 0.0002396 | -0.0083397 | -0.0499689 | 5.189627 | -0.1629910 | 6.006924 | 47.68606 | |
701 | 1226 | UPL | 20.5759754 | 0.0002488 | -0.0057044 | -0.1230276 | 4.812602 | -0.0958928 | 5.792718 | 57.11339 | |
702 | 1227 | UPL | 7.9854415 | 0.0000084 | -0.0010589 | -0.0667962 | 7.049718 | -0.1209026 | 9.016638 | 25.67386 | |
703 | 1228 | UPL | 16.6129655 | 0.0004200 | -0.0062316 | -0.1676312 | 3.278038 | -0.1268940 | 4.509337 | 73.84599 | |
704 | 1230 | UPL | 40.9606131 | 0.0000517 | 0.0017518 | -0.0092179 | 5.461444 | 0.0833286 | 5.602931 | 89.01246 | |
705 | 1231 | UPL | 32.0116360 | 0.0000940 | 0.0006104 | 0.0164228 | 4.194171 | 0.0114983 | 4.664344 | 54.34391 | |
706 | 1234 | UPL | 10.2401691 | 0.0007796 | -0.0139656 | -0.6898018 | 7.128733 | -1.9241546 | 8.849063 | 52.44314 | |
707 | 1235 | UPL | 22.7803279 | 0.0000339 | -0.0024505 | -0.0164887 | 5.377113 | -0.0135058 | 6.245421 | 41.22219 | |
708 | 1236 | UPL | 37.0893426 | 0.0001554 | -0.0025616 | -0.0060017 | 5.480962 | -0.0761571 | 5.760862 | 64.22446 | |
709 | 1238 | UPL | 17.5334234 | 0.0001047 | -0.0005681 | -0.0320183 | 6.395261 | -0.0254016 | 7.547539 | 61.43545 | |
710 | 1239 | UPL | 24.7792370 | 0.0007789 | 0.0018993 | 0.0175266 | 2.636426 | 0.0124191 | 3.416653 | 59.26646 | |
711 | 1240 | UPL | 16.4304212 | 0.0001493 | -0.0030933 | -0.0447998 | 4.987263 | -0.1206919 | 6.211475 | 42.62020 | |
712 | 1242 | UPL | 54.1312118 | 0.0014530 | 0.0064041 | 0.0463102 | 3.396791 | 0.1327858 | 3.072349 | 71.65421 | |
713 | 1246 | UPL | 31.9744660 | 0.0001440 | -0.0044703 | -0.0478701 | 4.496256 | -0.1565683 | 4.968189 | 52.75816 | |
714 | 1247 | UPL | 9.4734243 | 0.0002462 | -0.0073900 | -0.1821483 | 3.878777 | -0.3914795 | 5.691295 | 82.48049 | |
715 | 1248 | UPL | 17.5539985 | 0.0000723 | -0.0035569 | -0.0335411 | 5.233539 | -0.1168443 | 6.384687 | 70.09887 | |
716 | 1249 | UPL | 25.4063035 | 0.0002868 | -0.0060329 | -0.0519078 | 6.614801 | -0.1141533 | 7.359466 | 64.48382 | |
717 | 1250 | UPL | 29.8190320 | 0.0001042 | -0.0030004 | -0.0289548 | 5.723742 | -0.0556057 | 6.280861 | 64.87900 | |
718 | 1251 | UPL | 21.6520411 | 0.0002109 | 0.0028271 | 0.0838018 | 4.568015 | 0.0436597 | 5.497497 | 37.87949 | |
719 | 1252 | UPL | 39.6775365 | 0.0012339 | 0.0125039 | 0.1008723 | 3.083581 | 0.2396712 | 3.270750 | 83.37094 | |
720 | 1255 | UPL | 2.2929736 | 0.0001384 | -0.0013784 | 0.0142140 | 1.609438 | 0.1195496 | 4.963508 | 81.34474 | |
721 | 1258 | UPL | 17.0450676 | 0.0003782 | 0.0079686 | 0.1553194 | 2.265673 | 0.2828066 | 3.448872 | 37.75769 | |
722 | 1259 | UPL | 32.2826632 | 0.0000886 | -0.0038113 | -0.0459244 | 5.161583 | -0.1247939 | 5.621321 | 49.36535 | |
723 | 1260 | UPL | 39.3978354 | 0.0008591 | -0.0096933 | -0.0349215 | 5.510067 | -0.1878877 | 5.707082 | 52.28427 | |
724 | 1262 | UPL | 14.2946958 | 0.0002266 | 0.0072320 | 0.0974306 | 3.414998 | 0.1797376 | 4.789260 | 60.28226 | |
725 | 1263 | UPL | 25.2846190 | 0.0005878 | -0.0067031 | -0.0931729 | 5.632337 | 0.0342871 | 6.387214 | 50.92569 | |
726 | 1264 | UPL | 11.2880196 | 0.0002692 | -0.0040822 | -0.6049717 | 3.837376 | -0.3262733 | 5.511059 | 48.02759 | |
727 | 1265 | UPL | 32.9173392 | 0.0000466 | 0.0022020 | 0.0051349 | 4.173685 | -0.0177458 | 4.608547 | 59.73837 | |
728 | 1266 | UPL | 29.6029912 | 0.0011602 | 0.0034711 | 0.1472515 | 4.124576 | 0.1104328 | 4.705188 | 57.84199 | |
729 | 1267 | UPL | 38.5558535 | 0.0002645 | -0.0002560 | -0.0114908 | 4.234891 | 0.0360430 | 4.461865 | 45.46865 | |
730 | 1268 | UPL | 33.2783936 | 0.0009753 | 0.0096825 | 0.1407411 | 3.835565 | 0.2954822 | 4.258353 | 51.58882 | |
731 | 1269 | UPL | 33.7694640 | 0.0014236 | 0.0111673 | 0.0669916 | 2.466138 | 0.4135802 | 2.869039 | 72.18121 | |
732 | 1270 | UPL | 55.9593290 | 0.0005375 | 0.0005673 | 0.0060594 | 3.616296 | -0.1235638 | 3.222812 | 66.26935 | |
733 | 1271 | UPL | 1.3825949 | 0.0000696 | -0.0053673 | -0.4140417 | 4.616420 | -0.6640312 | 8.364793 | 32.22075 | |
734 | 1274 | UPL | 22.6337239 | 0.0001357 | -0.0049501 | 0.0221531 | 4.087395 | -0.0973539 | 4.963265 | 57.29818 | |
735 | 1275 | UPL | 21.8892419 | 0.0002450 | 0.0024518 | 0.1139467 | 2.078433 | 0.0476747 | 2.993758 | 51.81412 | |
736 | 1277 | UPL | 40.3019430 | 0.0006066 | -0.0021874 | -0.0403370 | 3.666948 | 0.0436694 | 3.831805 | 72.61139 | |
737 | 1278 | UPL | 43.4752745 | 0.0005566 | 0.0044068 | 0.0509266 | 3.271306 | 0.2177490 | 3.324610 | 41.20236 | |
738 | 1280 | UPL | 14.5766992 | 0.0000789 | 0.0014880 | 0.0459028 | 3.045807 | 0.1203305 | 4.394107 | 73.20837 | |
739 | 1281 | UPL | 19.2314607 | 0.0003413 | 0.0063904 | 0.0406951 | 5.269882 | 0.1792718 | 6.324332 | 65.22179 | |
740 | 1282 | UPL | 36.1808461 | 0.0013113 | -0.0134317 | -0.1147805 | 5.241834 | -0.1396442 | 5.554860 | 68.12875 | |
741 | 1283 | UPL | 44.3703222 | 0.0006753 | 0.0046955 | 0.0493516 | 3.619387 | 0.1598302 | 3.641503 | 75.80797 | |
742 | 1284 | UPL | 33.7741967 | 0.0005582 | -0.0052870 | -0.0908869 | 4.177458 | -0.1517319 | 4.581938 | 74.94985 | |
743 | 1285 | UPL | 23.4419944 | 0.0001165 | -0.0026694 | 0.0183021 | 4.844549 | 0.0046661 | 5.681513 | 50.76092 | |
744 | 1286 | UPL | 23.6658156 | 0.0000446 | 0.0003051 | -0.0097856 | 3.496204 | 0.0360845 | 4.322017 | 61.50436 | |
745 | 1289 | UPL | 2.3684481 | 0.0000388 | -0.0015124 | -0.2602904 | 7.546509 | -0.3831961 | 10.765396 | 42.24314 | |
746 | 1291 | UPL | 35.7543444 | 0.0003944 | -0.0044028 | -0.0636710 | 4.397244 | 0.0745094 | 4.726191 | 66.32997 | |
747 | 1294 | UPL | 41.4666182 | 0.0007589 | 0.0064379 | 0.0929592 | 3.741834 | 0.2087822 | 3.865897 | 66.72307 | |
748 | 1295 | UPL | 27.0073732 | 0.0000813 | 0.0032936 | 0.0587210 | 5.263532 | 0.0202338 | 5.937764 | 52.63182 | |
749 | 1297 | UPL | 21.5201259 | 0.0000540 | 0.0031173 | 0.0442428 | 4.075059 | 0.1646282 | 5.006186 | 64.59211 | |
750 | 1299 | UPL | 52.4201019 | 0.0065255 | -0.0054392 | -0.0348592 | 2.995249 | 0.1665071 | 2.731651 | 41.67505 | |
751 | 1301 | UPL | 12.8249516 | 0.0002407 | 0.0074447 | 0.1366329 | 3.247233 | 0.3991677 | 4.729500 | 73.11363 | |
752 | 1302 | UPL | 16.2760644 | 0.0000743 | 0.0007904 | 0.0313766 | 4.881619 | 0.0162694 | 6.113235 | 30.54223 | |
753 | 1303 | UPL | 24.9652540 | 0.0001390 | -0.0047641 | -0.1345673 | 6.029412 | -0.1072328 | 6.795368 | 44.67272 | |
754 | 1306 | UPL | 41.0931151 | 0.0003489 | -0.0027698 | -0.0147508 | 3.408232 | 0.0043100 | 3.545140 | 74.45640 | |
755 | 1307 | UPL | 34.3204888 | 0.0007421 | -0.0125325 | -0.1161560 | 4.689261 | -0.2113267 | 5.071628 | 55.54310 | |
756 | 1308 | UPL | 21.4374385 | 0.0000285 | -0.0000139 | -0.0035321 | 4.007124 | -0.0183988 | 4.942150 | 47.96935 | |
757 | 1309 | UPL | 33.3376926 | 0.0001316 | 0.0040222 | 0.0564870 | 4.085882 | 0.1214126 | 4.505196 | 52.96937 | |
758 | 1310 | UPL | 14.5080653 | 0.0000182 | -0.0015193 | -0.0655854 | 5.824503 | -0.0477991 | 7.177030 | 29.31772 | |
759 | 1311 | UPL | 39.6078916 | 0.0000022 | 0.0006072 | 0.0021556 | 3.747314 | 0.0497268 | 3.936655 | 45.23311 | |
760 | 1313 | UPL | 24.8253177 | 0.0001059 | 0.0052441 | 0.0274880 | 3.815772 | 0.0627702 | 4.586698 | 52.18624 | |
761 | 1314 | UPL | 24.1927935 | 0.0000029 | 0.0005956 | 0.0080126 | 3.813687 | 0.0528252 | 4.613829 | 67.54223 | |
762 | 1316 | UPL | 30.5964772 | 0.0000735 | 0.0014701 | -0.0047851 | 4.724169 | 0.0574175 | 5.249709 | 49.40923 | |
763 | 1317 | UPL | 34.5642978 | 0.0003411 | 0.0085170 | 0.0683334 | 3.258934 | 0.1556765 | 3.631594 | 64.28166 | |
764 | 1318 | UPL | 8.0595547 | 0.0000395 | -0.0019883 | -0.0437147 | 3.459133 | -0.0272354 | 5.415683 | 52.92242 | |
765 | 1319 | UPL | 4.4909909 | 0.0000323 | 0.0023939 | 0.4425876 | 5.015934 | 0.0477708 | 7.589673 | 26.44676 | |
766 | 1320 | UPL | 22.4346104 | 0.0001281 | 0.0036889 | 0.0255416 | 3.846554 | 0.0700478 | 4.731546 | 60.47833 | |
767 | 1321 | UPL | 5.3043154 | 0.0000802 | 0.0011242 | -0.0426947 | 4.273745 | 0.1802420 | 6.659509 | 48.21579 | |
768 | 1322 | UPL | 44.6637593 | 0.0018114 | 0.0142367 | 0.1120729 | 2.727154 | 0.2479429 | 2.739090 | 59.79444 | |
769 | 1323 | UPL | 10.9606535 | 0.0014226 | 0.0130378 | 0.4425687 | 1.947124 | 0.4856988 | 3.778902 | 57.25611 | |
770 | 1324 | UPL | 27.5943187 | 0.0013075 | 0.0071562 | 0.1008868 | 4.855548 | -0.6606545 | 5.515365 | 68.13171 | |
771 | 1325 | UPL | 24.4936192 | 0.0003616 | -0.0084257 | -0.1463979 | 4.361775 | -0.1563891 | 5.151919 | 63.50710 | |
772 | 1326 | UPL | 38.1195894 | 0.0000502 | 0.0025492 | 0.0106022 | 4.325594 | 0.0152732 | 4.568248 | 41.16322 | |
773 | 1327 | UPL | 9.1743320 | 0.0001297 | 0.0047181 | 0.2694815 | 1.627761 | 0.1498726 | 3.461862 | 30.52128 | |
774 | 1329 | UPL | 44.7563839 | 0.0051357 | 0.0109146 | 0.0632167 | 4.254699 | 0.3024377 | 4.263465 | 66.70629 | |
775 | 1330 | UPL | 32.7158360 | 0.0020818 | -0.0192500 | -0.0856429 | 5.675407 | -0.2852791 | 6.118250 | 57.18911 | |
777 | 1333 | UPL | 28.8504974 | 0.0000574 | -0.0035747 | -0.0291038 | 5.715718 | -0.0663637 | 6.312190 | 63.01296 | |
778 | 1334 | UPL | 41.6149237 | 0.0002088 | 0.0002749 | -0.0009635 | 3.713485 | -0.0598389 | 3.831934 | 56.16230 | |
779 | 1336 | UPL | 29.3249249 | 0.0001148 | 0.0044188 | 0.0222317 | 4.469112 | 0.0242715 | 5.046252 | 57.57700 | |
780 | 1337 | UPL | 41.0466280 | 0.0011705 | 0.0048556 | -0.0005798 | 2.933935 | 0.0572816 | 3.073163 | 60.60839 | |
781 | 1338 | WET | 3.5017280 | 0.0003361 | 0.0045413 | 0.1323592 | 1.820264 | 0.4920046 | 4.650801 | 72.06095 | |
782 | 1339 | UPL | 20.6180625 | 0.0001216 | 0.0059678 | 0.0521600 | 5.209429 | 0.1586222 | 6.187323 | 54.10823 | |
783 | 1340 | UPL | 41.2331371 | 0.0041031 | 0.0252429 | 0.2789105 | 1.981269 | 0.4104402 | 2.113784 | 61.59055 | |
784 | 1342 | UPL | 22.4587110 | 0.0005589 | 0.0071065 | 0.1569484 | 2.862921 | 0.4661176 | 3.747411 | 64.14805 | |
785 | 1343 | UPL | 32.3312933 | 0.0001063 | 0.0017436 | -0.0247005 | 3.279265 | 0.0703262 | 3.737177 | 58.41980 | |
786 | 1344 | UPL | 31.6429825 | 0.0027849 | -0.0243248 | -0.2844582 | 4.591850 | -0.7674246 | 5.080949 | 74.93907 | |
787 | 1347 | UPL | 27.8360734 | 0.0003041 | -0.0070000 | -0.1023865 | 4.200372 | -0.1355654 | 4.839710 | 53.40828 | |
788 | 1348 | UPL | 10.0585394 | 0.0000357 | 0.0033251 | 0.0710463 | 2.331024 | 0.5873426 | 4.067875 | 58.73638 | |
789 | 1349 | UPL | 7.6502269 | 0.0003062 | -0.0069206 | -0.1268845 | 7.751703 | -0.6963809 | 9.807297 | 38.52848 | |
790 | 1350 | UPL | 17.6602823 | 0.0000278 | -0.0019884 | -0.0253644 | 6.165625 | -0.0532315 | 7.310381 | 53.59127 | |
791 | 1351 | UPL | 32.0955444 | 0.0000581 | 0.0014469 | 0.0393395 | 3.850798 | -0.0264133 | 4.318004 | 76.93313 | |
792 | 1353 | UPL | 10.1801945 | 0.0000139 | -0.0014631 | -0.0716972 | 5.417653 | -0.0163551 | 7.138244 | 48.89078 | |
793 | 1357 | UPL | 14.6156259 | 0.0000430 | -0.0009992 | 0.0544340 | 5.805638 | -0.1258940 | 7.150398 | 58.93301 | |
794 | 1358 | UPL | 13.8987880 | 0.0003284 | 0.0079809 | -0.1173291 | 3.334183 | 0.3438078 | 4.762210 | 58.30660 | |
795 | 1359 | UPL | 50.5874455 | 0.0118293 | -0.0334250 | -0.1602516 | 4.405997 | -0.2420845 | 4.209385 | 52.52884 | |
796 | 1361 | UPL | 25.3168457 | 0.0003251 | -0.0054727 | -0.0292595 | 4.613981 | -0.0897217 | 5.362630 | 60.18822 | |
797 | 1362 | UPL | 21.0863362 | 0.0001331 | -0.0063127 | -0.1060111 | 5.530885 | -0.0980977 | 6.488200 | 51.22677 | |
798 | 1363 | WET | 6.0115092 | 0.0000150 | -0.0018308 | -0.0024491 | 5.362706 | -0.3568484 | 7.616304 | 59.05879 | |
799 | 1364 | UPL | 10.8836667 | 0.0000137 | -0.0004324 | -0.0315452 | 3.862049 | -0.0698323 | 5.515210 | 56.06949 | |
800 | 1365 | UPL | 33.7188902 | 0.0000766 | -0.0025376 | -0.0129621 | 3.982375 | -0.0182244 | 4.386858 | 63.34867 | |
801 | 1367 | UPL | 25.5710127 | 0.0000804 | -0.0026328 | 0.0167239 | 4.927567 | -0.0406031 | 5.664870 | 51.52203 | |
802 | 1368 | UPL | 33.0191713 | 0.0002872 | 0.0045603 | 0.0342392 | 4.387353 | 0.1189028 | 4.819951 | 53.76402 | |
803 | 1370 | UPL | 22.4636143 | 0.0005312 | -0.0070728 | -0.1232511 | 5.448056 | -0.0647651 | 6.332132 | 68.64608 | |
804 | 1372 | UPL | 7.0423011 | 0.0001491 | -0.0051151 | -0.2061519 | 6.494299 | -0.3024525 | 8.587779 | 70.75560 | |
805 | 1374 | UPL | 39.9271594 | 0.0006492 | 0.0060533 | 0.0285645 | 4.145059 | 0.1506127 | 4.323364 | 54.94741 | |
806 | 1375 | UPL | 26.9965885 | 0.0004028 | -0.0060676 | -0.0873060 | 4.140675 | -0.1692235 | 4.820290 | 60.80954 | |
807 | 1376 | UPL | 25.4833964 | 0.0007157 | -0.0074374 | -0.0468424 | 3.381054 | -0.0486680 | 4.125012 | 54.92965 | |
808 | 1377 | UPL | 27.9536464 | 0.0007179 | 0.0105003 | 0.1558478 | 3.690410 | 0.2973720 | 4.329557 | 48.45616 | |
809 | 1378 | UPL | 20.7791487 | 0.0001041 | 0.0030827 | 0.0339721 | 3.234618 | 0.0720669 | 4.204015 | 51.37773 | |
810 | 1379 | UPL | 18.7671872 | 0.0002022 | -0.0061984 | -0.1303132 | 4.238373 | -0.2818861 | 5.321833 | 78.78697 | |
811 | 1383 | UPL | 25.5844355 | 0.0002209 | 0.0047638 | 0.0648271 | 2.998429 | 0.0458822 | 3.736399 | 37.22420 | |
812 | 1384 | UPL | 33.9738256 | 0.0008446 | 0.0093033 | 0.1599036 | 5.327607 | 0.2137178 | 5.724450 | 47.13636 | |
813 | 1386 | UPL | 21.3185555 | 0.0001104 | -0.0015330 | -0.0199772 | 5.588910 | -0.1442202 | 6.530268 | 73.14037 | |
814 | 1387 | UPL | 17.9692703 | 0.0000922 | -0.0026059 | -0.1109442 | 4.840788 | -0.1040588 | 5.970413 | 57.01658 | |
815 | 1389 | UPL | 42.6564567 | 0.0001703 | 0.0028496 | 0.0419416 | 3.269369 | 0.0951935 | 3.351272 | 50.77003 | |
816 | 1391 | UPL | 14.7892884 | 0.0001684 | -0.0063525 | -0.0941672 | 5.572607 | -0.2738471 | 6.909265 | 72.42109 | |
817 | 1392 | UPL | 29.0557729 | 0.0001086 | 0.0015153 | 0.0350952 | 3.894144 | 0.0543537 | 4.482216 | 65.90615 | |
818 | 1393 | UPL | 36.8659023 | 0.0011367 | -0.0133415 | -0.0817296 | 6.933717 | -0.3108281 | 7.222118 | 42.30543 | |
819 | 1394 | UPL | 15.2604991 | 0.0001391 | -0.0046968 | -0.1035103 | 3.836400 | -0.2927764 | 5.136387 | 45.65348 | |
820 | 1395 | UPL | 24.2798799 | 0.0001623 | -0.0007910 | -0.0434466 | 3.060912 | -0.0268421 | 3.863153 | 35.81020 | |
821 | 1398 | UPL | 33.7567099 | 0.0005667 | 0.0073319 | 0.0532735 | 5.284857 | 0.0010820 | 5.688161 | 70.00578 | |
822 | 1399 | UPL | 24.9064992 | 0.0001351 | -0.0010649 | -0.0776345 | 4.152686 | -0.0861304 | 4.920711 | 38.99943 | |
823 | 1400 | UPL | 10.3173226 | 0.0009145 | -0.0079369 | -0.4168854 | 6.498836 | -0.5270387 | 8.227446 | 46.77861 | |
824 | 1401 | UPL | 13.9933106 | 0.0000320 | 0.0027341 | 0.1213230 | 3.338019 | 0.1936235 | 4.732211 | 49.92639 | |
825 | 1402 | UPL | 19.2900757 | 0.0003052 | 0.0053444 | 0.0905050 | 4.207730 | 0.1298964 | 5.261553 | 70.02301 | |
826 | 1403 | UPL | 14.4803883 | 0.0000704 | -0.0005129 | -0.0104570 | 3.715844 | -0.1537379 | 5.071409 | 50.29515 | |
827 | 1405 | UPL | 32.5721538 | 0.0091995 | -0.0464887 | -0.2346247 | 3.721969 | -0.7447366 | 4.173827 | 60.65185 | |
828 | 1406 | UPL | 62.7190796 | 0.0009601 | 0.0027719 | -0.0124824 | 3.511760 | 0.0427943 | 2.848353 | 50.75386 | |
829 | 1407 | UPL | 39.2451332 | 0.0001518 | -0.0010633 | -0.0058905 | 4.854945 | 0.0933847 | 5.057417 | 55.64355 | |
830 | 1408 | UPL | 27.4581053 | 0.0002012 | 0.0037258 | 0.0407531 | 4.240003 | -0.0303206 | 4.895006 | 63.44255 | |
831 | 1413 | UPL | 4.2611539 | 0.0000713 | 0.0056242 | 0.1718612 | 2.383819 | 0.3344687 | 4.981741 | 19.15745 | |
832 | 1415 | UPL | 17.9581557 | 0.0000800 | -0.0039291 | 0.0088515 | 3.695184 | -0.1936627 | 4.821951 | 68.78108 | |
833 | 1416 | UPL | 21.7614200 | 0.0010729 | 0.0026276 | -0.0237435 | 2.042937 | 0.4937145 | 2.962832 | 64.95345 | |
834 | 1417 | UPL | 13.3017409 | 0.0000873 | -0.0057392 | -0.0747170 | 6.962919 | -0.3043306 | 8.409320 | 67.59296 | |
835 | 1419 | UPL | 17.6639123 | 0.0002268 | -0.0012737 | 0.0291168 | 3.668246 | -0.0324037 | 4.814453 | 76.10533 | |
836 | 1421 | UPL | 13.2524367 | 0.0001008 | 0.0033248 | 0.0401099 | 6.251835 | 0.1343374 | 7.701486 | 60.10705 | |
837 | 1422 | UPL | 20.7533361 | 0.0000940 | 0.0008093 | -0.0147605 | 5.387530 | -0.0254114 | 6.360772 | 43.34699 | |
838 | 1423 | UPL | 19.1843482 | 0.0000463 | -0.0010675 | 0.0291919 | 4.295344 | -0.0640325 | 5.353032 | 35.15084 | |
839 | 1424 | UPL | 39.6324897 | 0.0002935 | 0.0055051 | 0.0757294 | 4.027786 | 0.0894277 | 4.216300 | 67.74633 | |
840 | 1426 | UPL | 26.4599980 | 0.0003167 | 0.0051999 | 0.0858013 | 3.739709 | 0.2250709 | 4.438025 | 60.18259 | |
841 | 1427 | UPL | 38.8665581 | 0.0007332 | 0.0057141 | 0.1287399 | 2.970898 | 0.0412448 | 3.186779 | 38.97989 | |
842 | 1429 | UPL | 38.4593764 | 0.0005008 | 0.0021699 | -0.0089668 | 3.659574 | -0.1436892 | 3.890155 | 58.12029 | |
843 | 1430 | UPL | 26.1035499 | 0.0004717 | 0.0072285 | 0.0642103 | 4.696205 | 0.2560278 | 5.410772 | 73.76357 | |
844 | 1431 | UPL | 26.7040717 | 0.0001832 | -0.0059457 | -0.0704471 | 7.202125 | -0.1339185 | 7.889704 | 37.29530 | |
845 | 1433 | UPL | 23.3890758 | 0.0007832 | 0.0102845 | 0.1007437 | 2.249692 | 0.4187253 | 3.089305 | 49.43021 | |
846 | 1434 | UPL | 41.0384850 | 0.0014499 | -0.0161676 | -0.1941725 | 3.559180 | -0.1965217 | 3.699470 | 45.64104 | |
847 | 1435 | UPL | 35.7353327 | 0.0005187 | -0.0044660 | -0.0001604 | 2.361625 | 0.0450044 | 2.690867 | 37.30574 | |
848 | 1436 | UPL | 12.5289887 | 0.0000132 | 0.0003409 | 0.1311913 | 2.622294 | 0.0572038 | 4.130278 | 49.06334 | |
849 | 1438 | UPL | 24.2044667 | 0.0000531 | 0.0021252 | 0.0008842 | 4.439712 | -0.0144047 | 5.239986 | 52.34000 | |
850 | 1439 | UPL | 15.6818697 | 0.0000235 | -0.0026796 | -0.0546791 | 5.206475 | -0.1238902 | 6.476908 | 59.85433 | |
851 | 1440 | UPL | 40.0998139 | 0.0005500 | -0.0024095 | -0.0414689 | 3.557290 | -0.0735124 | 3.729255 | 62.30635 | |
852 | 1441 | UPL | 36.9603907 | 0.0001217 | 0.0027807 | 0.0351326 | 4.335110 | 0.0813706 | 4.619562 | 30.72034 | |
853 | 1443 | UPL | 21.4470824 | 0.0003316 | 0.0101653 | 0.2328856 | 2.793062 | 0.3537591 | 3.728604 | 47.29077 | |
854 | 1445 | UPL | 13.1313967 | 0.0001380 | 0.0012254 | -0.0650247 | 3.316407 | 0.1692513 | 4.786473 | 56.69169 | |
855 | 1446 | UPL | 23.9336037 | 0.0002973 | 0.0077421 | 0.1203574 | 2.747930 | 0.3440717 | 3.561867 | 77.70025 | |
856 | 1449 | UPL | 12.5119593 | 0.0000208 | 0.0014988 | 0.0380356 | 3.806470 | 0.0106370 | 5.313943 | 57.54470 | |
857 | 1450 | UPL | 18.5588615 | 0.0001489 | 0.0056911 | 0.1009580 | 3.674596 | 0.2497188 | 4.766251 | 53.29535 | |
858 | 1451 | UPL | 32.6579562 | 0.0003515 | -0.0032977 | 0.0141720 | 5.645753 | -0.0720874 | 6.091009 | 56.40401 | |
859 | 1452 | UPL | 21.7437157 | 0.0004906 | -0.0014408 | -0.0913928 | 2.771195 | -0.1766320 | 3.726885 | 68.00330 | |
860 | 1455 | UPL | 32.7984167 | 0.0001837 | -0.0002534 | 0.0086574 | 3.371725 | -0.0958765 | 3.811424 | 50.46098 | |
861 | 1457 | UPL | 63.6493922 | 0.0069542 | 0.0107817 | 0.0438680 | 3.647910 | 0.0159620 | 2.945243 | 47.29676 | |
862 | 1458 | UPL | 50.5918656 | 0.0011259 | -0.0015082 | -0.0765783 | 4.179415 | 0.0568780 | 3.982691 | 62.45746 | |
863 | 1460 | UPL | 31.1087765 | 0.0000164 | 0.0018267 | 0.0205493 | 4.009633 | 0.0521420 | 4.514853 | 37.96605 | |
864 | 1461 | UPL | 31.2493613 | 0.0006260 | 0.0044450 | 0.0103435 | 3.203616 | 0.2290019 | 3.704349 | 53.71809 | |
865 | 1462 | UPL | 19.8794541 | 0.0000390 | -0.0016326 | -0.0386855 | 4.643888 | -0.0448317 | 5.661306 | 72.45784 | |
866 | 1463 | UPL | 16.4092317 | 0.0005727 | 0.0143641 | 0.3416803 | 3.892144 | 0.4153979 | 5.148100 | 65.23682 | |
867 | 1464 | UPL | 32.9654046 | 0.0000820 | 0.0031126 | 0.0157262 | 4.766053 | 0.0376839 | 5.199095 | 59.04907 | |
868 | 1465 | UPL | 31.8741382 | 0.0001230 | -0.0029719 | -0.0266126 | 4.827686 | -0.0992789 | 5.302937 | 59.52873 | |
869 | 1467 | UPL | 19.5007421 | 0.0000213 | -0.0006928 | -0.0033247 | 4.674060 | 0.0297331 | 5.712254 | 39.26256 | |
870 | 1468 | UPL | 19.9340691 | 0.0000837 | 0.0026970 | 0.0584130 | 5.314326 | -0.0412511 | 6.331443 | 74.62803 | |
871 | 1469 | UPL | 31.0550035 | 0.0000917 | -0.0040600 | -0.0392748 | 5.776744 | -0.1240442 | 6.284101 | 40.11923 | |
872 | 1470 | UPL | 29.7068876 | 0.0001070 | 0.0012602 | 0.0044144 | 4.869693 | 0.0721004 | 5.431731 | 54.94829 | |
873 | 1471 | UPL | 26.1628140 | 0.0018216 | 0.0208924 | 0.2177919 | 3.445662 | 0.4246653 | 4.162446 | 66.98824 | |
874 | 1473 | UPL | 19.7887868 | 0.0000212 | 0.0008241 | 0.0133758 | 5.314250 | 0.0105976 | 6.336904 | 67.06104 | |
875 | 1474 | UPL | 18.7637959 | 0.0001910 | 0.0027782 | 0.0025750 | 4.783263 | 0.0909307 | 5.863001 | 42.36975 | |
876 | 1475 | UPL | 12.5622511 | 0.0001660 | 0.0051976 | 0.1133867 | 2.959623 | 0.5513029 | 4.464556 | 66.52947 | |
877 | 1476 | UPL | 18.2930570 | 0.0000359 | -0.0024718 | -0.0088341 | 6.214954 | -0.0035820 | 7.322667 | 45.96908 | |
878 | 1477 | UPL | 3.6829661 | 0.0000442 | 0.0040906 | 0.2976096 | 1.761771 | 0.2091737 | 4.513082 | 25.78424 | |
879 | 1482 | UPL | 7.9375855 | 0.0003698 | 0.0104222 | 0.3292718 | 2.971615 | 0.5482177 | 4.990357 | 70.72132 | |
880 | 1484 | UPL | 16.5017825 | 0.0000235 | 0.0013085 | 0.0234400 | 4.839083 | 0.0560720 | 6.056573 | 71.30510 | |
881 | 1486 | UPL | 32.2720159 | 0.0000610 | -0.0023265 | 0.0069148 | 6.128224 | -0.0531365 | 6.588041 | 51.49736 | |
882 | 1487 | UPL | 7.5066504 | 0.0000769 | 0.0031571 | 0.0727302 | 3.666371 | 0.0405667 | 5.697570 | 99.36952 | |
883 | 1488 | UPL | 31.7942808 | 0.0056612 | 0.0367627 | 0.2813011 | 1.791978 | 0.6941396 | 2.276544 | 66.83223 | |
884 | 1489 | UPL | 21.6925277 | 0.0001550 | -0.0021597 | 0.0258114 | 6.583355 | -0.0489933 | 7.506571 | 75.49358 | |
885 | 1490 | UPL | 46.4514908 | 0.0009780 | -0.0041426 | -0.0352124 | 4.514964 | -0.0036094 | 4.464066 | 63.95880 | |
886 | 1491 | UPL | 22.8922077 | 0.0001007 | 0.0013299 | -0.0138508 | 5.974776 | 0.0027736 | 6.837607 | 68.20921 | |
887 | 1494 | UPL | 25.2465805 | 0.0001267 | 0.0046834 | 0.0626632 | 4.338437 | 0.1272476 | 5.090910 | 69.60912 | |
888 | 1495 | UPL | 18.1174848 | 0.0000235 | 0.0007284 | 0.0273737 | 5.601847 | 0.0670500 | 6.719658 | 37.53345 | |
889 | 1496 | UPL | 27.8825350 | 0.0001183 | -0.0052437 | -0.0283211 | 4.893056 | -0.1784500 | 5.529765 | 73.62831 | |
890 | 1497 | UPL | 8.1432976 | 0.0000470 | -0.0026975 | -0.0396909 | 3.601672 | -0.3340086 | 5.551375 | 19.20983 | |
891 | 1498 | UPL | 15.2025453 | 0.0000951 | -0.0032844 | -0.0793780 | 6.621220 | -0.2034318 | 7.926358 | 54.91839 | |
892 | 1499 | UPL | 38.8173933 | 0.0008348 | -0.0106907 | -0.0340010 | 3.843003 | -0.2066291 | 4.060586 | 50.62405 | |
893 | 1500 | UPL | 19.9350043 | 0.0017873 | -0.0167740 | -0.1194066 | 3.731003 | -0.3247958 | 4.751696 | 69.74889 | |
894 | 1501 | UPL | 22.0469022 | 0.0000862 | -0.0035233 | -0.0557035 | 4.657444 | -0.1867895 | 5.562347 | 69.05598 | |
895 | 1503 | UPL | 27.6406192 | 0.0001318 | -0.0044241 | -0.0243392 | 3.955633 | -0.0810205 | 4.603169 | 59.60408 | |
896 | 1505 | UPL | 12.9962366 | 0.0000292 | -0.0028261 | -0.0417647 | 3.953457 | -0.1471330 | 5.421766 | 65.80589 | |
897 | 1506 | UPL | 30.4190581 | 0.0005805 | 0.0044579 | 0.0331025 | 3.614020 | 0.1240507 | 4.146773 | 48.88785 | |
898 | 1507 | UPL | 41.1782195 | 0.0017999 | 0.0011969 | 0.0148913 | 4.473848 | 0.0540165 | 4.608446 | 65.28970 | |
899 | 1508 | UPL | 25.5697862 | 0.0003271 | 0.0008514 | -0.0304398 | 6.557343 | -0.0062530 | 7.303092 | 44.28602 | |
900 | 1510 | UPL | 18.0495603 | 0.0002682 | -0.0075465 | -0.1035982 | 5.815801 | -0.3819636 | 6.937894 | 75.64623 | |
901 | 1511 | UPL | 40.2877241 | 0.0012873 | 0.0127014 | 0.1295709 | 2.283943 | 0.3631282 | 2.450135 | 66.27758 | |
902 | 1512 | UPL | 40.7581891 | 0.0007167 | 0.0072374 | 0.0616469 | 3.235890 | 0.1597114 | 3.384524 | 52.93033 | |
903 | 1513 | UPL | 39.6067892 | 0.0000658 | -0.0008187 | -0.0176882 | 5.554528 | -0.0189076 | 5.743938 | 31.86001 | |
904 | 1516 | UPL | 12.7854908 | 0.0000389 | -0.0012437 | -0.0570693 | 5.946341 | -0.0837424 | 7.430443 | 86.25070 | |
905 | 1517 | UPL | 14.9597011 | 0.0001170 | 0.0022089 | -0.0074897 | 5.304746 | -0.0272929 | 6.624770 | 48.98572 | |
906 | 1518 | UPL | 47.8412837 | 0.0005901 | 0.0058544 | 0.0890557 | 3.192231 | 0.0761061 | 3.091903 | 60.50416 | |
907 | 1520 | UPL | 30.1555456 | 0.0001038 | 0.0041811 | 0.0417592 | 4.556793 | 0.0791055 | 5.099936 | 41.55925 | |
908 | 1523 | UPL | 32.2189040 | 0.0018011 | 0.0202958 | 0.1619311 | 2.418054 | 0.5884613 | 2.889006 | 91.23739 | |
909 | 1525 | UPL | 7.9263388 | 0.0000237 | 0.0003634 | 0.0058474 | 4.733467 | 0.0368542 | 6.709628 | 30.63893 | |
910 | 1526 | UPL | 13.4287529 | 0.0003471 | -0.0016703 | 0.0092036 | 2.239440 | 0.1356871 | 3.686637 | 42.64803 | |
911 | 1527 | UPL | 10.0519578 | 0.0001001 | -0.0044644 | -0.0903838 | 5.692781 | -0.1606474 | 7.430971 | 41.73098 | |
912 | 1528 | UPL | 16.6115963 | 0.0003788 | -0.0040594 | -0.0470842 | 4.733032 | -0.0702175 | 5.943137 | 49.59285 | |
913 | 1529 | UPL | 23.4883259 | 0.0001187 | 0.0045843 | 0.0516366 | 3.061353 | 0.1743049 | 3.894969 | 48.80630 | |
914 | 1530 | UPL | 34.1670314 | 0.0003888 | 0.0076225 | 0.0858995 | 3.416409 | 0.1808633 | 3.805119 | 84.35488 | |
915 | 1531 | UPL | 26.8769254 | 0.0000874 | -0.0043957 | -0.0493149 | 6.019383 | -0.0442825 | 6.700173 | 46.74969 | |
916 | 1534 | UPL | 21.8422123 | 0.0000238 | -0.0020154 | -0.0046309 | 4.693261 | -0.1268304 | 5.607566 | 46.71913 | |
917 | 1535 | UPL | 28.9835759 | 0.0000562 | 0.0023214 | 0.0004578 | 2.994278 | 0.1239399 | 3.585302 | 45.31193 | |
918 | 1536 | UPL | 29.2946307 | 0.0002961 | 0.0060852 | 0.0881258 | 2.204208 | 0.0372509 | 2.784724 | 49.36789 | |
919 | 1540 | UPL | 52.0501425 | 0.0044034 | -0.0016032 | -0.0199200 | 3.907722 | 0.1415561 | 3.658589 | 51.14397 | |
920 | 1541 | UPL | 16.6755258 | 0.0000122 | -0.0004164 | 0.0206130 | 4.521486 | -0.0460556 | 5.727200 | 32.10251 | |
921 | 1542 | UPL | 26.8227230 | 0.0003758 | 0.0085056 | 0.1253602 | 3.160646 | 0.3141418 | 3.845026 | 82.68730 | |
922 | 1543 | UPL | 33.2834599 | 0.0002929 | -0.0079011 | -0.0833121 | 6.059197 | -0.1683193 | 6.481018 | 57.75108 | |
923 | 1544 | UPL | 42.7131074 | 0.0017545 | 0.0062310 | 0.0897699 | 4.949721 | 0.0857866 | 5.030551 | 54.84415 | |
924 | 1545 | UPL | 31.7151813 | 0.0001111 | -0.0046706 | -0.0481482 | 4.595231 | -0.1135481 | 5.076616 | 44.74601 | |
925 | 1546 | UPL | 24.3238804 | 0.0000891 | -0.0037264 | -0.0289277 | 3.414049 | -0.1424881 | 4.208614 | 48.89509 | |
926 | 1547 | UPL | 12.4279203 | 0.0000067 | -0.0009062 | -0.0364436 | 3.130340 | -0.0060356 | 4.643404 | 79.66906 | |
927 | 1548 | UPL | 15.9535066 | 0.0000569 | -0.0031589 | -0.0568242 | 5.836520 | -0.1479622 | 7.090527 | 62.21320 | |
928 | 1549 | UPL | 31.2912152 | 0.0000583 | 0.0014760 | 0.0064086 | 4.905535 | 0.0621403 | 5.403506 | 49.67022 | |
929 | 1551 | UPL | 18.3399188 | 0.0000617 | 0.0004049 | -0.0447072 | 6.218544 | -0.0094352 | 7.323105 | 69.66261 | |
930 | 1554 | UPL | 18.0340436 | 0.0000194 | -0.0003018 | 0.0380298 | 4.825725 | -0.0385158 | 5.949209 | 76.64846 | |
931 | 1555 | UPL | 11.6503326 | 0.0001014 | -0.0023086 | -0.0108513 | 4.484486 | -0.0236519 | 6.070089 | 51.64981 | |
932 | 1556 | UPL | 16.9365865 | 0.0000045 | -0.0002530 | 0.0205148 | 6.640760 | 0.0291414 | 7.831390 | 33.74232 | |
933 | 1557 | UPL | 22.2396500 | 0.0000506 | 0.0009677 | 0.0034189 | 3.715397 | -0.0073932 | 4.609690 | 73.86768 | |
934 | 1558 | UPL | 21.8946728 | 0.0000088 | 0.0003519 | 0.0553024 | 3.163092 | 0.0483836 | 4.074684 | 54.34241 | |
935 | 1559 | UPL | 16.1869472 | 0.0000562 | 0.0026942 | -0.0235756 | 4.602121 | 0.0470249 | 5.840024 | 57.37088 | |
936 | 1560 | UPL | 4.7355685 | 0.0003938 | 0.0104890 | 0.2257755 | 4.215680 | 0.4897421 | 6.741020 | 43.52997 | |
937 | 1561 | UPL | 15.7589428 | 0.0002994 | 0.0054591 | 0.1383129 | 3.396608 | 0.0767593 | 4.679455 | 40.78252 | |
938 | 1565 | UPL | 31.5753684 | 0.0001761 | -0.0020503 | -0.0107280 | 3.966386 | -0.0898504 | 4.454142 | 68.95087 | |
939 | 1567 | UPL | 5.5489116 | 0.0001049 | -0.0041445 | 0.0831432 | 1.789274 | 0.0386465 | 4.137929 | 68.00521 | |
940 | 1569 | UPL | 12.3774952 | 0.0011446 | 0.0012208 | -0.1040761 | 3.034178 | 0.5574495 | 4.579985 | 59.82804 | |
941 | 1570 | UPL | 18.7395010 | 0.0014123 | 0.0115588 | 0.0649170 | 4.658924 | 0.4323984 | 5.753169 | 76.41661 | |
942 | 1573 | UPL | 46.5916206 | 0.0011127 | 0.0103336 | 0.0720464 | 4.037627 | 0.1703806 | 3.982000 | 27.63319 | |
943 | 1575 | UPL | 38.1112312 | 0.0001990 | 0.0023391 | 0.0445333 | 3.847118 | -0.0349079 | 4.090406 | 45.10225 | |
944 | 1577 | UPL | 5.5133833 | 0.0000159 | 0.0006933 | -0.0405470 | 9.015671 | -0.0416872 | 11.354940 | 103.62875 | |
945 | 1579 | UPL | 29.2145444 | 0.0001348 | -0.0031710 | -0.0267664 | 5.192734 | -0.0724176 | 5.774152 | 74.66905 | |
946 | 1580 | UPL | 24.3102220 | 0.0001729 | -0.0047509 | -0.0805993 | 5.270529 | -0.2047631 | 6.066352 | 56.42050 | |
947 | 1581 | UPL | 13.4407622 | 0.0001638 | -0.0017574 | -0.0700458 | 3.496591 | 0.0047223 | 4.944413 | 41.04722 | |
948 | 1582 | UPL | 38.9897805 | 0.0012758 | -0.0051594 | -0.1030265 | 6.056344 | -0.0999538 | 6.267958 | 52.00760 | |
949 | 1585 | UPL | 30.2351354 | 0.0001132 | -0.0005330 | -0.0304417 | 4.308139 | 0.0769461 | 4.848325 | 42.21387 | |
950 | 1586 | UPL | 14.9454392 | 0.0001459 | -0.0063212 | -0.1211126 | 5.055677 | -0.3337634 | 6.376998 | 67.70359 | |
951 | 1587 | UPL | 31.2306451 | 0.0010629 | -0.0123700 | -0.1194601 | 4.896047 | -0.1879499 | 5.398138 | 54.89276 | |
952 | 1590 | UPL | 22.7808092 | 0.0001202 | -0.0021386 | -0.0003432 | 3.566153 | -0.2129743 | 4.433906 | 46.02185 | |
953 | 1592 | UPL | 23.1835773 | 0.0006844 | -0.0098888 | -0.1548312 | 4.994221 | -0.3669526 | 5.844796 | 47.50730 | |
954 | 1593 | UPL | 53.3532301 | 0.0032143 | 0.0121698 | 0.1401316 | 2.534435 | 0.2863652 | 2.235849 | 40.84504 | |
955 | 1597 | WET | 8.0096727 | 0.0000384 | -0.0009821 | -0.0229399 | 5.152570 | -0.1276312 | 7.114584 | 67.78045 | |
956 | 1600 | UPL | 45.8509700 | 0.0025260 | -0.0124692 | -0.0650949 | 5.930202 | -0.1608086 | 5.900431 | 22.41461 | |
957 | 1601 | UPL | 26.1415337 | 0.0000613 | 0.0014964 | 0.0183689 | 3.504328 | 0.0158778 | 4.216193 | 68.33777 | |
958 | 1602 | UPL | 23.6016720 | 0.0016411 | -0.0134946 | -0.1220083 | 3.620619 | -0.4343785 | 4.453586 | 52.12987 | |
959 | 1604 | UPL | 23.4857645 | 0.0000331 | -0.0013341 | -0.0076319 | 5.782017 | -0.0252570 | 6.616400 | 69.64800 | |
960 | 1606 | UPL | 33.4760114 | 0.0014708 | 0.0003301 | 0.0099485 | 5.187746 | 0.1246043 | 5.602106 | 72.95232 | |
961 | 1607 | UPL | 14.9130505 | 0.0000795 | -0.0035450 | -0.0443516 | 3.062662 | -0.1390750 | 4.386037 | 47.85594 | |
962 | 1608 | UPL | 23.5204966 | 0.0120363 | 0.0577304 | 0.7056949 | 1.695150 | 0.9192314 | 2.553428 | 60.57570 | |
963 | 1610 | UPL | 36.3549827 | 0.0000756 | -0.0024499 | -0.0418728 | 4.383486 | -0.0218705 | 4.690078 | 33.69228 | |
964 | 1612 | UPL | 17.0133671 | 0.0000294 | -0.0008792 | -0.0806144 | 6.207019 | -0.0693957 | 7.394436 | 29.58876 | |
965 | 1613 | UPL | 10.8347133 | 0.0005258 | 0.0082690 | 0.0859610 | 2.600869 | 0.2961175 | 4.287922 | 52.29050 | |
966 | 1614 | UPL | 19.0782061 | 0.0000665 | -0.0042444 | -0.0706664 | 6.936063 | -0.4658990 | 7.999378 | 54.64584 | |
967 | 1615 | UPL | 41.3133488 | 0.0001288 | 0.0043426 | 0.0285981 | 3.617882 | -0.0305526 | 3.747006 | 61.28395 | |
968 | 1617 | UPL | 31.9465151 | 0.0002943 | 0.0047962 | 0.0640223 | 4.368374 | 0.2506244 | 4.841321 | 30.29444 | |
969 | 1620 | UPL | 54.3329943 | 0.0004853 | -0.0017881 | -0.0819942 | 3.615409 | -0.0453300 | 3.283563 | 44.33232 | |
970 | 1621 | UPL | 16.5330335 | 0.0000083 | -0.0014795 | -0.0504480 | 6.238534 | -0.1295340 | 7.453304 | 55.38574 | |
971 | 1622 | UPL | 29.5171941 | 0.0006611 | 0.0127258 | 0.1760147 | 2.186536 | 0.5361809 | 2.756919 | 59.00798 | |
972 | 1623 | UPL | 31.8132305 | 0.0025685 | 0.0226170 | 0.1566684 | 2.394851 | 0.4411777 | 2.873036 | 48.41185 | |
973 | 1624 | UPL | 30.1204679 | 0.0024126 | -0.0206228 | -0.1843355 | 5.100394 | -0.5290902 | 5.653217 | 59.37327 | |
974 | 1626 | UPL | 18.8500609 | 0.0003528 | 0.0004975 | -0.0181021 | 4.446839 | 0.0174457 | 5.524247 | 49.27604 | |
975 | 1628 | UPL | 31.1851257 | 0.0004574 | 0.0060466 | 0.0371545 | 2.924050 | 0.1080094 | 3.426173 | 64.91720 | |
976 | 1630 | UPL | 29.5393994 | 0.0000949 | 0.0022374 | 0.0331288 | 3.499643 | 0.0976174 | 4.067811 | 67.68307 | |
977 | 1631 | UPL | 21.5318132 | 0.0000439 | -0.0024570 | -0.0384294 | 4.441737 | -0.1192614 | 5.373118 | 45.28593 | |
978 | 1633 | UPL | 3.1953378 | 0.0000253 | -0.0021858 | -0.1570620 | 6.682072 | -0.1735365 | 9.568825 | 84.30637 | |
979 | 1634 | UPL | 29.5804458 | 0.0006507 | 0.0121952 | 0.0728489 | 2.705456 | 0.3701993 | 3.272448 | 63.07125 | |
980 | 1635 | UPL | 23.7807209 | 0.0000734 | -0.0000535 | 0.0345874 | 3.862350 | 0.0837453 | 4.682982 | 60.58194 | |
981 | 1636 | UPL | 37.8794847 | 0.0002962 | 0.0051761 | 0.0438088 | 3.714787 | 0.0903765 | 3.966016 | 44.81808 | |
982 | 1640 | UPL | 40.2271010 | 0.0034243 | -0.0070466 | -0.4464118 | 2.962981 | -0.3074795 | 3.135597 | 54.99332 | |
983 | 1641 | UPL | 38.9244418 | 0.0002476 | -0.0049019 | -0.0366026 | 5.564600 | -0.0330859 | 5.778373 | 82.67925 | |
984 | 1642 | UPL | 24.4469651 | 0.0000371 | 0.0012916 | 0.0169266 | 4.122269 | -0.0229265 | 4.911190 | 72.74721 | |
985 | 1643 | UPL | 3.1744002 | 0.0000553 | -0.0036541 | -0.2618777 | 4.497707 | -0.6140707 | 7.439395 | 37.97788 | |
986 | 1644 | UPL | 19.8734305 | 0.0002476 | -0.0061390 | 0.0212040 | 2.838179 | -0.0724371 | 3.857327 | 67.25197 | |
987 | 1645 | UPL | 14.7236028 | 0.0000072 | 0.0000760 | 0.0000961 | 5.635879 | -0.0440337 | 6.972719 | 65.94238 | |
988 | 1646 | UPL | 34.0148555 | 0.0001642 | -0.0057279 | -0.0607833 | 5.070858 | -0.1244949 | 5.464082 | 57.73146 | |
989 | 1649 | UPL | 12.2594514 | 0.0003620 | -0.0115761 | -0.2715162 | 7.776112 | -0.5036747 | 9.302917 | 61.93921 | |
990 | 1650 | UPL | 2.9886911 | 0.0000173 | 0.0018097 | 0.2210660 | 1.881827 | -0.0167911 | 4.901313 | 31.77841 | |
991 | 1651 | UPL | 26.1394015 | 0.0001847 | 0.0000889 | -0.0338601 | 4.766728 | 0.0128970 | 5.479539 | 44.82847 | |
992 | 1652 | UPL | 33.9272012 | 0.0001903 | -0.0017602 | -0.0014728 | 3.401802 | 0.0420257 | 3.798804 | 61.53361 | |
993 | 1653 | UPL | 33.4047037 | 0.0006234 | -0.0097431 | -0.0860854 | 4.725328 | -0.2154227 | 5.145553 | 51.37059 | |
994 | 1654 | UPL | 11.6916724 | 0.0000722 | -0.0004215 | -0.0113914 | 7.599371 | -0.1420686 | 9.175091 | 69.45676 | |
995 | 1655 | UPL | 20.9032808 | 0.0000065 | -0.0008557 | -0.0049208 | 3.724208 | -0.1362180 | 4.686760 | 84.03125 | |
996 | 1657 | WET | 6.6282442 | 0.0001353 | -0.0065111 | -0.2012374 | 5.487617 | -0.3656889 | 7.677626 | 73.34669 | |
997 | 1658 | UPL | 41.3252395 | 0.0006039 | 0.0073397 | 0.0502081 | 3.058064 | 0.0807761 | 3.186826 | 67.23232 | |
998 | 1661 | UPL | 26.1560377 | 0.0011259 | 0.0156418 | 0.2886075 | 2.562312 | 0.6152270 | 3.282323 | 63.44406 | |
999 | 1662 | UPL | 21.3306191 | 0.0000574 | -0.0029844 | -0.0700752 | 4.074192 | -0.0537172 | 5.014908 | 69.05472 | |
1000 | 1663 | UPL | 14.8081183 | 0.0001146 | 0.0005060 | 0.0134991 | 9.066260 | -0.1842733 | 10.396973 | 66.49541 | |
1001 | 1664 | UPL | 26.6584737 | 0.0000543 | -0.0005091 | -0.0403885 | 4.846572 | -0.0786125 | 5.535704 | 44.58940 | |
1002 | 1666 | UPL | 21.7644485 | 0.0002713 | -0.0009596 | 0.0053229 | 5.768283 | -0.0369952 | 6.690332 | 28.08215 | |
1003 | 1667 | UPL | 23.0793286 | 0.0008822 | 0.0153726 | 0.2646932 | 2.236674 | 0.4218827 | 3.100386 | 58.49269 | |
1004 | 1669 | UPL | 44.3801579 | 0.0033718 | -0.0174389 | -0.1363767 | 5.701711 | -0.1849829 | 5.723462 | 59.05137 | |
1005 | 1671 | UPL | 32.1660884 | 0.0000987 | -0.0045347 | -0.0429551 | 5.600178 | -0.1187240 | 6.064151 | 36.71326 | |
1006 | 1672 | UPL | 13.6762876 | 0.0000037 | 0.0006533 | 0.0352474 | 8.094342 | -0.0362072 | 9.507671 | 39.14267 | |
1007 | 1673 | UPL | 17.8427036 | 0.0001969 | -0.0052041 | -0.0894079 | 7.202966 | -0.1977073 | 8.337416 | 43.85158 | |
1008 | 1674 | UPL | 44.4680707 | 0.0006500 | -0.0006047 | -0.0178714 | 2.811920 | 0.2317145 | 2.830689 | 42.97518 | |
1009 | 1677 | UPL | 11.8866135 | 0.0000052 | -0.0009964 | -0.0682313 | 5.298122 | -0.0427399 | 6.857204 | 43.34883 | |
1010 | 1678 | UPL | 28.0003001 | 0.0000175 | 0.0000223 | -0.0012943 | 4.076995 | 0.0177297 | 4.708714 | 72.44621 | |
1011 | 1679 | UPL | 7.9362934 | 0.0002155 | -0.0074295 | -0.1995652 | 7.016788 | -0.5604228 | 8.990165 | 71.40541 | |
1012 | 1684 | UPL | 31.7820834 | 0.0000159 | -0.0008807 | 0.0012632 | 5.333099 | -0.0710760 | 5.811860 | 68.81809 | |
1013 | 1685 | UPL | 12.5938051 | 0.0000256 | 0.0026971 | 0.0600894 | 4.105041 | 0.1119712 | 5.603962 | 45.18611 | |
1014 | 1686 | UPL | 40.2755884 | 0.0005452 | 0.0040805 | 0.0190901 | 3.836244 | 0.0778461 | 4.002105 | 58.49965 | |
1015 | 1688 | UPL | 51.5030268 | 0.0028850 | 0.0074912 | -0.0058553 | 3.213437 | 0.0133025 | 2.982712 | 43.07093 | |
1016 | 1689 | UPL | 7.4026358 | 0.0000646 | 0.0036883 | 0.1516048 | 2.676744 | 0.2987088 | 4.718069 | 76.57815 | |
1017 | 1690 | UPL | 8.9658167 | 0.0000484 | -0.0035551 | -0.1107450 | 4.339513 | 0.0287336 | 6.193623 | 81.44705 | |
1018 | 1691 | UPL | 42.6184345 | 0.0003100 | 0.0046335 | -0.0045456 | 5.206849 | 0.0067249 | 5.290092 | 57.55709 | |
1019 | 1692 | UPL | 38.5483430 | 0.0001480 | -0.0022984 | -0.0443175 | 3.929670 | -0.2122028 | 4.156879 | 49.81457 | |
1020 | 1694 | UPL | 19.3840998 | 0.0001947 | 0.0034141 | 0.0510634 | 5.457940 | 0.0625026 | 6.503747 | 41.06924 | |
1021 | 1695 | UPL | 49.0045004 | 0.0006599 | 0.0029806 | -0.0222172 | 3.295601 | 0.0324153 | 3.155204 | 51.92373 | |
1022 | 1697 | UPL | 34.7677446 | 0.0001180 | 0.0015557 | 0.0441745 | 3.508139 | 0.0276926 | 3.873295 | 60.77580 | |
1023 | 1699 | UPL | 28.2377037 | 0.0036497 | 0.0323186 | 0.5214634 | 1.757755 | 0.8850508 | 2.396212 | 50.63817 | |
1024 | 1700 | UPL | 32.8363894 | 0.0004024 | 0.0004912 | -0.0489693 | 3.027874 | 0.0796254 | 3.466332 | 63.67295 | |
1025 | 1702 | UPL | 12.5503958 | 0.0000349 | -0.0017757 | -0.0037193 | 2.274261 | 0.2213782 | 3.777544 | 74.59420 | |
1026 | 1706 | UPL | 29.0498789 | 0.0020197 | 0.0200381 | 0.2243057 | 2.475685 | 0.7560448 | 3.079815 | 68.90964 | |
1027 | 1709 | UPL | 19.2006713 | 0.0001071 | -0.0031284 | -0.0382890 | 4.847655 | -0.0638472 | 5.907270 | 77.57027 | |
1028 | 1712 | UPL | 22.9306143 | 0.0000137 | -0.0017445 | -0.0181913 | 4.018286 | -0.0561442 | 4.878645 | 52.17517 | |
1029 | 1713 | UPL | 25.3447570 | 0.0024030 | -0.0236269 | -0.1990291 | 6.272006 | -0.3523499 | 7.023002 | 58.45366 | |
1030 | 1714 | UPL | 33.8604542 | 0.0001436 | -0.0048914 | -0.0642903 | 5.338071 | -0.1620035 | 5.737523 | 74.30570 | |
1031 | 1715 | UPL | 7.8187623 | 0.0001150 | 0.0009844 | 0.0310972 | 2.220318 | 0.3628841 | 4.206558 | 48.45982 | |
1032 | 1717 | UPL | 32.7619880 | 0.0008945 | -0.0086658 | -0.0792243 | 6.544354 | -0.2621416 | 6.985215 | 70.73739 | |
1033 | 1719 | UPL | 21.5147813 | 0.0002606 | 0.0044836 | 0.0342712 | 3.883727 | 0.1018354 | 4.816944 | 61.52543 | |
1034 | 1721 | UPL | 35.5822017 | 0.0003404 | -0.0020239 | 0.0210127 | 4.164983 | 0.0243079 | 4.500742 | 74.73806 | |
1035 | 1725 | WET | 4.9258290 | 0.0000944 | -0.0023728 | -0.2002777 | 3.145895 | -0.1987233 | 5.610425 | 72.08225 | |
1036 | 1727 | UPL | 14.7617840 | 0.0001097 | -0.0048820 | -0.0451121 | 2.934576 | 0.0648215 | 4.268494 | 44.35442 | |
1037 | 1728 | UPL | 32.8437761 | 0.0001933 | 0.0038247 | 0.0358120 | 3.478286 | 0.1276862 | 3.916013 | 70.90505 | |
1038 | 1729 | UPL | 17.4722791 | 0.0000859 | -0.0057124 | -0.0106970 | 3.184326 | -0.0990010 | 4.340392 | 74.06888 | |
1039 | 1730 | WET | 3.0921952 | 0.0000267 | -0.0024070 | -0.2436546 | 6.681688 | -0.1963392 | 9.601424 | 83.79275 | |
1040 | 1732 | UPL | 55.5183409 | 0.0022781 | 0.0007784 | -0.0108347 | 2.592006 | -0.1533365 | 2.216017 | 46.05525 | |
1041 | 1733 | UPL | 37.6625876 | 0.0001847 | -0.0024741 | -0.0421401 | 3.988934 | -0.0554509 | 4.248214 | 51.06447 | |
1042 | 1734 | UPL | 10.0948662 | 0.0012290 | -0.0148300 | -0.4003592 | 3.442211 | -0.5362394 | 5.214338 | 33.45297 | |
1043 | 1735 | UPL | 46.6556657 | 0.0008611 | -0.0030676 | -0.0540246 | 3.922110 | 0.0312167 | 3.864218 | 65.36025 | |
1044 | 1736 | UPL | 27.6550667 | 0.0002998 | 0.0042908 | -0.0340315 | 3.516184 | 0.0643973 | 4.162553 | 74.90477 | |
1045 | 1739 | UPL | 15.7369549 | 0.0000220 | -0.0027547 | -0.0846034 | 5.473216 | -0.0554677 | 6.740288 | 47.02157 | |
1046 | 1740 | UPL | 33.2450967 | 0.0016754 | 0.0159666 | 0.1320708 | 3.412892 | 0.1777162 | 3.837730 | 82.15012 | |
1047 | 1741 | UPL | 15.7109958 | 0.0000239 | 0.0000802 | -0.0017231 | 3.038000 | 0.0097268 | 4.307811 | 69.27114 | |
1048 | 1742 | UPL | 44.2225157 | 0.0006880 | 0.0094732 | 0.0715796 | 3.940888 | 0.2847787 | 3.968064 | 68.52975 | |
1049 | 1743 | UPL | 13.2236422 | 0.0006068 | -0.0069353 | -0.0795268 | 4.839252 | -0.3418532 | 6.297889 | 54.00049 | |
1050 | 1744 | UPL | 26.2774006 | 0.0000910 | 0.0022978 | 0.0211842 | 3.512422 | 0.0988448 | 4.218427 | 66.21539 | |
1051 | 1745 | UPL | 17.9476327 | 0.0001841 | 0.0024621 | 0.0539066 | 6.847063 | 0.0461726 | 7.980906 | 62.86032 | |
1052 | 1748 | UPL | 29.9008405 | 0.0001446 | -0.0029276 | -0.0479253 | 5.121695 | -0.1708647 | 5.675607 | 58.29164 | |
1053 | 1749 | UPL | 19.5673712 | 0.0000295 | -0.0021338 | -0.0431598 | 3.977784 | -0.0449306 | 5.012270 | 75.37972 | |
1054 | 1750 | UPL | 22.1760957 | 0.0019910 | -0.0229900 | -0.3600722 | 6.888592 | -0.7739538 | 7.802923 | 64.62865 | |
1055 | 1752 | UPL | 40.0053472 | 0.0002539 | -0.0009995 | -0.0105072 | 3.847109 | -0.1498286 | 4.022388 | 43.74045 | |
1056 | 1753 | UPL | 17.0913658 | 0.0000465 | 0.0023937 | 0.0034116 | 5.288145 | 0.1049367 | 6.469033 | 66.55052 | |
1057 | 1754 | UPL | 25.4919630 | 0.0006267 | 0.0086107 | 0.0500087 | 5.275364 | 0.1912889 | 6.027250 | 59.95217 | |
1058 | 1755 | WET | 9.9096650 | 0.0000363 | -0.0018041 | 0.0332086 | 5.291705 | -0.1192492 | 7.037355 | 77.99001 | |
1059 | 1756 | UPL | 18.2466844 | 0.0001754 | 0.0069711 | 0.1161836 | 4.177805 | 0.1596901 | 5.295148 | 61.81147 | |
1060 | 1757 | UPL | 17.7543058 | 0.0008077 | -0.0089792 | -0.1473035 | 5.275407 | -0.2724159 | 6.430098 | 44.05800 | |
1061 | 1759 | UPL | 19.9428495 | 0.0000079 | -0.0010649 | -0.0231039 | 5.545359 | -0.1922990 | 6.559238 | 51.38067 | |
1062 | 1760 | UPL | 11.8310609 | 0.0000207 | -0.0003990 | -0.0169082 | 2.554696 | 0.0764184 | 4.119289 | 51.61084 | |
1063 | 1761 | UPL | 33.8103120 | 0.0002576 | 0.0042228 | -0.0117008 | 2.840191 | 0.2426602 | 3.242103 | 62.34592 | |
1064 | 1762 | UPL | 31.4400605 | 0.0000270 | -0.0017552 | -0.0178733 | 6.554944 | -0.0695742 | 7.047079 | 61.16726 | |
1065 | 1764 | UPL | 21.0261028 | 0.0002335 | -0.0092246 | -0.1684314 | 4.736205 | -0.1641526 | 5.703455 | 57.15959 | |
1066 | 1766 | UPL | 21.1671021 | 0.0006022 | -0.0112423 | -0.0860423 | 11.674444 | -0.2861884 | 12.629120 | 35.47087 | |
1067 | 1767 | UPL | 6.1000217 | 0.0006951 | 0.0120263 | 0.3444747 | 2.094637 | 0.6922407 | 4.334877 | 56.75650 | |
1068 | 1768 | UPL | 10.4055324 | 0.0000161 | 0.0013434 | 0.0502361 | 4.097094 | 0.2367945 | 5.793299 | 60.59890 | |
1069 | 1769 | UPL | 31.4495517 | 0.0000827 | -0.0014553 | -0.0429023 | 5.083916 | -0.0692863 | 5.575799 | 26.60951 | |
1070 | 1771 | UPL | 11.7520664 | 0.0000718 | -0.0041230 | -0.1141626 | 7.240212 | -0.2599214 | 8.810675 | 80.18233 | |
1071 | 1772 | UPL | 25.0900739 | 0.0005076 | -0.0085155 | -0.1069632 | 3.806219 | -0.2298728 | 4.566187 | 62.62908 | |
1072 | 1773 | UPL | 35.6529143 | 0.0000365 | -0.0011841 | -0.0053000 | 6.015601 | -0.0668046 | 6.347911 | 59.11129 | |
1073 | 1774 | UPL | 24.9241424 | 0.0001259 | -0.0018887 | -0.0411166 | 3.323416 | -0.0056547 | 4.090604 | 50.01642 | |
1074 | 1776 | UPL | 24.5314429 | 0.0001764 | 0.0036420 | 0.0110575 | 3.156744 | 0.1197861 | 3.941243 | 64.91010 | |
1075 | 1777 | UPL | 8.6883896 | 0.0000461 | 0.0016905 | 0.0472380 | 2.800619 | 0.0536944 | 4.680384 | 80.98060 | |
1076 | 1779 | UPL | 47.0904498 | 0.0020249 | 0.0140122 | 0.0877843 | 2.587980 | 0.3896669 | 2.514812 | 67.93386 | |
1077 | 1780 | UPL | 52.7005119 | 0.0024283 | 0.0119412 | 0.1208218 | 3.505346 | 0.0701859 | 3.231033 | 73.79921 | |
1078 | 1781 | UPL | 33.0193479 | 0.0003020 | 0.0047340 | 0.0953884 | 3.458263 | 0.0743361 | 3.889956 | 56.66863 | |
1079 | 1782 | UPL | 13.7062605 | 0.0002246 | -0.0067889 | -0.1178348 | 3.404870 | -0.1589170 | 4.830626 | 58.17471 | |
1080 | 1783 | UPL | 21.6770450 | 0.0001631 | 0.0001255 | 0.0051947 | 2.913941 | -0.0265636 | 3.837150 | 59.32800 | |
1081 | 1784 | UPL | 41.9830459 | 0.0005975 | 0.0018537 | 0.0387427 | 3.154233 | 0.2226241 | 3.260367 | 69.50731 | |
1082 | 1785 | UPL | 28.6798536 | 0.0000764 | -0.0030515 | -0.0427983 | 6.635537 | -0.0991001 | 7.239961 | 55.31171 | |
1083 | 1787 | UPL | 23.0073882 | 0.0000473 | 0.0005978 | 0.0121466 | 6.173106 | -0.0746882 | 7.029758 | 68.47998 | |
1084 | 1788 | UPL | 8.3814022 | 0.0001160 | 0.0062886 | 0.1957978 | 4.508688 | 0.1509989 | 6.444150 | 30.69050 | |
1085 | 1789 | UPL | 50.1354659 | 0.0005403 | -0.0007444 | -0.0227914 | 3.045704 | 0.0293106 | 2.865219 | 58.69052 | |
1086 | 1790 | UPL | 11.3309014 | 0.0006597 | -0.0046019 | -0.0023926 | 4.477105 | -0.1459667 | 6.089064 | 79.21859 | |
1087 | 1793 | UPL | 48.5910243 | 0.0038375 | -0.0082319 | -0.1946941 | 3.354298 | -0.2648367 | 3.224227 | 69.66153 | |
1088 | 1794 | UPL | 42.9874313 | 0.0005448 | 0.0045906 | 0.0450873 | 2.727346 | 0.0532149 | 2.797674 | 77.51204 | |
1089 | 1796 | UPL | 22.2901554 | 0.0001893 | 0.0039061 | 0.0610151 | 2.763726 | 0.0576528 | 3.655578 | 79.38046 | |
1090 | 1797 | UPL | 50.6873582 | 0.0027856 | 0.0128620 | 0.0777176 | 2.720165 | 0.1576283 | 2.520266 | 60.70090 | |
1091 | 1798 | UPL | 47.3583484 | 0.0015361 | 0.0086647 | 0.1568932 | 3.610938 | 0.2664008 | 3.527946 | 66.76836 | |
1092 | 1800 | UPL | 18.0459663 | 0.0001964 | -0.0010990 | 0.0275725 | 4.243476 | -0.0558615 | 5.365443 | 79.14866 | |
1093 | 1802 | UPL | 50.8875943 | 0.0201248 | 0.0336536 | 0.3184528 | 1.682082 | 0.2409177 | 1.472187 | 52.71731 | |
1094 | 1803 | UPL | 8.2680807 | 0.0000236 | 0.0016491 | 0.0645534 | 2.477482 | 0.2394594 | 4.407161 | 64.25031 | |
1095 | 1804 | UPL | 7.6766902 | 0.0002240 | 0.0050062 | 0.2515740 | 2.035592 | 0.4965490 | 4.115000 | 41.06759 | |
1096 | 1806 | UPL | 31.8710987 | 0.0007465 | -0.0091635 | -0.1278535 | 5.524825 | -0.3500260 | 6.000462 | 68.48458 | |
1097 | 1807 | UPL | 36.7697068 | 0.0002309 | 0.0028278 | 0.0209947 | 4.055586 | 0.1271480 | 4.347204 | 50.38556 | |
1098 | 1809 | UPL | 25.2558088 | 0.0005572 | 0.0018797 | 0.0087439 | 2.802355 | 0.0431832 | 3.558109 | 47.75919 | |
1099 | 1810 | UPL | 32.2728913 | 0.0005599 | 0.0067416 | 0.0414854 | 3.141342 | 0.2615330 | 3.604852 | 59.95738 | |
1100 | 1811 | UPL | 15.1511317 | 0.0006472 | -0.0117953 | -0.3145764 | 4.534816 | -0.4311036 | 5.876770 | 54.13879 | |
1101 | 1812 | UPL | 15.1101197 | 0.0000374 | -0.0005040 | -0.0018253 | 4.072145 | -0.0184648 | 5.381815 | 66.70427 | |
1102 | 1814 | UPL | 14.0460700 | 0.0001203 | -0.0032912 | -0.0642338 | 3.765931 | -0.2183368 | 5.153039 | 75.22995 | |
1103 | 1816 | UPL | 18.6421303 | 0.0002948 | -0.0102310 | -0.1954302 | 5.488864 | -0.3782109 | 6.576060 | 50.55397 | |
1104 | 1817 | UPL | 44.1094996 | 0.0000644 | 0.0011807 | 0.0409451 | 3.901646 | 0.0978289 | 3.932807 | 21.68728 | |
1105 | 1818 | UPL | 42.5562979 | 0.0006537 | -0.0085421 | -0.1026013 | 3.903683 | -0.2648407 | 3.989151 | 58.44910 | |
1106 | 1819 | UPL | 27.6004231 | 0.0002227 | 0.0049910 | 0.1128482 | 2.709485 | 0.0910722 | 3.358980 | 66.05297 | |
1107 | 1820 | UPL | 5.1614407 | 0.0000038 | 0.0009701 | 0.3962014 | 1.872468 | 0.1947730 | 4.280616 | 53.75801 | |
1108 | 1822 | WET | 3.1265234 | 0.0000929 | 0.0056747 | 0.4187403 | 1.615703 | 0.8559100 | 4.530961 | 80.01851 | |
1109 | 1823 | UPL | 17.5131814 | 0.0002836 | 0.0076195 | 0.0966274 | 2.893074 | 0.3407657 | 4.047841 | 65.57071 | |
1110 | 1826 | UPL | 26.6349351 | 0.0002187 | -0.0013298 | -0.0353856 | 7.276540 | -0.1228072 | 7.966729 | 71.98368 | |
1111 | 1827 | UPL | 18.0069401 | 0.0019421 | 0.0182775 | 0.5860356 | 2.928109 | 0.6591981 | 4.101056 | 40.84102 | |
1112 | 1828 | UPL | 15.6575056 | 0.0000189 | -0.0006713 | -0.0703245 | 3.694387 | -0.0402759 | 4.968091 | 73.25827 | |
1113 | 1829 | UPL | 28.0383599 | 0.0005478 | 0.0099743 | 0.1242220 | 4.452157 | 0.3639090 | 5.085532 | 75.82020 | |
1114 | 1831 | UPL | 17.3528694 | 0.0003655 | -0.0085585 | -0.1422754 | 6.424501 | -0.4136834 | 7.588335 | 71.52036 | |
1115 | 1832 | UPL | 46.0526672 | 0.0009164 | -0.0001969 | -0.0065536 | 3.161403 | -0.0489721 | 3.124632 | 72.66523 | |
1116 | 1833 | UPL | 21.6318108 | 0.0031026 | -0.0274210 | -0.3039213 | 5.017955 | -0.5357392 | 5.959271 | 53.60945 | |
1117 | 1834 | UPL | 22.9121269 | 0.0001258 | -0.0035185 | -0.0302372 | 5.173752 | -0.1602248 | 6.035762 | 76.83661 | |
1118 | 1835 | UPL | 19.9571321 | 0.0004565 | 0.0096969 | 0.2359143 | 2.621651 | 0.3036073 | 3.654218 | 61.85987 | |
1119 | 1836 | UPL | 28.4751502 | 0.0001477 | -0.0025821 | -0.0569763 | 4.232460 | -0.0129784 | 4.848277 | 65.56699 | |
1120 | 1838 | UPL | 20.9202682 | 0.0000673 | -0.0017335 | -0.0060277 | 4.399770 | -0.0404645 | 5.361979 | 58.41231 | |
1121 | 1839 | UPL | 37.4264774 | 0.0005171 | 0.0079878 | 0.0565367 | 4.848875 | 0.1130095 | 5.116600 | 70.91797 | |
1122 | 1840 | UPL | 24.2051890 | 0.0001484 | -0.0067113 | -0.0659078 | 4.358083 | -0.1719134 | 5.158014 | 59.44318 | |
1123 | 1841 | UPL | 30.0184407 | 0.0001510 | 0.0056341 | 0.0679228 | 4.322002 | 0.0892522 | 4.870612 | 63.62430 | |
1124 | 1842 | UPL | 3.7412747 | 0.0001086 | -0.0059483 | -0.5530080 | 5.499174 | -0.7381840 | 8.422122 | 23.16425 | |
1125 | 1844 | UPL | 40.9299367 | 0.0005773 | -0.0063904 | -0.0842435 | 4.056276 | -0.1928457 | 4.200233 | 51.06060 | |
1126 | 1845 | UPL | 18.3040691 | 0.0000601 | -0.0027073 | -0.0297548 | 5.046488 | -0.0600887 | 6.155116 | 47.43752 | |
1127 | 1846 | UPL | 14.9307655 | 0.0000589 | 0.0042397 | 0.0300781 | 5.194575 | -0.0644769 | 6.516684 | 49.07622 | |
1128 | 1848 | UPL | 20.6450075 | 0.0002495 | 0.0033555 | 0.1366856 | 2.759685 | 0.1331239 | 3.753199 | 52.58158 | |
1129 | 1849 | UPL | 26.9413224 | 0.0020352 | 0.0167328 | 0.4800639 | 1.803565 | 0.7111779 | 2.515305 | 59.08092 | |
1130 | 1850 | UPL | 35.0405473 | 0.0002260 | -0.0060214 | -0.0578536 | 6.613807 | -0.1357824 | 6.968994 | 51.44525 | |
1131 | 1851 | UPL | 15.8721118 | 0.0000525 | 0.0041466 | 0.1232227 | 4.414156 | 0.0953287 | 5.672273 | 51.51634 | |
1132 | 1852 | UPL | 24.5285925 | 0.0004997 | 0.0082378 | 0.1590240 | 4.135103 | 0.2493943 | 4.926622 | 60.01984 | |
1133 | 1853 | UPL | 12.9014192 | 0.0001818 | -0.0071506 | -0.1824813 | 5.700885 | -0.1441741 | 7.197852 | 59.65738 | |
1134 | 1854 | UPL | 3.7486247 | 0.0000060 | -0.0003609 | -0.0165577 | 5.803651 | -0.0671622 | 8.529759 | 99.27008 | |
1135 | 1856 | UPL | 11.7677323 | 0.0000354 | 0.0003054 | 0.0720965 | 2.897609 | -0.0138396 | 4.471405 | 54.25637 | |
1136 | 1858 | UPL | 20.0794401 | 0.0005281 | -0.0034404 | -0.0222342 | 3.670223 | -0.1387031 | 4.687036 | 68.97750 | |
1137 | 1860 | UPL | 56.2828283 | 0.0019618 | 0.0067163 | 0.0276527 | 2.922560 | 0.0548121 | 2.517631 | 55.35985 | |
1138 | 1861 | UPL | 10.6420083 | 0.0003990 | -0.0047250 | -0.1962280 | 3.234204 | -0.3168644 | 4.914222 | 61.44148 | |
1139 | 1862 | UPL | 12.4650722 | 0.0001491 | 0.0018517 | 0.0353547 | 3.858364 | 0.1745951 | 5.369840 | 69.03698 | |
1140 | 1863 | UPL | 39.5007880 | 0.0000808 | 0.0025755 | 0.0217152 | 4.005355 | 0.0856763 | 4.198532 | 56.76095 | |
1141 | 1864 | UPL | 34.8722913 | 0.0005847 | -0.0102289 | -0.1120593 | 7.688354 | -0.1972532 | 8.050154 | 54.84852 | |
1142 | 1865 | UPL | 12.0075393 | 0.0001913 | 0.0063241 | 0.1532073 | 3.482564 | 0.2465431 | 5.051286 | 84.16091 | |
1143 | 1867 | UPL | 27.0389879 | 0.0001469 | 0.0045810 | 0.0476393 | 3.182192 | 0.1163286 | 3.855147 | 80.47124 | |
1144 | 1871 | UPL | 13.4681576 | 0.0000098 | -0.0011820 | -0.0417959 | 6.814814 | -0.0132185 | 8.244208 | 60.59326 | |
1145 | 1872 | UPL | 37.3410259 | 0.0002885 | 0.0041092 | 0.0192462 | 2.753987 | 0.1810236 | 3.024605 | 64.11248 | |
1146 | 1873 | UPL | 39.1531756 | 0.0001585 | -0.0025932 | -0.0414007 | 3.816955 | -0.0517759 | 4.022837 | 53.79987 | |
1147 | 1874 | UPL | 14.9305700 | 0.0000169 | -0.0002634 | 0.0130867 | 5.290849 | 0.0436182 | 6.613304 | 79.00401 | |
1148 | 1875 | UPL | 27.9085847 | 0.0022290 | -0.0159769 | -0.1333318 | 4.742036 | -0.3447417 | 5.377670 | 36.92803 | |
1149 | 1878 | UPL | 28.7503175 | 0.0000707 | 0.0003344 | -0.0245561 | 5.475733 | -0.0442467 | 6.076514 | 61.67842 | |
1150 | 1879 | UPL | 27.9052352 | 0.0001139 | -0.0032973 | -0.0588320 | 4.379339 | -0.1425355 | 5.016650 | 63.36754 | |
1151 | 1881 | UPL | 12.0267274 | 0.0000583 | 0.0018432 | 0.0196729 | 4.897265 | 0.0801383 | 6.447399 | 78.45574 | |
1152 | 1882 | UPL | 21.8961073 | 0.0001056 | -0.0011651 | -0.0575694 | 4.494665 | 0.0198760 | 5.407436 | 69.07102 | |
1153 | 1883 | UPL | 40.2109294 | 0.0014665 | -0.0070116 | -0.0617646 | 3.425730 | -0.0294509 | 3.595473 | 63.39889 | |
1154 | 1884 | UPL | 3.5259497 | 0.0000027 | -0.0006058 | -0.0683769 | 2.658630 | -0.3124321 | 5.446080 | 14.44622 | |
1155 | 1886 | UPL | 23.7759590 | 0.0000223 | 0.0026717 | 0.0366499 | 4.471959 | 0.0907084 | 5.291794 | 52.42049 | |
1156 | 1888 | UPL | 33.5971629 | 0.0004451 | -0.0067558 | -0.0283086 | 4.796602 | -0.1416141 | 5.205881 | 44.47276 | |
1157 | 1891 | UPL | 30.0226592 | 0.0000201 | 0.0000765 | 0.0003449 | 3.982031 | -0.0272048 | 4.530505 | 65.74931 | |
1158 | 1893 | UPL | 26.5839349 | 0.0005560 | -0.0063215 | -0.0846119 | 5.361942 | -0.1696777 | 6.057575 | 71.51756 | |
1159 | 1894 | UPL | 25.3464532 | 0.0002522 | -0.0071555 | -0.1005183 | 5.498749 | -0.2371403 | 6.247674 | 46.65756 | |
1160 | 1895 | WET | 15.4641736 | 0.0000416 | -0.0024538 | -0.0685623 | 5.815078 | -0.1782107 | 7.104596 | 61.25670 | |
1161 | 1896 | UPL | 20.7337236 | 0.0002107 | -0.0028429 | 0.0172786 | 2.723006 | -0.0885793 | 3.696702 | 41.05243 | |
1162 | 1897 | UPL | 5.4230143 | 0.0000159 | -0.0012805 | -0.0976038 | 2.848550 | -0.0780806 | 5.206845 | 31.97300 | |
1163 | 1898 | UPL | 50.6730469 | 0.0020493 | 0.0150610 | 0.1133521 | 2.748205 | 0.2606905 | 2.548752 | 80.85550 | |
1164 | 1899 | UPL | 29.0572761 | 0.0001502 | -0.0008899 | -0.0249895 | 4.072029 | 0.0263631 | 4.660041 | 62.96746 | |
1165 | 1900 | UPL | 21.6712887 | 0.0000466 | 0.0035033 | 0.0566399 | 3.479008 | -0.0127958 | 4.402572 | 68.33033 | |
1166 | 1901 | UPL | 34.5581838 | 0.0000313 | -0.0014793 | -0.0266263 | 3.982382 | -0.0090672 | 4.355635 | 71.39385 | |
1167 | 1902 | UPL | 10.4794655 | 0.0002546 | -0.0036668 | -0.1787865 | 4.022040 | -0.4430146 | 5.790452 | 68.78680 | |
1168 | 1903 | UPL | 17.2787899 | 0.0001171 | -0.0057799 | -0.0415583 | 6.869024 | -0.1551742 | 8.038293 | 46.46540 | |
1169 | 1904 | UPL | 17.1402123 | 0.0001518 | 0.0066388 | 0.1188320 | 3.302247 | 0.0523068 | 4.479550 | 62.68792 | |
1170 | 1905 | UPL | 41.5314906 | 0.0025161 | -0.0019621 | -0.0744949 | 2.947683 | -0.4961152 | 3.069953 | 41.37266 | |
1171 | 1906 | UPL | 13.8200899 | 0.0001576 | 0.0042291 | 0.0513728 | 2.863551 | 0.2657432 | 4.271840 | 67.69411 | |
1172 | 1907 | UPL | 29.0882603 | 0.0000397 | 0.0003604 | 0.0084115 | 4.078141 | -0.0155969 | 4.664648 | 46.08252 | |
1173 | 1909 | UPL | 3.7346186 | 0.0000141 | 0.0014055 | 0.1612664 | 3.672516 | 0.1699363 | 6.405351 | 114.62955 | |
1174 | 1910 | UPL | 21.1961199 | 0.0019221 | 0.0254226 | 0.3809952 | 2.193527 | 0.5942032 | 3.160688 | 75.43028 | |
1176 | 1913 | UPL | 20.5889857 | 0.0000077 | 0.0010351 | 0.0073606 | 3.597934 | -0.0551400 | 4.578184 | 71.65678 | |
1177 | 1914 | UPL | 34.1796310 | 0.0000220 | -0.0009877 | 0.0017195 | 5.757819 | -0.0698690 | 6.144990 | 49.44857 | |
1178 | 1915 | UPL | 22.0902819 | 0.0005450 | -0.0081674 | -0.1090809 | 8.295931 | -0.2972120 | 9.200071 | 65.83336 | |
1179 | 1916 | UPL | 23.7860865 | 0.0001257 | -0.0063551 | -0.0815678 | 3.612062 | -0.1782895 | 4.431424 | 70.92864 | |
1180 | 1917 | UPL | 47.5178309 | 0.0008652 | 0.0097389 | 0.0854657 | 2.740389 | 0.1203632 | 2.652273 | 60.43786 | |
1181 | 1918 | UPL | 23.1130445 | 0.0021654 | 0.0204732 | 0.2206713 | 4.116796 | 0.5478005 | 4.978120 | 41.78046 | |
1182 | 1919 | UPL | 40.6562617 | 0.0058755 | 0.0261664 | 0.2450623 | 1.754258 | 0.4554529 | 1.907091 | 76.39840 | |
1183 | 1921 | UPL | 36.1243329 | 0.0003732 | -0.0044171 | -0.0374788 | 3.188979 | -0.0875634 | 3.503905 | 36.65324 | |
1184 | 1922 | UPL | 36.6556444 | 0.0014169 | -0.0058221 | -0.0303987 | 2.429187 | 0.1361314 | 2.724791 | 52.38155 | |
1185 | 1923 | UPL | 14.5631877 | 0.0000039 | 0.0004123 | -0.0015284 | 6.757154 | -0.0301612 | 8.105070 | 66.33555 | |
1186 | 1924 | UPL | 12.9647425 | 0.0001661 | 0.0056909 | 0.0998693 | 5.325974 | 0.2362902 | 6.798186 | 88.12828 | |
1187 | 1925 | UPL | 39.4034598 | 0.0001382 | -0.0028018 | -0.0084028 | 6.284846 | 0.0134602 | 6.481577 | 25.77153 | |
1188 | 1928 | UPL | 27.1611148 | 0.0003469 | -0.0094105 | -0.1509306 | 5.947009 | -0.2604585 | 6.616315 | 41.63465 | |
1189 | 1930 | UPL | 8.9923006 | 0.0000175 | -0.0016975 | -0.0612222 | 5.520765 | -0.0937873 | 7.367405 | 62.99124 | |
1190 | 1932 | UPL | 35.7033859 | 0.0012924 | -0.0047048 | -0.1189162 | 3.394752 | -0.0855618 | 3.730504 | 62.32669 | |
1191 | 1933 | UPL | 16.6319799 | 0.0002494 | -0.0067943 | -0.1334498 | 7.360303 | -0.2223947 | 8.568734 | 52.64027 | |
1192 | 1934 | UPL | 12.8987361 | 0.0000079 | 0.0002801 | -0.0331649 | 5.464661 | -0.0991693 | 6.939447 | 65.50835 | |
1193 | 1935 | UPL | 15.3651479 | 0.0002582 | -0.0056747 | -0.0686077 | 4.386849 | -0.2668441 | 5.680134 | 68.89399 | |
1194 | 1937 | UPL | 33.4181810 | 0.0000020 | -0.0001917 | -0.0009299 | 5.029868 | 0.0724073 | 5.445636 | 69.89028 | |
1195 | 1938 | UPL | 17.1201673 | 0.0002190 | -0.0043991 | 0.0355730 | 5.504315 | -0.0582251 | 6.682659 | 47.55511 | |
1196 | 1939 | UPL | 14.8096987 | 0.0000462 | -0.0016410 | 0.0328593 | 5.031204 | -0.1352158 | 6.361548 | 64.36585 | |
1197 | 1940 | UPL | 49.0898683 | 0.0120550 | -0.0148473 | -0.1225505 | 3.090889 | -0.6906660 | 2.946587 | 50.62579 | |
1198 | 1941 | UPL | 15.0879898 | 0.0000147 | -0.0005670 | 0.0462751 | 5.186994 | -0.0561673 | 6.497869 | 66.36893 | |
1199 | 1942 | UPL | 25.9941755 | 0.0001700 | 0.0032636 | 0.0413656 | 2.744036 | 0.0819593 | 3.462386 | 27.68598 | |
1200 | 1945 | UPL | 31.1299547 | 0.0001971 | 0.0027478 | 0.0075219 | 6.466517 | 0.0053123 | 6.970969 | 53.57719 | |
1201 | 1946 | UPL | 26.1118338 | 0.0004986 | 0.0032603 | -0.1131066 | 3.394222 | -0.0573838 | 4.114000 | 60.88448 | |
1202 | 1948 | UPL | 11.6994245 | 0.0003602 | 0.0119585 | 0.2958970 | 2.201577 | 0.4763553 | 3.808930 | 50.68047 | |
1203 | 1949 | UPL | 39.0181040 | 0.0001844 | -0.0010421 | 0.0052531 | 3.240939 | -0.0246319 | 3.451413 | 61.59461 | |
1204 | 1950 | UPL | 12.0802107 | 0.0005172 | 0.0129935 | 0.1999477 | 2.272478 | 0.6988240 | 3.816763 | 70.79832 | |
1205 | 1951 | UPL | 29.6596871 | 0.0002549 | 0.0064675 | 0.0085784 | 2.899155 | 0.1204645 | 3.462259 | 64.87662 | |
1206 | 1954 | UPL | 29.1522889 | 0.0000288 | 0.0015954 | 0.0249173 | 4.301462 | -0.0184504 | 4.885427 | 42.14378 | |
1207 | 1955 | UPL | 22.7578567 | 0.0000826 | -0.0035072 | -0.0255531 | 7.170815 | 0.0302938 | 8.039520 | 62.98900 | |
1208 | 1958 | UPL | 19.5649154 | 0.0019345 | 0.0107018 | 0.0951537 | 2.433536 | 0.1255030 | 3.491310 | 54.92009 | |
1209 | 1959 | UPL | 15.6247107 | 0.0000157 | 0.0001966 | 0.0442914 | 5.871941 | -0.0564267 | 7.149328 | 93.62708 | |
1210 | 1961 | UPL | 27.9351165 | 0.0002403 | 0.0063644 | 0.0851351 | 3.680879 | 0.1417428 | 4.315715 | 122.91132 | |
1211 | 1963 | UPL | 18.7140785 | 0.0000732 | 0.0013326 | 0.0533482 | 5.680498 | 0.0512066 | 6.764176 | 32.64852 | |
1212 | 1964 | UPL | 12.3918381 | 0.0000913 | -0.0039232 | -0.0385392 | 5.265008 | -0.0512059 | 6.780488 | 49.66694 | |
1213 | 1965 | UPL | 38.7785374 | 0.0014060 | 0.0052732 | 0.0077451 | 2.983099 | 0.2492662 | 3.203324 | 50.02744 | |
1214 | 1966 | UPL | 13.8288296 | 0.0002394 | -0.0075062 | -0.1187832 | 6.124822 | -0.3311282 | 7.529903 | 44.24569 | |
1215 | 1967 | UPL | 16.8787927 | 0.0000606 | -0.0008960 | -0.0091166 | 5.404721 | -0.0880495 | 6.597474 | 45.27995 | |
1216 | 1968 | UPL | 14.4923996 | 0.0000785 | -0.0031246 | -0.0225825 | 4.578582 | -0.1302106 | 5.932831 | 50.56490 | |
1217 | 1970 | UPL | 13.1480717 | 0.0001272 | 0.0027429 | 0.0588625 | 3.986543 | 0.0655270 | 5.449978 | 61.77018 | |
1218 | 1971 | UPL | 14.4677069 | 0.0000349 | 0.0031102 | 0.0535086 | 4.396764 | 0.0442557 | 5.760271 | 69.86634 | |
1219 | 1972 | UPL | 11.3000979 | 0.0000695 | 0.0035173 | 0.0966149 | 3.677821 | 0.2587555 | 5.290693 | 42.78425 | |
1220 | 1973 | UPL | 20.4301098 | 0.0001357 | 0.0046761 | 0.1587809 | 5.912402 | 0.0337135 | 6.914885 | 70.89792 | |
1221 | 1975 | UPL | 51.9953110 | 0.0057119 | -0.0089887 | -0.2763397 | 3.960043 | -0.3717182 | 3.712530 | 47.50550 | |
1222 | 1977 | UPL | 10.9891092 | 0.0001685 | 0.0070492 | 0.2052502 | 2.824832 | 0.5271627 | 4.484540 | 70.31704 | |
1223 | 1979 | UPL | 20.5217297 | 0.0001554 | 0.0028873 | 0.0466506 | 3.902033 | 0.0688166 | 4.885275 | 63.38346 | |
1224 | 1981 | UPL | 49.9939731 | 0.0015418 | -0.0117159 | -0.1607346 | 4.442914 | -0.0824787 | 4.266803 | 41.72985 | |
1225 | 1982 | UPL | 40.5876617 | 0.0002253 | 0.0010794 | 0.0649405 | 3.120779 | 0.1073731 | 3.276744 | 49.23244 | |
1226 | 1983 | UPL | 14.4988473 | 0.0000413 | -0.0017447 | 0.0061025 | 3.741198 | 0.0043552 | 5.093852 | 80.14283 | |
1227 | 2346 | PUBH | WET | 7.7856887 | 0.0000734 | 0.0055874 | 0.1699672 | 2.871140 | 0.3425894 | 4.865627 | 73.03005 |
1228 | 2347 | PUBH | WET | 8.5747558 | 0.0000713 | -0.0023696 | -0.0183654 | 6.864444 | -0.2410798 | 8.758274 | 79.32412 |
1229 | 2348 | PUBH | WET | 16.6571378 | 0.0005393 | -0.0006999 | -0.1723487 | 3.876908 | -0.2334413 | 5.090547 | 102.39413 |
1230 | 2349 | R5UBH | WET | 8.0502400 | 0.0000044 | 0.0012851 | 0.0310040 | 3.588364 | 0.0899888 | 5.544756 | 106.60732 |
1231 | 2350 | R5UBH | WET | 5.4905578 | 0.0001040 | 0.0059632 | 0.1992185 | 1.850419 | 0.3074145 | 4.201063 | 79.64236 |
1232 | 2351 | PEM1/SS1B | WET | 9.0089679 | 0.0000080 | 0.0013379 | 0.0546845 | 3.387223 | 0.0458459 | 5.229740 | 103.28795 |
1233 | 2352 | PUBH | WET | 4.9124354 | 0.0000020 | 0.0002752 | 0.0185076 | 3.727203 | 0.0119549 | 6.181463 | 73.30175 |
1234 | 2353 | PUBH | WET | 3.0124558 | 0.0000014 | 0.0005023 | 0.0107791 | 3.534688 | 0.2594111 | 6.479995 | 80.87714 |
1235 | 2354 | PUBH | WET | 4.2454964 | 0.0000040 | -0.0000718 | -0.0634016 | 2.801563 | 0.2775791 | 5.419025 | 69.32370 |
1236 | 2355 | PUBH | WET | 4.0917455 | 0.0000007 | 0.0004341 | 0.0189123 | 4.082494 | 0.0677401 | 6.720071 | 78.54405 |
1237 | 2356 | WET | 6.1564175 | 0.0000085 | -0.0010450 | -0.0445663 | 3.417946 | -0.0933736 | 5.645060 | 94.71874 | |
1238 | 2357 | WET | 2.4510467 | 0.0000213 | 0.0005864 | 0.1846342 | 1.977895 | 0.0462602 | 5.244996 | 53.94723 | |
1239 | 2358 | WET | 1.3512364 | 0.0000137 | 0.0016301 | 0.3295233 | 1.935102 | 0.7828743 | 5.764578 | 81.58350 | |
1240 | 2359 | WET | 4.4039536 | 0.0000351 | 0.0017718 | 0.1193891 | 2.329766 | 0.2863357 | 4.898329 | 113.12352 | |
1241 | 2360 | WET | 7.2075415 | 0.0000333 | 0.0007161 | 0.0309292 | 2.717183 | 0.2569110 | 4.785846 | 113.71586 | |
1242 | 2361 | WET | 0.1407653 | 0.0000001 | -0.0000909 | -0.2108148 | 4.084918 | -0.9255051 | 10.209278 | 49.67929 | |
1243 | 2362 | WET | 0.0715102 | 0.0000000 | -0.0000427 | -0.2505813 | 2.472944 | -0.0635346 | 9.277394 | 55.34324 | |
1244 | 2363 | WET | 3.5782681 | 0.0001042 | -0.0017612 | -0.1178425 | 4.483142 | -0.1569896 | 7.318974 | 91.81788 | |
1245 | 2364 | WET | 6.9379792 | 0.0001217 | 0.0035209 | 0.0686421 | 2.933369 | 0.1887096 | 5.045170 | 71.03002 | |
1246 | 2365 | WET | 7.2219033 | 0.0003024 | -0.0052136 | -0.0041923 | 3.165516 | -0.2408050 | 5.251446 | 70.63783 | |
1247 | 2366 | WET | 9.4081582 | 0.0000731 | 0.0002757 | -0.0029041 | 5.250232 | -0.0043228 | 7.051845 | 72.66846 | |
1248 | 2367 | WET | 7.7209431 | 0.0000198 | -0.0015221 | -0.1007244 | 4.747291 | -0.1115434 | 6.746962 | 68.76700 | |
1249 | 2368 | WET | 12.0919969 | 0.0000265 | 0.0024467 | 0.0471528 | 5.578155 | 0.0963258 | 7.118949 | 75.19821 | |
1250 | 2369 | WET | 14.3300523 | 0.0000686 | 0.0030748 | 0.1276939 | 5.130532 | 0.1931650 | 6.495521 | 73.17254 | |
1251 | 2370 | WET | 13.1773015 | 0.0000373 | -0.0023989 | -0.0305308 | 5.289203 | -0.1553920 | 6.741943 | 71.91042 | |
1252 | 2371 | WET | 10.3278086 | 0.0000165 | -0.0008863 | -0.0461060 | 4.735849 | 0.0187108 | 6.440794 | 70.77794 | |
1253 | 2372 | WET | 13.7329578 | 0.0001438 | -0.0066707 | -0.1571521 | 5.192664 | -0.2336556 | 6.606123 | 72.08819 | |
1254 | 2373 | WET | 15.6009573 | 0.0000985 | 0.0013808 | 0.0648012 | 4.381144 | 0.0449892 | 5.657935 | 63.38163 | |
1255 | 2374 | WET | 8.6885077 | 0.0000084 | 0.0009880 | 0.0456518 | 3.682645 | 0.0943842 | 5.561469 | 104.12556 |
Finally, we can set up our Random Forest like we meant to with those
libraries. Because Random Forest is random we are going to use
to specify a specific kind of random so we can get
repeatable results
Next we use the randomForest
function. Be sure to check
out ?randomForest
. We need to set our parameters within the
function correctly
: our dependent variable, which is
or wetland/upland
pts_extract[,3] here to subset the
pts_extract` dataframe.
This code says [take all rows, but only column 3]x
: our predictors/covariates/independent variables,
which is our lidar metrics
but says [take all rows, but
only columns 4 to 10] for 7 predictor variablesntree
the number of trees to grow in our
for assessing the
predictors/covariates/independent variables
for a confusion matrix related to the
classification evaluation
rf_model <- randomForest(y = as.factor(pts_extract[,3]), x = pts_extract[,4:10], ntree = 300, importance = TRUE, confusion = TRUE)
## Call:
## randomForest(x = pts_extract[, 4:10], y = as.factor(pts_extract[, 3]), ntree = 300, importance = TRUE, confusion = TRUE)
## Type of random forest: classification
## Number of trees: 300
## No. of variables tried at each split: 2
## OOB estimate of error rate: 14.41%
## Confusion matrix:
## UPL WET class.error
## UPL 882 75 0.07836991
## WET 105 187 0.35958904
Wooh! Ok so what did we get?
Looking at the output above, we have a Random Forest classification model with an OOB error of 14.41% WHat?
We can see how the OOB error decreases as we add more trees to the Random Forest
But besides the OOB error what else is there. Well we can see a confusion matrix
## UPL WET class.error
## UPL 882 75 0.07836991
## WET 105 187 0.35958904
This shows the error by class. Although we had a low overall error, we can see that we had a high wetland error of 35% or 65% accuracy, not the best… It looks like \(\frac{105}{(105+187)}\) wetland points were classified as uplands. But we did pretty well on uplands ~93% accuracy.
We can also check out our variable importance plot
Looks like we relied on slope a lot for this model for accurate predictions
QUESTION 10: Why do you think our wetland accuracy was low? Plot the NWI_training_pts_prj with some of the layers you generated. Do you see any metrics that are helpful or hurt the model? You can use some examples like the code below or bring them into ArcGIS Pro. Take a screenshot of the points overlaid on top of a metric of your choice
plot(slope) #METRIC
plot(NWI_training_pts_prj, "class" , type = "classes", cex = 0.5, add = T)
mapView(sf::st_as_sf(NWI_training_pts_prj), map.types = "Esri.WorldImagery")
There are also many, many ways to evaluate Random Forest and make sure your predictions are accurate and unbiased and I would encourage you to learn about them and to take classes that focus on Machine Learning. You should do this before doing actual consulting jobs besides this lab
QUESTION 11: What is one thing about Random Forest that you learned, one thing you are still confused about, and one way you think you could apply random forest to in another hypothetical project?
What we can move onto is prediction from our Random Forest model.
Predicting our results to a map is basically taking each pixel in our
and generating a Random Forest prediction based off
the model results.
Each pixel has values that go through the decision tree and come out
as either wetland or upland. While we can get just a basic
classification like that. We can also get a wetland probability for each
pixel which better represents the uncertainty in our model. I use the
to specify the WET
predict(stack, rf_model, type="prob", index=2, na.rm=TRUE, progress="window", overwrite=TRUE, filename="Lab 7/Lab72023/RF_prediction.tif")
## class : SpatRaster
## dimensions : 600, 750, 1 (nrow, ncol, nlyr)
## resolution : 5, 5 (x, y)
## extent : 526500, 530250, 6457500, 6460500 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
## coord. ref. : NAD83 / UTM zone 8N (EPSG:26908)
## source : RF_prediction.tif
## name : lyr1
## min value : 0
## max value : 1
We wrote the prediction to another raster. The result is a raster with 0-1 values in the pixels representing the probability of a Wetland
RF_prediction <- rast("Lab 7/Lab72023/RF_prediction.tif")
plot(RF_prediction, main = "Wetland Probability")
We can overlay this onto a mapview map too.
mapview(raster::raster(RF_prediction), map.types = "Esri.WorldImagery", alpha = 0.5)
QUESTION 12: Play around with your new wetland probability map and take a screenshot of it with a different color scheme than the one shown here using the col.regions argument in the mapview function. Alternatively you can take the raster into ArcGIS and examine it there if you hate R now. Zoom into 1 area you think is interesting based on the model results. Why was this place interesting?
QUESTION 13: Similar to the previous question but include a separate plot with NWI wetlands with the model results. Zoom into 1 area that differs between the NWI and the model. Why do you think this place had different predictions from the NWI? Look back at some of the plot code from here or use ArcGIS to make a map